Chapter 2: Home

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The rain let up around 5 in the morning, and now the sun was starting to peak out over the mountains in the distance, painting the sky a soft pinky peach hue. Taylor had been running all night, and her skinny legs were so weak she could barely walk.

About 2 hours ago she broke out of the trees and found herself running along flatlands. Flatlands for 2 hours was very boring.

Taylor kept moving, though. Her muddy, wobbly legs carried her onwards despite the fatigue she was feeling. She had to find her pack. She felt vulnerable without them.

Her head hung low as she struggled to put one paw in front of the other. She was tired, hungry, dirty, and very thirsty. She was surprised she hadn't passed out from exhaustion yet.

Grouse and squirrels dashed around everywhere when they heard Taylor coming, but the little wolf payed them no mind. She was in no shape to hunt due to her fatigue.

Taylor kept slugging along until suddenly, a crisp and clean scent hit her nose. Her head snapped up and she saw it. A very large river rushing down a slight slope about 100 yards in front of her.

She gasped and, despite the physical pain she was in, ran forward and quickly lapped up as much water as her small body could take. The ice cold water slid down her dry throat and hit her stomach like a kick in the guts. She could feel herself slowly starting to gain a little strength back as she drank. After she filled her need of water, she stepped into the chilly river and began to wash the mud off her uniquely colored pelt. She watched as the blue river turned brown from all the mud washing off of her.

Taylor, this river leads down to a meadow. A very familiar meadow. Azalea said, and Taylor stopped washing herself.

The training meadow? She questioned, and Azalea hummed as a yes. She was so close to home!

The little silver wolf stayed deathly still and silent, pricking her ears forward to listen for any sign of an oncoming patrol. Though, she figured the pack wouldn't be worried about her, so why would they have a patrol out this early? Nonetheless, she listened close to every noise her sensitive wolf ears could pick up.

After 3 minutes of nothing but silence, Taylor stepped out of the river and shook herself off before throwing her head back and letting a howl rip through the air. This howl was more mature than any other howl she's done, but she didn't pay attention.

She stopped howling and stood still for what felt like hours but was only a couple seconds. Soon enough, the deepness of her Alpha's howl replied to her, along with everyone else in the pack. Excitement and anxiety building inside her, she howled once more before taking off down the river.

Taylor, if you don't slow down, you're going to run into something- or someone! Azalea warned the girl, but Taylor ignored her. She was almost home!

As soon as she broke into the training meadow and saw the large black body of her Alpha, her legs gave out. She didn't need to run. She didn't need to move. She was finally safe from any harm.

Taylor felt herself falling, but instead of hitting the ground, she hit something soft. The scent told her that the Alpha had cushioned her fall.

Taylor! Are you alright?! Where have you been?! We have been looking everywhere for you! Patrols have been going out all night and morning! His voice was a frantic as he, as gently as possible, laid her on the ground and licked her neck and head. Taylor weakly opened her eyes to see the worried faces of her fellow pack mates. Did they really care?

I-It was r-really slippery, so I-I was taking m-my time and making s-sure I didn't fall s-so I wouldn't disappoint B-Beta. I l-looked down for t-too long and lost th-the group. She stammered, on the brink of passing out. She didn't catch the brown Beta wolf hang his head sorrowfully, upset that she thought that way. I'm so s-sorry, Alpha.

The black wolf shook his head. Do not, for a second, say sorry. You were being cautious and that is completely understandable for you. As for Jack, he would never be disappointed in you. He kept giving her soothing neck licks as he spoke through the mind link. Can you stand and walk with me to the house?

Taylor blinked and shook her head to clear the fogginess of exhaustion from her mind.

Yeah, I can. Her voice was weaker than she was.

Slowly, the little silver wolf put her legs under her body and shakily stood up, the large bodies of her Alpha and Beta giving her aid. After thanking Jack for his assistance, Alpha let the tiny she-wolf lean against him as they walked to the pack house, leaving the pack very confused.

Alpha never showed any softness to the pack. He would worry and comfort them if they were hurt, but not this way. He was treating this Omega wolf like a mate, and that made no sense to the pack mates. Of course, they would never say anything about it. So they just watched in silent confusion as the Alpha led Taylor into the house to question her.

Once inside the house the pack lived together in for weeks on end, Taylor phased human and took a shower. The shower was very long and very soothing, and she near about fell asleep. Once she got out she changed into sweats and a t-shirt, putting her hair up in a bun and walking to the Alpha's office.

"Take a seat, Taylor. I promise to make this quick." The Alpha said once she took her first step into the office. She nodded and walked to the couch, sitting on one end whilst he sat on the other.

The Alpha was very attractive in human form. He was a 6'2 brunette 18 year old, his eyes a dazzling green. His dark brown hair made his green eyes more vivid and sometimes scary. He was very well built and very muscular. You definitely didn't want to cross him in battle.

His name was Chase Rogers. He had two little sisters, one in kindergarten and one in 1st grade, and his mom was a single parent. His dad passed away from cancer a couple years ago, leaving Chase to be the man of the house. He was doing a great job so far, balancing the responsibilities of being an Alpha for his pack, and a big brother/father figure for his sisters and mother.

"What the group did was unacceptable. I've given them punishments for it. They should have kept their eyes on you. They know you're smaller and not as strong as them." He spoke softly, but Taylor could tell he was very much upset with the group for leaving her behind. Taylor sighed.

"I can see where you are coming from, Alpha, but I play a part in this as well. I have the capability to be as big and as strong as them, but I'm not trying hard enough. It's as much my fault as it is theirs." She replied respectively, keeping her gaze low in a submissive way. The Alpha looked at her fondly.

"You're a very sweet young woman, Taylor. You are very wise and understanding and I can see you going far in life." His words made Taylor look up. Her Alpha thought highly of her? While the rest of the pack despised her? She couldn't help the blood rushing to her cheeks. The Alpha chuckled and stood up from the couch. "Come on, let's get you to bed. You're exempt from pack duties for the rest of the week."


Here is another short and sweet chapter. I hope it's all making sense so far xD

Thank you for reading!


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