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I lost again?” Haruhi muttered while placing her cards down. I grinned while spreading my own cards. “Full house again. Everybody strip.” My brothers were shedding their shirts while Haruhi and the rest tugging off various socks and shorts. Cards were a strong point of mine. I especially loved proving that I was skilled in poker.

A smirk was a constant expression while I shuffled and dealt the cards again. My brothers were nearly down to their boxers while Kyoya was simply disheveled without his tie and jacket. Tamaki, Haruhi, Mori and Honey were still covered with pants and shirts. I only lost my shoes.

My eyebrow arched at my cards. Unless someone called my bluff, I could win this round. Then again, losing would give everyone a sliver of hope. Tamaki was the first to throw his cards. “Ahh! I can’t play this game right!” Then he picked up his cards a moment later and continued playing.

A few draws and tosses later and I dropped my cards. Kyoya had pulled a Royal straight flush. So, I pulled off my socks. Hikaru and Kaoru both forfeit the game due to embarrassment of stripping their pants. The others were still in.

Several hands later and I found out that Kyoya had learned the trick to cards and was playing expertly. He was making quick work of disposing of everyone until it was just the two of us. I was down to my tanktop and shorts, while the shadow king was surprisingly down to his pants.

I rubbed at my arm, feeling slightly insecure about the scars I had. It was just like me to be overconfident in my abilities. “Full house.” Kyoya grinned, displaying his cards. I grit my teeth and set down my low point cards. If I wasn’t a sore loser, I would have forfeit. But that was not an option for me.

Pulling my top, I exposed multiple scars that littered my torso. I was still covered by my bra, but the rest of my skin was on display. No one stared or commented. Kyoya didn’t even seemed phased of my partial nudity. But, I felt exposed and humiliated. As I dealt out the next hand, I prayed I wouldn’t have to shed my pants.

My cards were thrown in the air in joy. “I got to keep my pants. While Kyoya and his pride had to either strip, or forfeit. I could almost see his gears turning as he weighed his options. “Very well then. Mina, it’s your win.” I gave a small grin and pulled my clothes back on. Never in my life would I have thought I could trick the ever proper host club into playing strip poker.

I slipped on a thin long sleeve over my tank top and stood. Grateful that I could walk on my own again. Everyone smiled. It would seem that my hyperactive self was showing through again.

“Okay, now that we have all been thoroughly  embarrassed, let’s go eat some junk food.” My friends cheered and headed out. Fun, friends and family. Those were the things that would keep me going. People cared for me. Loved me. And, when I’m being honest, I love them back.

A wide smile graced my lips as I took Kyoya’s hand. He knew my flaws and scars. Yet he stayed close; with the host club right behind him. This was my fresh start. Already things looked brighter than ever. For once, I was looking forward to tomorrow…


The getaway was over. I was home and surrounded by silence. Missing my room was something I didn't even know of until now. And, as I lept onto my bed, I knew full well that I wouldn’t be leaving again anytime soon. A grin eased over my lips. After all the bad. All the pain and heartache. I was still standing strong with friends by my side.

“Mina, I know you just returned from your trip. But there is a gala at the Mitsurugi estate. Be a dear and invite Kyoya.” My ever loving mother chuckled from the hallway. As they say life goes in circles.

Two years later...

Morning. Most people wake up at this time. I just so happen to be getting home. Now, I wasn’t up to no good or causing trouble. I had the graveyard shift. Kicking off my boots, I stretched and yawned before falling onto a couch. It would be a few hours more before Kyoya woke up, so messaging him would be pointless.

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