|15. Marriage|

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Chapter Fifteen: Marriage

Shirayuki's P.O.V

"Shirayuki, dear, you'll need to get married public opinion is already dropping with you not knowing the father of your children!" I looked up at my mother "Mother, it is not just me involved in this marriage, Zen is also involved and I aren't forcing marriage upon anyone, I am willing to marry Zen but Zen also has right to marry the one he loves!" my mother nodded "Would you like me to speak it over with Zen?" I shook my head. "Please just bring the Wistaria brothers to my presence then you may see to my children!" she nodded, curtsied and left. I stood up and walked around my desk and leaned against the side of it as I looked out of the window. There was a knock and then I noticed I wasn't in a dress but in my red top with green and white trim. White leggings with a gold pattern on the ankle and my ankle boots. I then had my hair down resting on my shoulders and going down my back, then my sword in my sword belt. My cape was also around my neck with a light green coat resting on my shoulders. "Come in!".

They came in and bowed, I could tell by their movement on the floor "Stand up!" so they did, I was still looking out of the window. I then rested my foot on the side of my desk "I believe your wondering why I asked you here!" I knew they looked at each other I could see in the glass and they were both about to grab their sword "I don't need a fight over who speaks but I would suggest it be you King Izana!" you could hear them loose grip on the handle of their sword. "Why have you asked us here Queen Shirayuki?" I breathed "It's come to my attention that public opinion of me is dropping and I need to marry the father for it to rise again, it's only right but it then came to my attention you both should have say in it and not just Zen, I am willing but are you both! You'll no longer be in each others company as if you are willing then you'll stay here when King Izana goes back!" I turned my head to look at them "Are you aware of that Prince Zen?" he nodded.

"I am willing to give you permission to take Prince Zen from the castle and give him a new home and family!" I nodded "Even though we'll go as Wistaria's we won't stay in Wistal castle as I am throne to Akagami and can't leave!" they both nodded "Mine and King Izana's word is put forward but Prince Zen you'll finalise it!" he nodded and bowed "I am willing to marry!" I nodded "Then this meeting is over as everything's settled and Prince Zen know you'll be crowned king of Akagami and King Izana our countries will be allied until death do us part or divorce, do you wish to stay with the peace treaty or leave the peace treaty as we'll be allied through marriage!" "I'll stay with the peace treaty, it allies us with more than just Akagami!" I nodded "I didn't even need to mention them, thank you for your time but Prince Zen a word!" Izana bowed and left.

"Yes Queen Shirayuki?" I breathed "Zen, with our marriage will come big responsibility and as your a royal of Clarines you'll still have part in things that occur over in Clarines and then you'll also have part in what occurs over here in Akagami!" he nodded "I know but your the one I love so it was going to happen eventually!" I nodded. "Well-" I was cut off by him placing his lips on mine. My leg went straight so I was no longer leaning against my desk. I placed my hands lightly on the sides of his shoulders. He then released me from the kiss and put his hands on my waist "You have no idea how good it felt to be able to do that again!" I hugged him "I've missed you! I guess Mitsuhide, Kiki and Obi are going to have to get used to my castle and been around my quiet attendant!" Zen chuckled and scruffed my hair "More people to pester!" I giggled "You got that right!" he hugged me back.

"What's going to happen with office's?" I giggled "I'll get a new one because we have to share to make decisions together so pretty much a bigger space and a bigger desk!" he chuckled "Then this office will go to your brother!" I nodded "Then Ryuu and Rose will get his office which was my old old office!". He chuckled, we released each other from the hug and walked the halls with our hands intertwined by our fingers. "Ugh! I'll be getting a bigger room too!" he chuckled "Don't stress about it, good thing about been a royal is you can't organise the wedding!" I pouted "That just makes you worry more, what their going to make you do!" I shivered and Zen chuckled "No matter what, it'll be great, I'm marrying the love of my life!" I giggled. "Want a little duel, I haven't had one in ages and it'd be fun!" he chuckled "It's nice to see you haven't changed but I'll think I'll have Mitsuhide and Kiki fight you, don't want to die before the wedding!" I giggled and put my hand on his cheek.

"I would never kill you!" he chuckled "I was hoping you'd take the offer so then I could kill you!" I pouted "Shut up, I had my reasons!" he laughed "Yeah, you did but no I want to know I'll live and if you hurt Mitsuhide and Kiki that will just be punishment for teasing me over all these years!" I giggled and started dragging him to the arena "Come on!" we got to the arena and then our attendants ran up to us Mitsuhide shouting "Zen don't run off like that you had us worried!" I giggled "More like you was worried Mitsuhide!" Sorano shook her head and I face palmed "Please don't say you thought I was going to kill him so I didn't have to marry!" she nodded and I laughed "Sounds like me!" Mitsuhide laughed and I grabbed a wooden sword and threw it his way and luckily for him Kiki caught it before it hit his face.

"Aw that's a shame why'd you do that Kiki!" I got my sword from my sword belt and took off the cover "Raise your swords for a duel!" they got their sword and we all raised them and then arrows were fired at us "Sorry miss, mistress's, master and Mitsuhide!" I looked at him then the targets "How did you even miss them?" he shrugged "I was on the roof!" I giggled "I can do it from the roof, I'll show you once I've finished my duel!" I fought Mitsuhide and Kiki and they were down quicker than I wanted "That was boring now let's fire some arrows!" I went onto the roof with Obi as Zen and the attendants watched. I tightened my grip on my bow then slotted the arrow in and shot it at the target and it hit the centre. "Easy!" Obi looked at me "That was just luck miss!" I glared at him.

"Lets see how 'lucky' I am!" I shot another ten arrows from the roof and each time Obi called it look once they hit the centre. "Let's do it together!" I smiled and we both got ready to shoot. We shot the arrow and I made my shatter Obi's and it still hit the centre of the target. Obi was just in shock and so was everyone on the ground. "Guess I won!" Obi chuckled "What about fighting with your hands miss!" I shrugged "I normally always have my sword with me!" we then went back to everyone else "Wait why have you got a shy attendant? Attendants are meant to protect you!" I giggled "It's an act I wish her to put on so she looks harmless and touchable when she isn't that's why my father taught me too so I could defend by myself when my attendants were out doing something I've asked which is rare since I get my maids, messenger or mother to do it!" he nodded.     

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