Chapter 6: First day on the job

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Narrator's POV:
Welcome back young adventurers to the world of Dragon's, last time we left our heroine Cynder has been corrupted by the darkness by her villainous uncle with a dark forbidden spell that turned her into Dark Cynder. Now we must hope that one day that she will be saved from the darkness. In the meantime, we now return to Dia-Mound where Spyro has started his first day of work as a guardian. Now enter the portal young adventurers and return to the Dragon Realm to continue the exciting adventure.

City of Dia-Mound
Spyro's POV:
When I got up I had the strangest feeling that something bad had happening to my Skybook friend Scarlet so I got my phone out and sent her a message.

Spyro's Skybook chat room
Neon Oryps: Spyro
Scarlet the Dragon: Cynder (Dark Cynder)
Neon Oryps: Scarlet, you there?
Scarlet: Yeah I'm here Neon, what do you want
Neon Oryps: What happened to you? You've never said that to me before
Scarlet: Really, well I guess times change pal >:)
Neon Oryps: Um, Scarlet you're not acting like yourself what happened
Scarlet: Who cares what happened to me
Neon Oryps: I care because, your the only person who understands me. How it feels to not know who your parents were
Scarlet: Neon, I'm not in control of myself. My uncle cast a spell on me and I broke the darkness for only a little bit so I could warn you about it
Neon Oryps: Scarlet what can I do to help
Scarlet: I don't know if you can Neon, my Uncle is going to send me on a mission to eliminate someone from the Dragon Temple please watch your back
Neon Oryps: I will and I promise I'll save you
Scarlet: I know you will. GAH! What am I doing talking to you Neon I have a mission to get ready for
End of Skybook chat room

"I promise I'll save you Scarlet or whoever you really are." I said as I got to the Dragon Temple so I could tell Dagor about this. "Dagor, I need to talk to you." I said, "What is it Spyro?" Dagor asked me, "My Skybook friend's uncle cast some kind of darkness spell on her and is making her do evil things. She had enough will power to warn me about her mission to eliminate one of the guardians but se didn't say who." I said and I saw Dagor's face as if he knew something I didn't. "Spyro, you said that your friends uncle used a dark spell on her and turned her evil. There's only one dragon I know of who weilds such power to do this, my brother Galventer the betrarer. And you said your friends name was Scarlet, is that right?" Dagor asked me, "Yeah, why?" I asked, "My mates name was Scarlet. But if your friend used that name for a Skybook account then that would mean..." Dagor stopped before he said anything else. "Dagor, what aren't you telling me?" I asked, "I'm sorry Spyro, but I can't tell you anything about this matter. I must call a meeting of the elder guardians to convey this issue. Now, here's your assignment, you are to guard the city limits of Dia-Mound and make sure to follow protocal when travelers come." said Dagor as he handed me the scroll and after that he left and I had to get to the city limits for my first job. 

City of Dia-Mound city limits
Light Wave's POV:
"Where's Spyro, he's late?" I asked myself then Spyro landed next to me and nearly caused me to scream, "Sorry I'm late Light Wave, I um, had to tell Dagor something important before I came here." said Spyro, "Well, at least your here now. You got the scroll of your assignments right?" I asked, "Yeah, Dagor gave it to me before I left." Spyro said and we both stood guard at the city limits for maybe several minutes when a merchant came by and asked to visit the other merchant shops in the city. Once Spyro and I checked his papers and confirmed with the other merchant shops about the arrival of a merchant we let him in and went on with our job. I noticed that Spyro hasn't said a word for a while and I wondered if something was wrong so I walked over to him to see if I could help. "Spyro, is something wrong? You haven't said a word for some time now." I said, "It's nothing Light Wave, just a friend of mine isn't themselves because of her uncle. And I don't know what to do. I promised I would help her no matter what it took." said Spyro. "Spyro, I didn't know. Did you tell Dagor about this?" I asked, "Yeah I did. But the strangest thing is that he knows something about this whole thing that he won't tell me. And he said that his brother Galventer the betrarer is the only one capable of doing something like this." said Spyro. 'He wants to help his friend so bad, maybe I can go to the library to find out how to help his friend.' I thought to myself, "Anyway, sorry for having to come to work like this Light Wave. I just can't think straight knowing that my friend is being forced to do something that she doesn't want to do." said Spyro as he looked at the sky trying to keep himself distracted from this depressing matter.

Time Skip
Spyro's POV:
I looked around at the forest that was at the city limits of Dia-Mound trying to make sure that everything is normal but my mind kept going back to my friend Scarlet or whover my friends real name is. I sighed and sat down and started to wonder what my friend's uncle will tell her to do to one of the new guardians of the Dragon Temple and Dia-Mound. Then I heard a twig snap and I got ready to drive off whoever it was trying to sneak up on me, "Who's there? Come out now!" I shouted and then I saw Cryo-Freeze come out of the shadows and she looked freaked for some reason. "Cryo-Freeze, what's wrong?" I asked as I walked over to her to see what was wrong, "Spyro, I have a bad feeling that something terrible is going to happen to you later today. And I keep having these visions of a dark purple dragon and you fighting. But you weren't fighting back at all. It looked like you were trying to help her." said Cryo-Freeze as she passed out right in front of me which was when I saw the dart in her neck so I took it out of Cryo-Freeze and carried her to the Dragon Temple to let the healers take care of Cryo-Freeze. "Dagor, we need to talk." I said as I walked into Dagor's chamber, "Spyro, I heard about what happened to Cryo-Freeze, I'm glad that you were able to get her back here safely so that the healers can help her." said Dagor. "That doesn't matter right now, Cryo-Freeze told me that I was going to be fighting a dark purple dragon later today but I wasn't even fighting back. She said that I was trying to help her. I guess she means that my friend is going to be sent to take me out." I said, before Dagor said anything else he sighed a heavy breathe and I realized that he knows something about the dark purple dragon, "Dagor is this dark purple dragon your long lost daughter?" I asked, Dagor looked atme with a shocked expression on his face, "So you figured it out, I guess there's no point in denying it. Yes, Spyro, the friend you've been talking to on Skybook is my daughter Cynder. But now that she's been turned evil by my brother Galventer I'm afraid that you're the only one who can save her from the darkness." said Dagor as he walked over to a book shelf and took out a scroll that looked like it hasn't been opened in a long time. "This scroll has been passed down from generation to generation to help save ones light from the darkness that has taken them over. Now I must pass it on to you Spyro and that emblem ypu are wearing will help you rescue Cynder from her dark imprisionment." said Dagor as he handed me the scroll. "I swore that I would save her from the darkness no matter what it took. Thank you Dagor, I promise that I'll save your daughter and bring her back to you so that you can be reunited." I said as I rushed out of the Dragon Temple and back to my house to study the scroll to be ready to save Cynder from the darkness.

Dagor's POV:
After Spyro left the Dragon Temple to study the scroll I gave him, I took out a picture of me, my mate, and our daughters egg before Galventer took her egg thirteen years ago. "Scarlet, if you were still here, what would you have done when our daughter came back but under the influence of my twisted brother." I asked myself then I placed the picture back where I had it and went to meet with the elder guardians to convey about the upcoming battle ahead.

Narrator's POV:
Well, now that Spyro found out that his Skybook friend Scarlet the Dragon is really Cynder, Dagor's daughter, will he be able to save Cynder from the darkness with the emblem that his father left him and the scroll that Dagor gave him to study so that he could use the spell it contains to return Dark Cynder back to normal. But, how will their encounter happen and how will Spyro feel when he finds out that he has feelings for Cynder? And how will Cynder feel when she finds out that her Skybook friend Neon Oryps is really Spyro the Dragon and that she finds out that she has feelings for him as well? Find out when you return to the Dragon Realm to continue the adventure. May the divine dragon Shirama guide and protect you all from the forces of darkness. Now return to your world and prepare yourselves for the next adventure of Spyro and Cynder.

Love At First Flight (A Spyro x Cynder fanfic) Book 1 (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now