Chapter 5

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Yeah...I did just fall off the chair I was sleeping in so peacefully, opening my eyes. My face scrunched up as four shoes came into view..I sat there for a minute before I was lifted up and placed in the same chair, blinking slowly I seen a blurry yet  handsome face in my view, a small smile danced on my lips.
I poked the face before cupping the cheek and leaning in as I was inches in front of the face, I heard a throat clear...
"Kor'elena are you okay, you fell pretty hard?"
Pulling away from the face I tilted my head over to the side getting a slight fuzzy glimpse of the person behind this one, uggghh wake up...please.
"Y-yeah I'm fine"
Rubbing my head, I sighed before scratching my head, my fingers was caught in my hair, removing them with a sigh, I realized one thing, I need to take a shower and wash my hair.


"Always doing some shit, just can't stay quiet huh..Elena"
Groaning in frustration at my subconscious I couldn't help but feel like fighting it like Popeye at the movement.

"Bitch your dumb, I can't..."

"Be careful...the bathroom is over there"

I got up without a hitch..but once I began walking I walked into something, sighing I stood before trying to find a wall.

"Umm...can someone grab my bag..whoever is there"

Touching my eyelids I rubbed them slightly before, opening my eyes and touching my cornea.

"What are you doing, get your finger out of your eye?"

I continued to touch until I landed on my contact and pulled it out, doing the same with my other eye, I held both contacts in my right hand and waited for who ever to get my bag so I could  clean them.

"Can you grab a white case out "

Out reaching my left hand I grabbed the container and groaned forgetting I needed my glasses, sighing I looked up trying to find a figure.

"Can you grab a black case out of one of my bags, there is a pair of glasses in them"
Not hearing an answer, I relaxed some growing tired again as my leg began to kind of ache.

"I didn't know you wore glasses"

Feeling them being placed on my face I smiled widely but it quickly disappeared seeing who helped me. ugggh why couldn't it have been some curious person who roamed into the room who was nice and not these fucktards.

"Umm..Thank you"

I looked down at my lap placing my contacts in the case before turning to the two men who stared at me. Getting up I walked around one of them and putting my contact case up before pulling out some clothes that would be comfortable.


I grabbed my bra and thong as I looked up from hearing them both speaking curiously watching them they both weren't even looking at me but what was in my hands, flinging the underclothes in the air their eyes followed before I acted like I threw them, they both jumped and I couldn't help but laugh.

Hehehe..their scared of pair of underwear..
"Uh uh Bitch I think they just wanna see you in them bitches."

That's when my laughing was cut short, coughing some I stood up and looked at them both slightly holding the clothes to my chest as of to protect myself from them both with them in my hands.

"So where's the bathroom again ?"

"Right here..Umm..can you wash around your bandages or do you need some help?"


I hopped as fast I could on my non-injured leg to the bathroom without saying another word, y'all not touching me with those grimmie manhandling hands that you both touch on women while in intercouse with the same one! Okay maybe my imagination is a little twisted or just Umm..too mature sexually for my own grown ass ways but damn just think about it what if they did help me..their hands all over my body touching me in all the right pla-

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