Twenty One|Maybell

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Short, but I had to get an update in before this upgrade Wattpad is doing where I won't be able to update for 4 hours!

Serenity's P.O.V

17 Months Later...

"Where are we going?"

"We're going to Maybell," Meredith said, putting her sword in its sheath.

"And where is that?"

"About 20 miles west of here. Has anyone told you that you ask too many questions?"

"No. Why?" She gave me a playful glare and we laughed as I took her arm, waiting to be swallowed up. Meredith had the ability to teleport us to any place on earth she wanted and, admittedly, it was pretty awesome. I had my fire and ice powers down now and I felt pretty proud of myself. In an instant, we were swallowed up and sent to the outskirts of a small village. I blinked my eyes and blistering pain erupted behind my eyelids! She didn't warn me! "Dammit, Mere, warn me next time! I got dirt in my eye!"

"Close your eyes next time," she shrugged. As soon as I eliminated the dirt from my eye, I got to take in the area and my heart sank; it was a wasteland. The dirt here was dry and brittle with no hope of producing any kind of crop. I took some of it between my fingers and watched it fall to the ground. There looked to be many abandoned huts in the village; no signs of life anywhere. "Maybell used to be a living paradise until she came."


Meredith nodded. "She hates all things good and true, so she came here and completely destroyed it." I looked over to see a stray tear rolling down her cheek. "Men, woman, and children...burned alive by my sister, mercilessly. Young couples, old couples, newly weds-all of them. No one was spared... and this is where we begin your earth training."

"Earth training?"


"But my elements are fire and ice."

Meredith chuckled. "Oh, dearest Serenity, if you have more than one element, you have them all." I have all the elements....

"Oh. Ok." She chuckled and pulled me towards the village, the breeze slightly brushing my hair into my face. We talked in silence, feeling the dirt crunch under our feet. She stopped us right in the middle of the village and faced me. 

"What do you think this place once looked like, Serenity?" 

I looked around at the empty huts and frowned. It was hard to imagine anything beautiful in this place. "I really don't know; I've never been here." 

"Don't say that. Your mind has no boundaries! It doesn't matter if you've been here or not; that isn't what I asked. I asked you what you thought it looked like." I sighed and closed my eyes, trying to bring this place back to life. I imagined the green grass, dark and rich, the wooden huts freshly stained, A fountain in the middle of the small town made of marbled rock, clear water flowing in it. I willed the wild flowers to spring to life with their brilliant colors again, the butterflies and bees to accompany them.  I could smell the freshness of Spring and could almost feel the dew on the grass. I blew away the dark, dreary clouds and embraced the sunshine, smiling. This place in my mind was a beautiful haven. "Very well done, Serenity." I frowned and opened my eyes to question Meredith, but when I did, I completely forgot what I was going to say. Here, in front of me, was the haven in my mind. Maybell had come back to life! 

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