Chapter 4

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The next few days I went to school, nothing interesting happened. Jeremy wasn't here for a whole week so that's good. His goons, however, have been throwing spitballs at me. I have a feeling Jeremy told them to do that.

With Mr.Conwell, it has been pretty awkward, we give each other glances but that's about it. I may or may not have been watching him when he wasn't looking.

Then, finally the weekend rolled in. I was in my bed, sleeping in when I heard banging on my door. I went to see who it was. When I opened the door I was pushed hard enough to fall.

"You useless bitch! Where the fuck have you been? I told you to clean the house everyday! All I see is dirt." He looks at me angrily. "Your mother would've done better!"

I lay on the floor and the mention of my mother made me just as angry. "My mother isn't here, and even if she was she would've taken one look at you and ran the other way!" I scream back.

"Why you little-" He grabs the front of my shirt and knees me in the gut. I feel something coming up my throat and I cough up blood.

"How does that feel?" He asks almost sadistically.

"Delicious," I say as I spit blood onto his face.

That just made him angrier. Before he could punch me, I pull out of his grasp, lower myself down and kick him in the legs, which sends him tumbling down. I grab my sweatshirt and run out the door and out of my house.

I ran as far as I can go before I stop next to a store and catch my breath. 'Okay ow, that really hurt.' I hold my stomach as if to somehow reduce the pain. It helped, a little. I was still wearing only my tank top and I quickly slip on my sweatshirt.

Then I start to walk casually, but grimacing as the pain increased with every step. I stood in front of the mall and I thought, 'why not?' So I go in and I realized it was filled. I walk around looking at all the new things they brought. I stop by an ice cream stand. I've only ever had ice cream when I was a kid, my mom would bye some on occasions. We would all eat together as a family.

I wave of sadness washes over me when I think about my mom. Her last words on her death bed was, "Stay strong."

So I did, when my dad beat me, I stayed strong. When I was bullied, I stayed strong. When I felt sad and miserable about my life, I stayed strong, for her. My mom had a disease, I don't know what it was called, I was too young to remember, but all I knew was that it was curable but we couldn't afford it, and she just died, just like that. Completely gone from my life.

A certain light blonde head caught my eye and I turned to see..... Joseph. I let a smile come to my face as I went to greet him.

However, when I got closer he was with someone else.....a women. She was really beautiful with long light brown hair and she had on some heavy make up, but it just made her prettier. She was holding onto Joseph and he was smiling and laughing with her.

I suddenly felt a sting to my heart. It seemed to hurt more than my stomach bruise, and I clutched my heart, was this jealousy? Was I jealous? Why would I be jealous? Because this women was so much prettier than me? That she was the right age for Joseph and they seem like the perfect couple? Because he was giving her smiles and she was able to make him laugh? Is that why? Do my teacher? Do I like Joseph? Is that why I'm feeling this way? Huh...... I guess I do. But it's not like there's anything I can do about it. He is my teacher and he also seems to have a girlfriend, or wife,  or whatever she is to him.

I felt tears at the corners of my eyes and I walked away before I could cry. I will not cry, I will stay strong, I have to. And with these thoughts, I left the mall and wandered off to god knows where.



Shit. Monday.

Jeremy is coming back today. What would he do this time?

I tried not to think about it as I walked through the school hallways. I looked down at my sweatshirt, I should probably change this. I walked to the lost and found looking for anything that could fit me. I found a black shirt with matching dark blue jeans and I took it to change into in the bathroom. When I put them on, I looked in the mirror. 'Wow this is tight' I thought. The shirt was really tight but it did show my curves. ' Hell no, I'm not wearing this' I thought I was about to take it off when someone came into the bathroom. A bunch of mean hoes come in and they just stare at me.

"What are you doing her loser?" They ask.

"Not in the mood for your shit Kenzie." I say as I push past them and leave the bathroom.

'Wait I forgot my sweatshirt, shit, I'm not going back in there, looks like I'm stuck in this.'

I make it to my first hour, and I sit down. I was really tired so I just put my head down and decided to rest.

I hear students file in and the tardy bell ring. I felt someone sit next to me. A few moments later I felt a tug on my hair, it wasn't hard, but it wasn't gentle either. I lift my head up to see a frowning Jeremy. I rest my head on my hand and look Jeremy straight in the eye.

"You got me suspended for a week my folks are real mad."

"You got what you deserved." I say bluntly.

Jeremy gets angrier. "You better watch what you say to me Jameson."

"I am." I get up and stretch just as the teacher comes in. Jeremy seems to check me out for a good few minutes and so does Joseph.

"Everyone have a seat, we are starting class." Mr.Conwell says as he opens his book. When I see him again, all I can remember is the girl that was with him and I feel a pang of jealousy hit my heart.

"Never knew you had such a body." Jeremy says.

"What? Ew." I say

"Ya know, I'm willing to forgive everything you've done if you, ya know." Jeremy motions at my body.

"Hell no."

"You sure?" He says as he gets closer.

"Pretty sure." I scoot away. He just gets closer. I lean on my desk trying to block him out. But he gets so close I can feel his breath on my neck. I turn and place my hands on his chest to push him away. Instead of backing off he grabs my wrists and holds them down as he just gets closer.

" What the hell is your problem you're so bipolar, first you want to hit me and now you just want to get with me." I say confused.

"Times change." He says, getting even closer.

"Mr.Cowintski!" We both turn to see Joseph staring at us, upset. "Can you please save, whatever this is, for when you are not in public?"

"What? No... We weren't-"

"Yes sir." Jeremy rudely interrupts. I shoot him a glare. He just smirks.

A few minutes before class ends Mr. Conwell speaks aloud. "Ms. Jameson, may I have a word with you after class?"

When class ends I go to his desk as he gets done arranging his papers he looks up at me.

"Ms. Jameson, I don't know what kind of relationship you have with Mr.Cowintski, but I am very well aware that it might not be a healthy relationship, considering last weeks'.......Incident."

I look at him in disbelief. ' Does he really think I'm in a relationship wth Jeremy?? Ew Never in a million years.

"I'm sorry sir but I think you are misunderstanding something her-"

"Am I?" He says. He seemed.....angry.

"I can't believe that you think I'm with that no good player, I would never, ugh." I shiver from disgust.

Mr.Conwell raises an eyebrow but seems to somewhat believe me.

"Alright, but if anything happens, let me know."

"Okay, sure thing." I look deep into those blue eyes, I was thinking about kissing him again, but then I thought back to the women. " Okay I'll see you tomorrow." I say as I exit the room almost tripping over my feet.

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