{27} For The Perfect Family

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3rd Person POV

Mia laid her hands in her back pocket, traveling back to Thomas. She noticed the facial expression on his face covered with grief and guilt.

"Tom?" She crouched down and held onto his hands. "Hey, baby, what's wrong?"

Thomas lifted up his eyes to hers and his bottom lip trembled. He sniffled and gave the piece of paper to Mia.

Mia's eyebrows furrowed and she sat down next to Thomas. She opened the paper and started reading. Her eyes trailed left and right and tears were already developing.

Thomas's hands were clasped together and observed the way Mia was reading the letter. He knew how much Newt meant to her. His guilt of killing their best friend was eating him alive.

Mia finished reading the letter and her shakily hands gave the letter back to Thomas. "Holy shit." She breathed out

Thomas slowly nodded in agreement and Mia pouted, hating the feeling of seeing him like this. She wrapped her arms around him and Thomas lets out soft sobs on her shoulder

"It's okay, baby. It's not your fault, okay?" Mia said to him, trying to calm him down. "It's not your fault."

"I...I killed Newt...I...I killed him..." Thomas whispered strangled by his sobs. "I...I'm so sorry."

"Baby, it's not your fault." Mia placed her hands on his cheeks. "It's not your fault."

Mia gulped nervously and said, "Thomas, there's something-"

"Hey, guys." Minho greeted and Thomas and Mia glanced over at Minho.

"Minho?" Mia asked, analyzing the jacket that he was wearing. The dark maroon jacket that she recognized before.

"Mia?" Thomas placed a hand on Mia's shoulder and noticed that she was stressing out. She started breathing heavily and the first thing that came to mind was Newt.


A name that meant so much to her.

Mia pointed at the jacket and asked, "That's...The jacket...It belongs to Newt..."

Minho's eyebrows furrowed and he froze in realization, "Oh, shit. Mia...I'm so sorry."

Mia started to feel dizzy and started hearing the sound of his voice in his head...

He looks at her and said, "I love you, Mia. I had feelings for you. And I know its wrong, but I just have to tell you."

"Do you still have those feelings for me?" Mia asked, removing her head from his shoulder

Newt shrugged, "A little. A part of me still does. But I know that what Thomas and you have is real. It's not a crush. It's not like any other ordinary relationship. It's special. And I chose to accept that. You're happy and that's what matters to me.

"He...Newt deserved better..." Mia replied letting out soft sobs. "I was too late...I could've saved him."

Minho removed the jacket as Frypan went over to Mia holding onto her hands, "Come on, Mia...It's okay...It's okay."

"That belonged to Newt. It was his." Mia repeated once she stood up. "It's Newt.

"I know...Relax, Mia...It's okay." Frypan stated as they walked away from the crowd of people

Thomas's shoulders dropped watching Mia walk away. He glanced over at Minho and observed that his facial expressions were guilt and vulnerability. Minho gulped nervously and sends a small smile to Thomas.

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