{15} Battlefield

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3rd Person POV

The three were following Gally as they were approaching closer and closer to the train station.

"Tunnels are right up ahead." Gally told them

"Oh shit." Minho said as he glanced over at the WCKD soldiers in preparation

"Stay low! Stay low!" Gally told them quietly

They all hid behind the wall, with their backs leaning against it. Mia was next to Thomas and Newt.

Mia kept Newt's head up and said, "Stay with me, alright? We're almost there. We're almost there."

"I'm still here, Mia. I'm not going anywhere." Newt told her quietly

One of the WCKD soldiers called out, "Ready?"

"What the hell are they waiting for?" Minho asked them

An explosion occurred by the riots and Thomas held onto Mia keeping her down and away from the flames, "Stay down! Stay down!"

Thomas and Minho grabbed Newt's arms putting it around their shoulders. "Come on! Come on!"

"Over here!" Gally shouted and they went to a building for cover, "Come on!"

Mia got out her walkie-talkie and said, "Brenda! B, are you there? Can you hear me?"

Brenda instantly got to the walkie-talkie and said, "M, I'm here."

"Brenda, look, you gotta get the others out of there, alright? We're not gonna make it back." Mia told her and peeked over at Thomas, Minho, and Newt

"Mia, what the hell are you talking about?" Brenda questioned

Mia answered, "We're in the middle of a battlefield, B. Get the kids out while you still can."

"No." Brenda argued. "I'm not leaving without my best friend. Okay? So forget about it."

"Should I feel guilty about it?" Mia said chuckling. "Brenda, I've never told you how lucky I am to have met someone who's strong and independent. It's something that I've truly admired."

"Mia, don't. Please, don't do that to me, okay?" Brenda said sniffling, "I already lost my brother. I can't lose my sister too. You've been like a sister to me, Mia. Please don't leave me."

"I don't think I have another choice." Mia said to her. "I can't think of a backup plan."

Brenda heard a loud blare above them. She saw the lights and smiled, "Don't worry, M. I got one."

"B, what the hell are you talking about?" Mia questioned with her eyebrows furrowed

Brenda answered, "My ride's here! Mia, meet us at the tunnels!"

Mia looks over at Newt, Thomas, Minho, and Gally, "Come on! We gotta meet them at the tunnels! Brenda's got a plan!"

They all nodded their heads and they all got back up again, heading to their destination.

"Newt, we're almost there! Okay, stay with us!" Mia called out

"Just leave me." Newt said weakly

A car flipped over that created fire and more explosion near the five. Gally puts his arm around Mia bringing her down alongside with him.

They witnessed groups of people rioting, marching towards WCKD facility

A plane hovered above them, Minho, Thomas, and Gally glanced up in the air. Mia knelt down in front of Newt and told him, "Newt, it's them. It's them."

"Come on, guys, we gotta go." Thomas said to them

Newt said back, "No, Tommy. Leave. Go without me, man."

Newt coughed out black blood and the veins were already displayed on his face. He was wheezing and panting.

"Mia, you gotta run ahead. Grab the serum. Get back to us as soon as you can." Thomas said turning his head to her

"What?" Mia asked now looking at Thomas. "Tom?"

Thomas responded, "Babe, you're the fastest runner in the Glade. If anyone could do it, you can."

"He's right, I'll cover." Gally added and Thomas told Minho, "Minho, make sure Mia doesn't do anything stupid."

"Thomas, it's my job." Minho said to him. "We're Co-Keepers of the Runners for a reason."

"Tom?" Mia asked with water at the brink of her eyes

"Mia, you'll come back, okay?" Thomas reassured her, trying his best not to cry

"Always." Mia said to him and Thomas replied, "Mia, Minho, go."

Before they left Newt grabbed Minho's arm and said, "Thank you. Thank you, Minho."

Minho told him, "Just hang on. You hear me?"

Newt nodded and Mia lets a few tears down, "Newt...I can't-I can't leave you."

"Yes, you can, Mia." Newt said with a firm nod. "And you can forgive yourself."

Her eyes flooded with tears, "I... I love you, Newt. Please don't hurt me like this. Please don't leave me."

"I won't." Newt promised. "We'll talk later, okay, Mia?"

"I could always count on you, Newt." Mia nods her head then kisses his forehead. "Just stay with me."

Mia quickly pecks Thomas on his lips. "Come back to me." Mia stood up running alongside Minho and Gally.

Newt watched Mia run away as he was breathing heavily. He kept on thinking about her as an anchor to fight the virus inside of him.

"Hey! Newt! Hey!" Thomas yelled out holding the collar of his shirt

Newt glanced at Thomas as Thomas informed him, "We gotta move, now, okay? Come on. We gotta go, Newt. We're gonna meet them-"

"No! Thomas!" Newt screamed and ripped out his necklace giving it to Thomas. " You gotta take this! Just take this!"

Thomas examined him holding onto the necklace in his hands.

"Please, Tommy, Please." Newt's voice softened with Thomas's tears at bay

"Alright, come on, Newt. We gotta get up and go." Thomas motivated. "You're gonna see everyone and paradise, remember? Come on, Newt. Just think about that."

Thomas lifted up Newt, putting his arm around his shoulders, and started heading to the tunnels.

They were now at the train station and Thomas told him, "We're almost there! Come on, Newt!"

Newt falls to the ground wheezing and panting. "Come on, Newt!" Thomas ordered as he started to drag him. "You're stronger than this!"

"Newt!" He screamed and laid him on the ground. "Newt!"

The speakers surrounding the city turned on with Teresa's voice echoed, "Thomas. Mia. Can you guys hear me? You gotta listen to me for a second, okay? I know you two have no reason to trust me. But I need one of you to come back. I need Thomas and/or Mia. You guys could still save Newt. There's time for him. That's a reason that Brenda isn't sick anymore. And why the flare virus disappeared on Mia. It's because of your blood. Mia's and your's, Thomas. Don't you guys understand? You both cured her. Brenda doesn't have to be the only one. I just need one of you to come back. And this will all finally be over. One can come back and the rest can be free. Thomas, Mia, do the right thing."

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