|9. Peace Or No Peace|

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Chapter Nine: Peace Or No Peace

Shirayuki's P.O.V

I went to my room and changed into one of y dresses and then made my way to King Izana's office, I knocked and entered and the male from his previous meeting left with a bow "You wait for your entry to be allowed!" I smiled at him "Not my fault you was still in a meeting during our meeting time!" he pointed to the seat opposite him and I took my seat "I guess this is the meeting o peace or no peace with your kingdom as it is the time of month, I have the reports on the other countries but there's one I don't have!" he nodded "My kingdom I know, I fully understand it's necessary you receive them and that's why I've asked you here!" I nodded "Prince Zen-" "Let me guess, disobeying again, he is still a young prince but I will speak to him!" he nodded "Oh sorry I just interrupted you please go on!" he nodded "Not only is he disobeying he's slacking off and sneaking off so if you would, you have close relation with him could you speak to him or even find out what he is up to!".

I smiled and nodded "Finally seeing friendship Izana!" he chuckled "What do you know, maybe I am, thank you Shirayuki!" I sighed "It's always nice speaking to you, you understand the age and when formalities go way to far!" he nodded "Feeling old already!" I nodded "You have no idea, I fought for how long I could but battling my title doesn't help!" he chuckled "I have some idea, your not the only young majesty!" I giggled and nodded "Well I'm off to punish a prince!" he chuckled "Don't go to hard on him!" I laughed "I sure won't, good day Izana!" he bowed and I curtsied then taking my leave. I went to my room and changed into less majesty clothing, I then went on my hunt for Zen. I saw him with someone unfamiliar so I went closer, where is Mitsuhide and Kiki. "Queen Shirayuki please don't want you to catch a cold with in your visit!" I rolled my eyes and turned around "Please I am doing a job!" the guard bowed and left. I looked back to where Zen was and he was gone. 

Shoot. I ran to the stables where a shocked stable keeper was "Are you okay miss?" she nodded slowly then curtsied quickly "Please pardon my manners it's just Prince Zen took off with someone taking two horses, he normally comes up to me for permission to take them because of their health but he didn't!" I growled "Maybe I won't go so easy on him, please ready my horse or if she isn't healthy please ready any horse, I need to grab my cape!" she curtsied and I ran to the room I was staying in grabbed my cape and sword. Once I was ready to go after Zen I left the room and ran to the stables where my horse was ready "Thank you!" I got on my horse and made it run as quick as it could after Zen, I informed the guards and told them to inform Izana. I then heard horse and sped up a bit so I was right in front of them and put my sword to the neck of the unfamiliar male "Zen is this the reason for your slacking off and leaving the castle?" I turned to Zen who's eyes were wide. 

"Woah I get to hang with the prince and then I meet the Queen of Akagami!" I growled and turned to the male "Did you know of Prince Zen's slacking off?" he shook his head, I got off of my horse and stepped in front of Zen "Normality? Zen we are royalty you should be proud, our people admire us and trust us to do what's best for them. I know Izana may do everything for your kingdom but you help all the paper work is to help the people of the world, I know it may feel like your cooped up but we can't trust citizens no matter how much we want to, yes they may speak the truth but how do we know that and if we get close to citizens they may just be working for someone to one day kill you, remember Atri!" Zen nodded "Let's get you both home and you, you'll have to come with us so we know your prince is safe!" he nodded. We all got on our horses and set off.

We got back to the castle and we put the horses back in the stables and then Mitsuhide came running up to us "Until I say he has no freedom, keep your eyes on him at all time, now you come on we have to go see someone!" I made the unknown male follow me to Izana's office I knocked and went in once told. "Queen Shirayuki any word- who is this and why is he inside my castle?" I stepped further into the room with the male "I got to hang with the prince and then met with the Queen of Akagami and then I'm in front of the King!" I turned to him "With the prince it may of been on friendly term but us it's nothing but a stern talking to for stepping near the prince!" he gulped and nodded. I turned to Izana "Now it is all in your hands, I'll in form guards to come in, good day!" I curtsied and left then proceeding to send two guards in. I went to Zen's office and just entered as he won't get meetings.

I rolled my eyes when I saw deep concentration on his paper work. "Zen stop stressing I'm sure they won't punish you!" "Yeah right, you didn't see Shirayuki's anger, if she was allowed she probably would of took my head off and I'm not stressing I'm just working so they can't say anything!" I rolled my eyes and slammed my sword to the floor causing everyone to look at me. "Zen is right he'll be punished and so will you two for not doing your job you may of in formed the king but I saw you doing nothing to stop him!" Mitsuhide and Kiki gulped and started running around the room putting documents away. Idiots. "Even if you work your hardest we can still say something, your all idiots!" they stopped in their tracks and stared at me "Now I have your attention please may you leave I need to speak to Zen alone and he has slight freedom now!" Mitsuhide and Kiki left.

I walked up to Zen "With you rest comes wars, think about it nor only does your brother have to sign all this peace paper work you have a massive part in it yourself and I could of took it that your kingdom no longer wants to be allied with my kingdom or the other agreeing to the terms, you put your kingdom at risk!" he looked at his hands "What about human rights to be free-" I giggled "No one is completely free everyone has rules meaning no ones ever going to be free, think everyone has a rule to live by no matter if they made it or someone else did it's still a rule, were aloud an opinion but we work together to do what's right even if it's not what we want!" he nodded. "Me and your brother aren't mad were just ashamed, you were beginning to understand it all but with my presence you seem to have lost it! I know I make out I don't need an attendant but if I didn't have one, I would never be on time for anything which makes you unworthy and then I would never be in the castle yet again unworthy and these rules are to protect us and our people!" he looked up at me with a smile.

"What did I say?" he chuckled and stood up "So your fired attendant?" I rolled my eyes "I got a new one before we even spoke and before you left the castle, I sent a letter to my mother so it's been sorted back at home, oh and your punishment is that Mitsuhide and Kiki have to watch you do everything for a whole day and a whole night so you have to watch them suffer from lack of sleep, me and your brother have sorted this yes and the punishment for Mitsuhide and Kiki will just be no sleep but if they work together they can get away with it, but not really get away with it, they both don't have to be awake but one at all times has to be and then they also need to stay in the same room as you!" Zen looked puzzled. 

Zen then looked embarrassed "What about when I change Kiki and Mitsuhide have to watch me?" I felt like I was going to vomit "that's the exception but Mitsuhide can watch as he's the same gender but Kiki will have to wait outside of the room!" Zen breathed as I sighed "Never ask anything like that again!" Zen laughed "Fine but I only wanted to stick to the rules, is there a reason for Kiki not been able to watch?" I cocked my eyebrow and then looked at him with anger "No, she can watch if she wants it's just I'm thinking of privacy and gender! Not because I was jealous!" he shrugged "So let me just clarify privacy is where you burst into the males room in his clothes and wear a wig with some contacts!" I grunted "I was been hunted it's different and if you was naked you would of been in your bathroom or your dressing room!" he laughed.

"So it wouldn't of been different if I was naked because you never know I may sleep naked or even walk around my room naked, some people gain confidence through walking around naked!" here comes the sensation of vomit again, he just stood there laughing at me. "You liking your thoughts there?" I looked at him to see a smirk plastered on his lips "Your unbelievable!" I took my leave and went into my room.           

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