7. A/N

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Right so I'm going to be taking a break as I'm having to take my options and it's stressful because well my school isn't allowing me to do what I want as it's giving us a load of shit. So it's made four columns and I wanted to take Geography, Food, Art and Computer Science also known as ICT! But my shit school has put Art and Computer Science the two subjects I really wanted to take and was hoping to get into are in the same UGLY column so I am pissed and when I got home from the Option Evening I cried because my dreams had just been shattered because of my stupid ass school. I love both Art and Computers so to have to choose between the two is killing me. I was so confident in taking both subjects but now I'm just in my room crying. Once I got home I was very unhappy and pissed, my school has never provided me with anything I actually enjoy and when I thought this was my chance to shine it's blown away because my dumb ass school won't let me take what subjects I want, they may as well choose them for them. Then their making us do it online at home to save THEM time. Now I feel like throwing my Sketchpad away and avoid all contact with an android/computer. I just had to tell you all so you was aware, thank you! I hope your schools aren't as crap! 

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