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“What strange phenomena we find in a great city, all we need do is stroll about with our eyes open. Life swarms with innocent monsters.” - Charles Baudelaire

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The New York City summer air was still.

I drew in a deep breath as I reached the top of the subway stairs, the familiar view of the corner of fifth and seventh street greeting me. My feet followed their muscle memorized pattern up the street and around the corner to my apartment building. I gave the squat brick building the same relieved smile I give it after every long day as I jiggled the front door handle the same way you always have to if you’re going in or out.

I walked straight through the deserted lobby and up the stony stairs, my goal being floor four but I stopped at floor two when I saw something unfamiliar.
Boxes. And bags.

“Emma…?” I questioned turning to her door and knocking on it loudly but my focus was still eyeing the packages. She answered it with a tired expression but a smile still none the less. She was makeupless and clad in nike shorts and a soccer t-shirt, her brown curls wrapped in a tight bun atop her head. “Yeees?” she asked, folding her arms and leaning against the dark green doorframe.

“D’ya know who’s moving in next door to you?”

She furrowed her brow and craned her neck to see what I was talking about. Once the bags and boxes came into her view she drew her lips into a straight line and shrugged, looking back to me. “No idea.” But then she smiled. “If it’s a guy I hope he’s hot. I’ve been single for way too long.”

I scoffed and shook my head, giggling. “I hope so too, just for you.” I dropped my left eye into a wink and she laughed. I yawned and I could feel my eyelids suddenly becoming a bit heavier. “Well, I’ll leave you alone now. I was just curious.” I turned and started walking away from her door towards the next flight of stairs.

“Goodnight, Wren.” She chuckled, calling after me. I heard her door shut shortly after that.

I smiled, thankful for Emma. I wouldn’t say she’s my best friend but after living in New York City as two solitary female teenagers in the same apartment building, we’d grown pretty close. She was fun to talk to and she could make a mean mac and cheese.

I sighed when I finally reached floor four, wondering when my calves would ever get used to the long climb of four flights of stairs. My keys jingled like they always do when I dug them out of the bottom of my bag, and I clicked my door open. I slung my bag onto the hook on the back of my door, checking the contents to make sure I hadn’t left any of my shoes at the dance studio. I whipped off my converse, not caring where they landed and padded through my living room and into my bedroom.

I peeled off my shirt and jeans, revealing my pinkish-white ballet tights and black leotard underneath. I took those off too, slowly and tiredly but surely. I threw the dirty clothes in the direction of the laundry bin, and then took out a big t shirt and underwear. I slipped the pajamas on, and then I slid open my back balcony door.

The air was windier up here and the sounds of the city were less cacophonous, more a quiet and static buzz.

I drew in a deep breath as I looked beyond the railing, the far off bright lights of time square illuminating the surrounding buildings and the tiny red light at the top of the empire state blinking as it always does.

I walked quietly over to my orchids.

They were live and bright purple even in the dim light and the sight made me smile. I positioned the heat lamp over the two pots and clicked it on, setting it on the 63% lighting that the plant demands. I took the spray bottle that I kept beside the right pot and lightly misted over the delicate purple petals. I let out a sigh again as I set down the small bottle, running a hand through my tangle-laced hair. I padded back across the balcony, taking one last look out at the city before I stepped back inside my room. The last things I felt was my head on my pillow and the covers curling around my exhausted body before I let a deep and intoxicating sleep overtake my senses.


so yeah hi there

my name is abby and this is my first fanfic.

i've been writing small one shots and preferences on my tumblr (5secondsofcraic.tumblr.com) forever but i've decided to put it to use in writing an entire story.

anyways, this chapter was just a kind of section introducing you to the main character, Wren. She's a professional dancer in a company in NYC, and she also works in a flower shop.You'll learn more about Wren as the chapters progress of course and it won't be too long til Luke drops in don't worry ;) alright guys i hope you like chapter one. expect chapter two within the next couple days or through next week. love you whoever reads this. 


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