Chapter 3

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"Oh, hey Jeremy, what's up buddy?" I say faking friendliness.

Jeremy's face turns into a frown, but he walks up to me and puts his arm around my shoulders. and smiles. "Nothing much, what about you girl?" He asks doing the same as he leads me into the forest beside the school.

"Just trying to get home," I say as I get his arm off me and turn around to get away, but his goons block the way.

'Ah shit now I've really screwed up'.

Jeremy grabs me from behind by my hair and drags me further into the forest. Now, I start to panic. Jeremy finally let's go of my hair and pushes me hard against the tree, his hand on my stomach keeping me from moving.

"Are you seriously gonna hit a girl?" I ask trying to pry his hand off me.

"No I'm not really hitting you." He says and I get a since of relief. "I'm simply returning the favor."

The panic returns and he pulls his other hand back, readying for a punch. I quickly put my hands up to stop the impact but it still stung as it came down. He pulled back once more and hit again and again.

"Hold her hands down!" He yells at his goons. They rush to both sides of the tree and grab both of my hands.

"Get ready darling." He says as he pulls his hand back. I close my eyes shut and wait for the impact but it doesn't come.

I open my eyes to see Jeremy's hand being held back by a stronger and bigger hand. "What do you think you're doing?"

Fear passes across Jeremy's face as he turns to see Mr.Conwell. Jeremy's goons have already ran off before Mr.Conwell can see them. He grabs both Jeremy's hands and makes him walk with him. "You are coming with me." He says and he turns to look at me against the tree. "Are you okay?" He asks the anger on his face turns to concern.

"I'm fine,  he barely got any hits on me." I say.

"Come on, I'll report this."

"Okay," I say.

Jeremy grunted and groaned as Mr.Conwell lead him back to the school. I watched how he handled Jeremy so well and how his muscles flexed when he pushed Jeremy to walk. I quickly thought of something else before I could blush.

"How did you find me?" I ask.

"Well it's not that hard to see a bunch of broken branches and crushed leaves."

When we get to the school. Mr.Conwell reports Jeremy in and I'm asked to wait in the room. I was asked some questions and they got Jeremy suspended for a week. I sat in the chair and Mr.Conwell comes in and sits with me.

"Are you sure you're okay?" He asks.

"Yes, I told you I'm fine." I turn to look at him..

Mr.Conwell's eyes widen. He grabs my face and runs over the bruise I got from last night. "Then what's this?" He asks concern clear on his voice.

"Oh that was.....I just.... I fell from the stairs... And I-"

"Don't lie to me Amy." He says in a stern voice and calling me by my first name for the first time.

I pause for a second thinking of something to say, before I notice his hands are still cupping my face. They felt so perfect on my face, giving out warmth and making me blush. Reluctantly,I push his hands away and I get up.

"Look thanks for what you did and for your concern, but I told you I'm fine, this wasn't from Jeremy." I say, pointing at the bruise and I turn around to try to walk away but he grabs my wrist.

"I told you I'm fine. How many times do I have to tell you?"

I hear a sigh. "Fine but wait here, to avoid any incidents, let me contact your father to pick you-"

"NO! Don't call my dad please." I turn around quickly and plead with him.

He looks taken aback and a little suspicious.

"I'm sorry for the trouble but me and my dad aren't on best terms right now and I just.... Please don't call him." I say pleading with him. If he calls him, my dad would get really mad and he would probably just beat me more and I'm not in the mood of that. I'm trying to avoid beatings right now.

Mr.Conwell looks at me a little confused but sighs and complies. "Okay than come one." He says as he take me by my hand and lead my outside.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"The parking lot."

"What why?"

"I'm driving you home." He says.

When we got in the car. I gave him directions and he started driving. When we get into my neighborhood, I tell him I can walk from here, so he pulls up. I stay a bit.

"Mr.Conwell?" I say.

"Call me Joseph when we aren't in school." he says and I smile.

"Joseph?" I ask.


"I just wanted to say, uh, thanks, for this and for that Jeremy thing." I say looking down at my lap, then looking back up him.

"You are very welcome."

I kept staring into his blue eyes and all I could think about was him. My eyes wandered down to his lips. 'Oh how I want to just kiss those lips....... Wait what? I think I'm officially losing it.' However I couldn't look away and I just seemed to inch closer.

Wait a second did I just see Joseph get closer too? No way. No way. Did he? Or was I just imagining it? Come on I just met him a few hours ago, but right now I don't give a shit I just want to kiss him so bad. I just want his tongue in my mouth, exploring.I want to run my hands through his hair and pull him closer. We were now just an inch apart.

'Screw this whole slow mo shit.' Just as I was about to dive in. A ring fills the empty silence.

I pull apart fast as Joseph grabs his phone from his pocket. He talks to a friend about meeting up some place.

I just fidget with my hands. 'I was so freaking close, so so close. What the hell is wrong with me? When have I ever wanted to kiss a guy so bad. Even right now I'm regretting not diving in earlier. But he's my teacher!' I scream in my head.

Joseph ends the call and looks at me.

I look up at him. "Uh, I'm just gonna leave."

"Okay." He replies softly and almost sadly.

I run out of the car and run to my house. I quietly open the door and tip toe upstairs and I throw my bag in the corner and flop on my bed.

What. A. Day

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