Chapter 2: Graduation Day

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Narrator's POV:
It's been thirteen years since the betrayal of Galventer and the theft of two hundred dragon eggs including Dagor's daughter Cynder. Now both Spyro and Cynder have grown up into their teenager years and Spyro is about to graduate from the guardian academy to become the next guardian. As for Cynder, well, lets just say that Galventer is in for a surprise later on. Now return to the dragon realm and witness Spyro's graduation within your own imaginations.

Spyro's POV:
"It's finally time for me to become a guardian of the Dragon Temple. I can't wait!" I said excitedly, then Dagor came into the room and saw me with excitement in my voice, "There you are Spyro, I see you are already for your graduation." said Dagor, "Got that right. And also, I wanted to ask you about my dad. Who was he?" I asked, "Spyro we've been over this, I made an oath to never speak about these matters. As the new leader of our race I have to obey the ancient laws and keep my word." said Dagor, "Why can't you just tell me who he was?" I asked, "That's enough Spyro. Now go prepare yourself for the ceremony." said Dagor. "Fine, but one day I want to know who my father was." I said as I flew out of the chamber, "I'm truly sorry Spyro, but there are somethings that you are better off not learning about. Singe, I don't know if I can be the one to keep your son safe until his time to become the king of our race." said Dagor as he walked over to his chamber and closed the door.

Time Skip
Dagor's POV:
"Welcome everyone to this years dragon guardian graduation ceremony! Now please help me welcome this years graduates. Thundar Wave, Sonic Light, Cryo-Freeze, Light Wave, Sound Boomer, and last but not least Spyro." I announced as all of the graduates came up on stage and the audience applauded for each one of them. I looked at Spyro and I wished that his father, the last leader of our race, was here to see his son graduate to become a guardian of the Dragon Temple. As the ceremony went on I felt a strange presence among the audience, a presence that I haven't sensed in thirteen years. 'Galventer, he's here in the audience somewhere.' I thought to myself, so I pressed a hidden button under the podium and alerted the other guardians. "And now my dragon kind, let us congratulate these new guardians and show them our appreciation." I said as the newest guardians preformed their own routines as newly appointed guardians.

Galventer's POV:
'Hmm, so Singe's brat has become a guardian. What a unforeseen turn of events. But no matter, my cadet Cynder will be given the task of ending Singe's son's life before he can be given his first job and is successful.' I thought to myself as I kept my face hidden underneath my cloak and I noticed that the other guardians were searching the crowd for me. 'Guess my brother sensed my presence. Impressive that he hasn't forgotten what my power felt like.' I thought to myself again then just before one of the guardians found me I melted into the shadows and returned to my castle in the Shattered Mountains of Arc-kana.

Time Skip
Spyro's POV:
After the graduation ceremony and the routines that me and the others preformed for the audience we went to the Lucky Dragon restaurant for lunch. While Thundar Wave and Sonic Light sat together with Cryo-Freeze, Light Wave, and Sound Boomer and they were having the time of their lives while I sat by myself in silence. Then Light Wave came over and tried to get my attention, "Huh, I'm sorry Light Wave what did you say?" I asked, "I asked if you wanted to hang out with me and the others. Hey is something wrong?" she asked me, "It's nothing, just  you guys are lucky that your parents came to the ceremony to see you graduate from the academy, me, I just wish I knew who my parents were." I said, Light Wave tried to cheer me up but she knew that there wasn't much for her to do for me. "Maybe some other time then, Spyro." said Light Wave, "Yeah, maybe some time." I said as she left with the others. I left some gold and jewels to pay for the check and went home. When I got home I noticed that Dagor was waiting for me, "Dagor, what are you doing here?" I asked, "Well, I came by to give you your graduation present, your father told me to give it to you when you graduated. And no I still can't tell you who he was Spyro." said Dagor, "Well, there's nothing new. So my dad left me a gift for when I graduated from the academy." I said as Dagor handed me the present that my father left for me, I opened the box and pulled out a gold fire symbol with a purple chain holding it in place. "It belonged to your father Spyro, he wanted you to have it when you graduated from the academy. It's also something that your mother wanted you to have as well. Your parents always wanted the best for you Spyro. And even if your not my kid, I've raised you as if you were my own child." said Dagor, but I could hear a bit of sorrow in his voice when he said that last part. "Dagor, what ever happened to your kid?" I asked, "It was thirteen years ago Spyro, my brother Galventer, he betrayed the guardians and me. He stole two hundred eggs from the egg chamber, along with my mates egg that had our daughter inside. Now I fear that my brother has raised her to be evil to lead his army of dragons to attack our city." said Dagor. As I listened to Dagor tell me about what happened thirteen years ago, I began to realize that the reason why Dagor took me in was because his child was taken from him. Not being able to raise your actual kid but someone else's must have been hard on him. "Dagor, I'm sorry I asked. I didn't know about any of that." I said, "It's alright Spyro, if anything my daughter Cynder would have been quite fond of you. I just wish I was able to save her back then." said Dagor. As time passed Dagor and I went to the hall of dragon history, "What are we doing here Dagor?" I asked. "There are some things in this world that are meant to keep secret Spyro, your father made sure of that. That emblem that you wear around your neck is the key to keeping them just that, secret. Your father wanted you to be the next leader of our kind Spyro, so when he died I promised him that I would raise you the best I could to become the next ruler of the Dragon Realm." said Dagor.

Dagor's POV:
As Spyro and I entered the chamber at the top of the hall of dragon history building where all of the most ancient artifacts from our ancestors were kept under lock and key. "These relics are all that remain from our ancestors Spyro, and these relics are never to be used or taken out of this building or it could mean the end of all the realms." I said.

Time Skip:
Spyro's POV:
After everything that Dagor told and showed me today at the hall of dragon history I was excited to get back home and tell my Skybook friend Scarlet Dragon about my day.

Skybook page chat room:
Neon Oryps: Spyro
Scarlet Dragon: Unknown (for now)
Neon Oryps: Scarlet, you online?
Scarlet: Yeah I'm online Neon
Neon Oryps: How are you doing Scarlet
Scarlet: I'm doing okay, my uncle left a while ago and went somewhere
Neon Oryps: Wow, talk about a talkative uncle
Scarlet: I know right, anyway how are you doing Neon
Neon Oryps: Actually, I'm fantastic
Scarlet: Why's that
Neon Oryps: Well, I graduated from the academy today and my step dad told me that my real dad left me a gift for when I graduated. But he still won't tell me who my real dad was ever since Singe the Legend passed away thirteen years ago.
Scarlet: Wow, I'm so happy for you Neon. And did you say thirteen years ago?
Neon Oryps: Yeah, why?
Scarlet: I hatched from my egg thirteen years ago
Neon Oryps: Really, me too
Scarlet: I guess we both learned something new about each other today Neon
Neon Oryps: I guess we did
Scarlet: At least you have a somewhat father figure even if it's not your real dad
Neon Oryps: Yeah, I guess
Scarlet: Neon I'm sorry I have to go my uncle's almost back I'll talk to you later
Neon Oryps: Alright Scarlet, talk to you later
End of Skybook page chat room

Narrator's POV:
Now that Dagor has given Spyro the gift that Singe left for his son, will Spyro be able to learn about who his parents were? And what dastardly plan does Galventer have in store? Only time will tell. And let us hope that Spyro is up for the task.

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