*I'm Alive*

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I apologize.

I apologize so much.

I have worked so much on this series, that there is no way I can give up now.

But here is my current issue.

I have an idea of where I want to go with this final book, because yes, there's only going to be one more book. If I try to write another after that one, I might actually rip my hair out.

Anyways, as I was saying, I have an idea, but I don't know how to draw it out into a story.

I get many different ideas for fanfiction, but they usually don't fit with this story, so I have to toss it to the side for another one to write.

I tend to overwhelm myself a lot with writing to the point where I'm juggling multiple fanfictions and end up leaving a few behind because I'm too invested in other ones I'm working on. But, that's just how I am.

I have started school, it's a lot harder and I only started yesterday. I have to get some of my classes switched and situated with all of them, so once that's done, I'll hopefully be back up and working to my usual self.

So, for now, this series shall be on hold. I'll make sure to update you guys when I start working on it again. I have been thinking about possibly getting someone else to help me write this series and give me some ideas on how to draw the story out, but... I'm not going to worry about that until I begin working again.

Again, I apologize, you guys, but right now, there's too much going on for me to attempt to finish the final book.

I hope you understand.

The Demon ~ Zanvis FFWhere stories live. Discover now