|Chapter Two|

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  The albino glanced across the street, seeing Zane's house.


  He looked over his shoulder to see Garroth walking out.

  "Oh, hey Garroth."

  "Laurance said you wanted to talk to me... Is everything alright?" He asked, taking a seat beside him on the steps.

  "Yeah, um..." Travis cleared his throat. "You know what happened to Zane, right?"

  Garroth nodded, curls falling into his eyes.

  "He seems different now. I understand he may be traumatized because of what happened, but it's been at least a month. Shouldn't he be back to normal?"

  "I mean, it's different for everyone, especially depending on how long the specific thing happened for." Garroth froze, eyes widening. He quickly turned to Travis, hands gripping his arm. "Wait, how is he acting?"

  "Well, he snapped at Aphmau when she recommended he go to a therapist. Then, I checked on him and he was asleep at six. He's really quiet, it looks like he's getting skinnier."

  Garroth bit his bottom lip, letting go of Travis' arm.

  "Thanks for telling me." He said. "I have to get going. Whatever you do, don't treat Zane any differently. If he ever freaks out or does something seriously scary, call me or run across the street."

  Travis raised an eyebrow but nodded. Garroth stood up, wrapping his jean jacket around him. He gave a small pat on the albino's shoulder before disappearing into the house.

  Travis stood up, running his fingers through his hair. He leaned back on the steps, staring up at the sky.


  Garroth entered the house, closing the door behind him. He took off his jacket, hanging it up.

  "You ok?" Laurance asked, approaching the blonde.

  "Yeah." He pursed his lips, rubbing his hands up and down his arms. "Just really worried about Zane." He whispered, tucking a strand of hair behind his ear.

  "Do you know how he's doing?"

  "I haven't visited him yet, but from what Travis is saying, not so good." Garroth settled down on the couch.

"You should really go see him. It's been a long time." Laurance said, cupping Garroth's face in his hand.

"I should..." Garroth leaned his head into Laurance's hand. "Will you come with me...?"

"You'd really want me to come?"

"Yeah. I mean, you two got along at the mall perfectly fine. I think you should see him too."

"Ok..." Laurance nodded. He moved his hand to the back of Garroth's neck, pulling the boy into a kiss. "When should we go?"

"It's three. Can we go now?"


They both got up, walking across the street to Zane's house. Travis had gotten up and went to Aphmau's house, so he didn't see the two.

Garroth knocked on Zane's door and waited a minute. He knocked once more, worry now visible in his eyes.

Laurance reached forward and turned the handle, the door opening.

"Zane...?" Garroth called out, entering the home. "Zane?"

Garroth looked at Laurance, panicking. He ran upstairs, the brunette following suit.

The blonde peered into his bedroom, gasping. Tears instantly trickled from his eyes.

"Oh my Irene..." Laurance shielded his eyes, looking away from the scene.

"ZANE!" Garroth shrieked, rushing down beside the ravenette. He held him close, sobbing.

Laurance pulled out his phone, calling 911.

"Zane..." Garroth whimpered, hugging the boy's limp body to his chest.


  The witch stared down the street at the ambulance and cop cars. There was a crowd of people surrounding the scene. A stretcher was brought outside of the house, a body on it.

  After a minute or so, Laurance walked out of the house, Garroth by his side, sobbing.

  The blonde ran up to Vylad, crying into his shoulder. Lucinda's heart raced as she sped-walked towards the crowd, approaching Laurance.

  "What happened?" She asked.

  "I'd rather not say... It's a story that can wait for another time..." He muttered.

  "Is Zane ok?"

  "I'm not sure." He replied, rubbing the bridge of his nose. "They're going to take him to the hospital and check up on him."

  "Oh, good." She frowned. "Is Garroth ok?"

  "More like traumatized. I can't imagine what's going through his head right now." Laurance said, running his fingers through his hair. He glanced over at Garroth, who was bawling his eyes out along with Vylad.

  The ambulance drove off and the cops pulled Garroth and Laurance off to the side.

  Lucinda looked over at Travis. He looked so lost, showing no emotion. He stared off into the distance. No one could tell what he was thinking.

  At that moment, everything felt wrong. Completely off. Like it was only going to get worse.

  Oh boy, was that correct.



(i'm finally out for summer... i swear i didn't start crying today... nevermind, i totally did)

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