Chapter 1

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"Ring, ring".

'Ugh shut up you stupid alarm' I thought as my hand stretched out looking for the alarm clock. I quickly slammed the clock and rolled out of bed. No matter how school helps you out in the future, there are still somethings you gotta hate about it.

I walked to the bathroom and looked at my face in the cracked mirror. ' Wow, I look horrible' I thought. My hair was a mess of brown tangles and my face was bruised. I brought a hand up to my beaten up cheek and the memories of last night resurfaced.

'You stupid bitch! I thought I told you to clean this up!'

'I'm sorry, can you relax?'

'Are You telling me to relax?' My father said as he walked closer to me and pulled me by my hair.

I know I shouldn't have said it, but he was being a real dick, so I spit in his face and said, 'Are you an idiot? Who else would I be saying that to? The wall?'

That's when my father lost it and punched me right in the face.

That should've shut me up, but no matter how much that hurt I still got up and said, 'Wow you really do hit like my grandma.'

My father kicked me in the gut and dragged me kicking and screaming to my room and locked me in.

I sigh, the damage could've been worse. My dad wasn't always like this. When my mother died, my dad started drinking and smoking a lot. We had a friend of my mom's bring us money every month, but my dad would always use it on booze and cigars. Which is the reason I went without food most of the time. Usually my neighbor, Ms. Anita, would give me a bag of apples everyday on school days. She grew a few apple trees and she was more than happy to give me some. But on weekends I don't usually get food. But thank god that some kids in my school are careless and sometimes they would drop some money or forget it and I would use it to buy some food. However, when I wasn't lucky than I would go by Anita's house and ask for some apples because , 'I love them so much'. My dad sometimes beat me with a belt which is why I usually don't have clothes, he hits so hard that it rips through them. And yet again, school saves me with it's famous lost and found cloths that no one goes to actually look there. So, it's mine for the taking. School actually helps me a lot with my situation it makes me forget about my life in the house and gives me a chance to act like a normal teen. Though I'm lonely at school because of my vibe and my cold stare, it's still a better place than this hellhole.

I quickly washed my face and drank some water from the sink, we don't have any glassware because my dad broke all of them trying to throw them at me when he was drunk.

I got my guy sweater and put it on. I found some guy shorts and put that on. Then I readjusted my pony tail and grabbed my beaten up backpack. Then I made my way out the window and dropped down to the grass in our backyard. I went to the front door of my house and saw my dad. He was in the living room sprawled on the couch, a bottle in hand, and sleeping with the TV on.

'Wasted as usual, how useless can he get?'

I walked out the door and made my way to Anita's house. I knocked on her door and she opened up with a smile. She was an old women with short white hair and rosy cheeks.

"Good Morning child, how have you been?"

"Oh, I've been great and you?"

"Very good, Your are starting school aren't you?"

"Oh yes, my senior year."

"Well here's your apples and good luck on your first day of school."

"Thanks Ms. Anita!" I say as take the small paper bag of 4 apples and make my way down the porch.

"And make some new friends dear."

"I will! Thank you!"

And then I was off to school. School is only a few miles from my house and before I knew it, I was at the front gate of the school, and I looked around at all the students waiting for the bell to ring while chatting and holding out their new phones that they got over summer vacation. iPhone this and iPhone that, What's the new shit now, iPhone 20?. I used to want a phone but I can never forget, oh well.I rolled my eyes at the kids and walked to a bench and sat down to read a book. Not even a full page through and I hear an annoying voice.

" Well well, if it isn't the loner of the school, your back?"

I look up to see none another than the school bully and his goons.

" What do you want Jeremy" I say with disinterest as I return to my book. He seems to get pissed at that and slaps my book from my hands. It falls to the ground and he starts laughing with his goons. I would really want to punch him and kick him in the face, but I know he is stronger than me. He was a football player last year and 6 foot and muscled also in the same year as me.

"Ha ha you are so funny you knocked a book from my hands." I say with sarcasm as I get up and reach down to grab my book, but he quickly kicks it away. I sigh and go after my book but this time, I grabbed the book before he kicks it and I whip around fast holding my book with two hands and I whack Jeremy across the face. His head jerks to the side and I burst out laughing. "Now that's funny." I say. His goons were struggling to keep from laughing. He turns his head back to me slowly, anger evident on his face.

"I'm gonna kill you." He says through clenched teeth.

I cease my laughter and my eyes widen. "Uh, Oh." Now I've done it. I turn around quick and run through the crowd of students. After a bit of running I manage to lose him and I'm left panting. However I could still here him yell out.

"You better watch your back this year, Jameson, I'm not gonna forget this!" I hear him scream my last name with venom.

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