|5. The Ball|

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Chapter Five: The Ball

Shirayuki's P.O.V

I woke up to the sun shining through the glass doors, I stretched to see I was in my outfit from yesterday "Huh? You would of thought that I would of got dressed!" I looked at the clock and sat up quickly, I have paper work to complete and then I have to get ready for the ball. I sat at my desk and covered all of my paper work then grabbed my ball dress and mine will most likely be the most expensive as I am a queen and then we have to stand out and then I will be the only queen because only Akagami let's there only be one in the crown. 

I walked through the halls to see King Izana I curtsied and he bowed "You'll join the ball before Zen but you'll still be important as you'll be the only queen!" I nodded "What about your wife?" he chuckled "We aren't needed so were leaving you to watch as your most noble, normally we would watch but as you haven't married before, you're here!" I nodded "No need to explain anymore King Izana!" I curtsied and walked away. "You may join the ball now Queen Shirayuki!" I nodded and lowly went down the steps as all the princesses curtsied and once I reached the bottom a load of girls gathered around me, why do I still have to come to balls?

Then the girls backed away and curtsied yet again, I looked at the stairs and saw Zen, I curtsied and smiled at him. He started to walk down the stairs and I greeted him at the stairs "May I take the first dance Prince Zen!" he looked at me as if he was up to something "It's a one in a chance offer so yes I will!" I giggled and curtsied, I took his hand and placed my other hand on his shoulder whilst he placed his hand on my side. We danced as all the princesses giggled and gossiped as that's what the young do, I didn't know it but I rolled my eyes "Is queen already making you feel old!" he chuckled and I glared at him "I'm sure your brother feels old to especially since he has to keep an eye on you!" I giggled as he gave me a blank look.

"I can look after myself thank you very much!" I giggled and patted his shoulder to tell him stop moving his feet "I'm sure you can because I'm ordered to keep watch on you today!" I winked at him as I left his side. "What's it like been Queen? Do you love Prince Zen? Do you plan on getting married?" I made a quick arm movement to the side "Please ladies your giving me a headache and this ball was not thrown for me!" they took no notice and just stared at my arm, I grabbed my glass of wine and stood up then leaving towards Zen. "Hello lonely Prince!" he looked up at me "Just because your popular!" I shrugged and sat next to him o the stairs "I could of not come but I felt sorry for you, been called a prince when you really want to be called princess!" he chuckled and placed his hand on my shoulder "I'm sure you just came to pester me!" I shook my head.

"I am not just here for your ball because if I was I wouldn't of come because you know your too feminine for me!" he chuckled then looked into my eyes "and your to masculine for me!" we laughed and lost eye contact. I sipped at my wine "Your brother wanted to speak to me after the ball is when our meeting will take place!" Zen looked at me shocked "11pm!" I giggled "Wait what?" I put my head on my free palm "My sleep!" I whined. "You two look cosy!" I looked to since King Izana and I bowed my head "While your here King Izana I wanted a word upon our meeting why's it held after the ball when it ends at 11pm?" he chuckled a little and looked at me "Our meeting will be tomorrow, I got the meetings mixed up because at the end of the ball I have one with all princesses and prince Zen!" I nodded "It's a easy mistake!" he nodded "May I ask why balls are held when normally the girl chosen never is actually spoken to at the ball?" "You see the elder of the ball holder chooses a woman so no matter conversation!" I nodded "That's why my castle has never held a ball then, but then why go to such trouble on invitations when you'll be choosing?" he looked straight at me "Because we get to see what their like, we can't just take word and plus they'll never know!" I glared at him "So you lied to me before the ball, you spectate to choose, I thought it was strange that you stalked your brother but I took nothing from it because your a noble!".

"You catch on quick and we do it because who ever is chosen will be happy to marry them because they came far to come to this ball why come if your not interested!" I nodded then followed it with a blank look "I came here for the meeting not the ball!" he chuckled "You could of just come for the meeting and not come into the ball but look where you are!" I looked around and drank all my wine "Well I'm out, I aren't get chosen to be princess Zen's wife!" King Izana then started to laugh. "Once you enter you can't leave because it hints that you've caught on or that your a robber which we don't want!" I pouted "What have I got myself into?" I whined. "Oh I don't know Queen Shirayuki and how is my brother princess Zen!" Zen looked at me as I looked at King Izana "because to her 'I'm to feminine!'" I giggled "You said it yourself!" he chuckled and King Izana left us in our laughter.

"I have a feeling I'm going to get chosen!" Zen nodded "But who's fault is that!" I glared at him "Yours, now where's the bathroom?" he pointed to the bathroom and I went in and locked the door and took my dress of over head then folded it into my bag, I had a bad feeling about coming so I wore my shirt and leggings underneath, I unlocked the door and climbed on top of the toilet and passed my bag through the window then went through it myself, thew I fit through. I then ran to my room and locked the door. I went onto my balcony and saw Mitsuhide and Kiki. Oooo people to pester.          

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