Chapter 9

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Amy's P.O.V


That was all I felt. I was stuck with this feeling for what felt like forever, until finally it started to subside.

Then I felt light, like I wasn't in my body. Then I was back.

I felt so groggy and my eyes felt so heavy. I could feel the sweat sticking to my body.

I tried to open my eyes but they felt like they were stuck together with glue.

After a while, I'm able to open my eyes, but I'm instantly blinded by a strong ray of light.

I groan. "Why does the light have to be so bright?"

I hear a gasp and shuffling. When I could see again, I see the worry full expression of...... Joseph.

His eyes were completely swollen, like he's been crying, and there were bags under his eyes, like he hasn't been getting any sleep.

He looked at me with shock, like he can't believe I'm actually here.

"Oh, Joseph." I raise a hand to his cheek and wipe a tear that escaped his eye. "I'm so sorry."

"Shh," He takes my hand and kisses it. "All that matters, is that you're alright."

"No, Joseph, I hurt you, and I-I don't know if I even deserve you after all I said to you."

"I don't care about that, I've already forgiven you, all I want right now, is for you to get better, so we can go home, and I can finally hold you in arms again."

I smile a sad smile.

"But you need to know, I didn't mean a word I said that day."

"Amy-It's okay."

"Joseph, it's not okay, Jeremy, he was threatening me, he told me to break up with you and if I didn't he would make sure to tell everyone, and you would lose your job and I just- I can't apologize enough."

"You don't have to, I understand now." He gets up and hugs me careful not to move me in case of my wounds. He's so thoughtful, it melts my heart.

"Who did this to you?" He whispers and let's go to sit back down.

I turn away and whisper two words. "My father." I turn back to see his reaction.

His face was filled with emotions, the one that was the strongest was anger.


"How dare he? Hurt you like that? His own flesh and blood-"


He looks at me, suddenly aware that I'm still here.

"Please don't do anything stupid, for me."

Joseph sighs and gets up to kiss me on forehead.



After a while, some police officers came in and asked me some questions, I told them about my father and they said they will take care of it.

A few days pass and Joseph visited me everyday legit every hour. Though I insisted on him sleeping at his house, he never listened, so I stopped trying. The doctors gave me pain killers for the pain.

Some people from school, came to visit me, some I did not know. You won't believe who else showed up, Jeremy. He came to apologize and he said he was just jealous and after he heard what happened he burned the pictures, and he's planning on leaving us alone. Anita visited me and she was so concerned and worried about me, I tried to assure her but she started crying and apologizing for not knowing what was happening to me, even though she was living next door. My father has been sent to prison after a bunch of court sessions. Since I was an adult now, I didn't really need a legal guardian. So Joseph, took me to his house when the hospital finally let me go. My wounds are nearly healed but they were obviously going to leave scars.

I was going home! Finally!

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