|17. Breath Of Fresh Air|

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Chapter Eighteen: Breath Of Fresh Air

Shirayuki's P.O.V

Overwhelmed by how my father could leave us for so long thinking he was dead, to then magically reappear as if nothing happened, I thought of the one thing that set me free, gave me time to think, a clear mind.

I escaped, wearing my white leggings which rimmed with an apple green, my dark red top, with its long sleeves with a cuff of golden rope design, and for my boots I had the same dark red as my top, which had a patter of apple green and gold on the sides where the stretched, they had a small wooden heel, but they were trusty for adventuring as they reached my mid calf. I then grabbed my white cape in case the weather decides to go against my choices, this cape was unique to other nobles as it had a hood, but it still was rimmed with and gold and bared the kingdom crest on the back. I then grabbed my sword belt, which I placed my sword in, I did this in case.

Escaping may be relaxing but it can be dangerous, so you can never be too prepared, as my father used to say, I wonder if that was how he managed to survive.

I got into action and left the castle to mine and my fathers freedom.

Zen's P.O.V

Everyone was at dinner, all except for Shirayuki, I was about to excuse myself but her father stood up and spoke "I'll go fetch her, maybe I can clear the air" I let out a breath and nodded, he left, my three triplets turning to me, Lyon then asking "Is mum okay?" I nodded, unsure myself,but whatever, I am meant to stay positive for my children.

After a minimum of small talk we'd all finished our meals, so we all went off to do our duties, mine being paperwork towards Akagami and some to do with other countries, and as Shirayuki wasn't here, not much could be done, but I tried to think upon what she'd do, but with each thought, I only thought of how she was when we first met.

I stood up and opened the glass balcony doors, to step outside, that's when my loyal friends came out, reassuring me, but I didn't need reassuring, Shirayuki is a strong girl.

With that thought and a smile on my lips I turned around and walked back over to the desk, my friends smiling after me as they closed the door, I just began to do some documents for the kingdom I would soon be ruling with my beautiful fiance.

Mukaze's P.O.V

When I reached Shirayuki's room I knew she wouldn't be inside, she needed a breath of fresh air, after all, her life was already stressful, I knew exactly where she'd be so I escaped myself, but with me no longer been crowned I could have just walked out of the gates, but then that'd scare citizens as I'm marked dead.

I walked until I saw my red headed daughter, I smiled, and looked at the surroundings, everything just how we'd left it, we'd come here together whenever we needed to father daughter time without the interruptions of people nagging at me to do royal duties.

Everything was peaceful here, the hum of nesting birds in the healthy trees, the rippling of water, and every so often the whistle of the wind.

We'd sit by the small Earth sculptured pond, which you could something's spot frogs in, and flow our hands above the well kept grass that blew in the wind and tickled your palms. Sometimes we'd splash each other with the water to then get home to a scolding by Shirayuki's mother. If Shirayuki didn't want to do great things for this country she'd be more happy living the life of a citizen, as she'd be free to be whoever and act however. Luckily we had our little area that we called freedom, we neglected our manners and laughed at the smallest of things.

Even more time back I'd watch her interact with small animals, and ran after butterflies. I'd help her climb trees, and help her plant flowers around.

I looked to the pond that had gotten slightly bigger to see the water as clear as ever, not only did the trees reflect but my Shirayuki did to, with her captured smile and flowing red hair.

I watched until she finally looked over her shoulder, she smiled "I guess you remembered?" I smiled back "How could I forget, all our best memories and laughs? This place was the reason I thought for my life, to stay on this word, I just wanted to remember all those memories, I'm just sad I couldn't watch you age here, else we'd really have something beautiful to vision" she smiled and looked at the water again "All the memories here are beautiful" I nodded and took a seat next to her.

We enjoyed the comforting silence, and when we stepped out of our little area of freedom, I spoke "I'm sorry I didn't come back home sooner" she smiled and looked up at me "It's fine, I understand you didn't want us to see you hurt, or dying" I nodded.

The peaceful silence following us all the way home, until all we could hear was her mothers nagging, we looked at each other and smiled...

Just like old times

Author~Chan: I would end this book here since I found that so beautiful but I couldn't do that to you all, so I'll continue. Plus I couldn't end it there when Shirayuki and Zen haven't even married yet, haha, see you in the next chapter...

I hope you enjoyed this and enjoy the rest of your day/night,

I love you,

<3 Victor_N Beach

P.s. I wrote this at 01:43am, I swear my parents told me to go to sleep at 10pm

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2020 ⏰

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