|14. My Babies|

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Chapter Fourteen: My Babies

Three Months Later

Shirayuki's P.O.V

I gave birth to Lector, Lyon and Layla three days ago. Lector has the same red as me but ocean blue eyes. Then Lyon has white hair with my emerald eyes then my beautiful daughter Layla has pink hair and a mix of ocean and emerald in her eyes. I love them all but once this years over I wont see them half as much which kills me, it's like I'm not able to watch my children grow. Today I have another peace treaty meeting and that's where I'm heading right now and I have my maids on baby duty as they really can't be in the meeting. I got to the throne room to see everyone already seated. My bump had started to go down so it's not as big now and it should be completely gone in a thew days. "Still no word from Tanbarun!" they all nodded. 

"I would attack as they know all our plans but I can't risk my family and nor can all of you so we'll have to see his moves!" they all nodded "How are the children?" I smiled "Their all good but now let's talk, we may need to upgrade our plan so no one outside knows!" they all nodded once again. "But how can we, we have it as high tech as we can get it!" I sighed "That's our problem!" guards then rushed through the doors "Your majesty we are so sorry for intruding but the King of Tanbarun is here!" we all gasped, the king never comes out himself not even my mothers met him nor has anyone here. He thinks high of himself and believe no one has the high standards of his presence. Something must be wrong "Please show your royals to their rooms, I need to speak with someone!" I walked out of the throne room with my attendant and the guards that informed me. 

"King Shenazard! Why would I be pleasured with your appearance?" he made eye contact with me "I wanted word with you on the peace treaty allying all our countries!" I nodded "We haven't left it, it's just my son wouldn't come knowing you was pregnant and not knowing who the father is!" I breathed "If Prince Raji has worry of it been his you can assure him they aren't as not one of my three children have a detail of him and nor do they carry his blood!" he nodded "There is no need to proof your plan as we are still for the peace treaty!" I nodded "You'll have to sign some contracts and if there ever is problem with coming to meetings please send something forward because else Tanbarun could face war!" he nodded. "I sure will but Raji said he did!" I breathed.

"Your majesty, I know you wouldn't lie but I received nothing!" he nodded "Let's clear the air and sign these contracts!" I nodded and lead him to my office. 

Five Years Later 

I woke up by three children jumping on me "Lector, Lyon, Layla calm down, mummy knows it's your birthday!" they all giggled "Right go get ready, remember today is a big milestone for the three of you!" they ran out of my room "Those three!" I got up and changed into one of my most expensive dresses and walked to the ball room where the party was been held, it was all ready then my children came running up to me "Happy birthday!" They hugged me and I hugged them back "You excited?" they ran of screaming happily, those three is best to describe them then the chief herbalist came running up to me "Your majesty, I found their father!" I gasped "Who is it?" she looked around then got closer and whispered "Prince Zen, second prince of Clarines!" I gasped "That would make sense!" the chief herbalist gave me a blank look "You mean you had an idea of who it was all this time!" I shook my head.

"Well yes and no, he's the one I love so it makes better sense and then when I was over at the Wistal castle we happened to share a bed but yet we did nothing!" she nodded "Please excuse me!" I nodded and she left. Then my twenty-four year old brother came in with my 20 year old twin siblings chasing him "Calm down! Remember it's Lector, Lyon and Layla's birthday today, I can't believe my babies are turning five, they've grown up so quick!" my siblings hugged me "And all you've been is a great mother them!" I giggled and hugged them all back. "Thank you, you three!" then my three came running in. Then my mother came in through a different door "I was looking for you all, I invited all Princes, Princesses, Kings and Queens!" everyone beamed a smile whilst my body filled with fear, that means Zen.

As all the quests were arriving I felt pain in my chest, I was so scared for Zen's arrival. Then a familiar voice spoke from behind me "Hey Shirayuki, I've heard a lot about your three!" he sounded so sad, I turned around fighting the tears "I know this is meant to be a happy day but I thought you was better than that, you just dragged me along whilst you had your fling!" I stopped fighting the tears and let them fall, I was no longer happy to see him, I was fuming, he had no right to speak like that "If you came to lie, get out! I thought you were nice, I guess I just can't get anything right!" I got up and started to walk away but he grabbed my wrist "I didn't mean it like that-" "Then what did you mean, I'm a slut! You don't even know who the father is but I wish it wasn't who it is!" he tightened his grip on my wrist "Then who is the father?" I looked to the floor. 

"You! Your the father, I found out today! But I wish I never found out-" my eyes widened as he spun me around and kissed me, once our lips parted my cheeks felt like they were on fire. "Your still cute when you blush and Shirayuki, please forgive me, I don't know what came over me, I guess I just didn't want to believe you loved someone else!" he kept brushing my cheek with his thumb as his palm rested on my cheek. I hugged him "I just didn't want to hurt you because I didn't know who was the father!" he hugged me back "It's fine, it's all over now and I don't care if you no longer love me because I'm going to love you no matter what happens!". My children shouted at us "What about dad? Do you no longer love him?" I gasped and went to hug them but they ran off. I started to run after them "Lector, Lyon, Layla, he is you dad, please stop running and talk to me!" they stopped in their tracks and turned to me.

"You told us earlier daddy has white hair, blue eyes and is a prince!" Zen chuckled "What do you think I am?" they all looked at Zen "A white haired male with blue eyes and is a prince- wait! DAD!" they ran and hugged Zen. I giggled at them all. Mitsuhide and Kiki were shocked whilst my attendant just laughed "Shirayuki, would you mind if I stayed to get to know these three?" I laughed "Why would I mind? Of course!" then days when my father were around hit me "I'm sorry, please keep an eye on them!" I ran off fighting my tears. Dad, why did you leave?

Zen's P.O.V 

I watched as Shirayuki ran off, she was on the ledge of crying. I sighed and tickled the five year old's "Your Shirayuki's attendant right?" she nodded "Is there reason for her running of in tears?" the attendant looked the way Shirayuki ran then someone from behind me broke the silence "This is the hall her and her father hugged after he had been busy all day and soon all her siblings would join in, she hasn't got over her fathers death! It hit her the worst! It was worst when no one could find his body. When she travels she never goes through Tanbarun as that's where her father died, in a meeting... about peace!" I looked at my children "That's why she organised the peace treaty because she wanted to make her fathers wish come alive!" I turned to see her mother nodding "I'm sure he'd be proud to!" I nodded "I need to go see her!" I ran the way Shirayuki ran.

"Shirayuki! Where are you? Shirayuki!" I turned a corner to see Shirayuki walking slowly with her head down. I ran up behind her and tackled her into a hug from behind "Where's Shirayuki's smile?" she looked away.

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