Twenty Five|Death of a Sorceress

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Serenity's P.O.V

I laid with Donovan in bed, tracing circles across his tanned skin. Ever since he had been out training the warriors, he had gotten the sun on his skin many times, but I didn't mind as he still looked gorgeous. "When will we tell the pack?" I looked up at him only to see he was fast asleep. I sighed and slid from his arms, getting ready for my training session with Meredith. I would have to tell her I was pregnant, just in case is interfered with what I could do as far as my magic went. As I was walking up to the cottage, I noticed that the door was slightly ajar and it had burn marks on the wood. 

Someone had been here. 

I immediately put a shield of water around me, knowing of the fire powers I might face, and I walked in. Meredith's small cottage was completely ransacked. Books and papers laid on the floor with shattered glass. I quickly put out the small fires, but I saw no sign of Meredith in any of the rooms. "Mere?" I walked outside to the back, but was not prepared for the sight that would behold me. I did find Meredith, but the was barely holding on to life. I ran to her body, putting out the flames that were engulfing her. "Meredith! Oh, my goddess," I cried as I cupped her face in my hands. 

"They came for me and she was here. I wounded her, but I don't know if it was fatal," she rasped. 

"Sh, it's ok. Close your eyes, so I can transport us."

"No," she demanded, taking hold of my arm, "There is no time. Serenity, I have had the privilege to train you in these few months. You know everything that I do and you will know more as your life continues. She is weak now, go get her." 

"I don't know the way." She put her hand on my cheek and I was immediately flying through the forest to an almost desert-like land where fires burned all life that dared to appear. A black castle stood on a gloomy hill, guards surrounding it, and inside there were many halls. Taking a few rights and lefts I entered a doorway to the Queen's chambers where Milena lay, sleeping. Just as soon as I left, I returned to the field where Meredith lay, dying. 

"You know the way. She is my sister and I love her, but she has brought so much pain and suffering to others. She isn't afraid to kill those she used to care about. Kill her, Seri, and the world will know peace."

"Meredith," I sighed, "I-I-"

"I know you are. Act now, while you still can. I love you like you were my sister, Seri."

"I love you too, Mere." She smiled up a me and put her hands on her stomach. We sat together as I continued to sooth her until I could hear her heart no more. My tears fell down my face and onto the ground as rage began to seep into my heart. This bitch was going to pay for everything she had done to me and to the lives of everyone that has lived in fear of her for long. 

I closed Meredith's eyes and transported us to the pack house where I linked nurses to take her body. "See to it she is given an honorable burial." Sensing my anger, they nodded and took her away. I made my way up to Donovan's office, flicking my fingers to open the door. Donovan looked up in a hurry and frowned when he saw me. 

"What is it, love?"

"Meredith is dead; she was attacked."


I nodded and he sighed, shaking his head. "I'm sorry, Seri." 

"I need 3,000 of our best warriors; we leave in three weeks. I will be training them sorcery tactics so that we can win easily." 

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me."

"Serenity, you're pregnant."

"It's still early and I want to rid the world of evil."

"I think we need to-"

"Meredith wounded her and it's pretty bad; she's weak and we need to strike now."

"I don't-"

"I don't care. I'm doing this with or without your permission." We stared at each other in silence until he finally nodded. 

"I'll mind link them and you can start tomorrow."


"Tonight," he sighed. I turned around and was prepared to walk away when he called my name and asked me to come to him. He took my hand and kissed it, sending shivers down my spine. "I will be going with you."


"Don't let the anger control you, Serenity. That's exactly what happened to Milena and it is about to destroy her. Relax, okay?" I nodded and leaned against his chest when he pulled me close. "I love you." 

"I love you too."

Yay an update! 

What do you beauties think? Alpha Donovan is coming to an end! 

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