|Chapter Seven|

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|Zane's POV|

I sat up, yawning. I rubbed my eyes, looking around. It took me a moment but I soon realized that it was my old room. I was back in my parents' house. Right.

I opened my door, tiptoeing downstairs. I stopped halfway, staring at the front door. Mom was standing there and so was Travis. That didn't shock me, it was the fact that Travis had bags.

"Thank you so much, ma'am. I swear I'll prove myself to you." He assured.

"Please, just call me Zianna. There's
no need for formalities." She giggled, closing the front door.

"Travis? What're you doing here?" I asked, continuing to place each foot on each step until they touched the cold, wooden floor.

"I'm moving in! Well, not permanently. But I'm going to be staying here with you to prove that your parents have someone to trust to take care of you when you're living alone!"

"Um... Right." I bit my bottom lip, shaking my head. "I truly don't understand how this makes any sense, but ok. You can take your bags up to my room."

"Thanks, babe." He pressed a kiss to my forehead and carried his bags upstairs.

I turned back to Mom to see her squealing, clapping her hands together like a seal.

"Oh, my little Zuzu!" She pulled me to a hug but I stood there stiff as a board.

"Mom, stop." I whined, trying my best to pull away. "Irene, don't you have some Beyonce to listen to?"

"No." She frowned, but that didn't last long because her face brightened a second later. "That's right, I have to go get my CD from Sylvanna! Thanks for reminding me, Zuzu." She grabbed her purse and let out another squeal. "I'll be back later!"

The door slammed, causing me to jump. I shook my head, tucking my fringe behind my hair. I never really bothered to let it fall into my eyes when I was home alone or around people I'm comfortable with, which was only Travis.

"Babe, are we home alone?" A voice purred behind me and I shuddered, turning around to see him standing there.

  "Yes, we are." I huffed, crossing my arms. "Don't be so insisted that something is going to happen, it's not. I'm not gonna be fucked in my parents house."

  "Aw." He frowned and I rolled my eyes.

  "You're ridiculous." I pressed a kiss to his cheek and turned away, walking into the kitchen.

"Zane, how are you feeling?"

"What do you mean?" I asked, not bothering to look back at him.

"When you were in the hospital, you kept talking about this voice in your head." I paused. That's what he meant.

"Well, it isn't there anymore. Enough therapy did that job. I feel better than I did when it was bothering me, it sucked, honestly."

"I would imagine so." He cleared his throat and I whipped around, seeing he was nervous. "I know who the voice was."

"What?" I raised an eyebrow, confused. He had never heard it before, how could he know?

"It was my dad." Even more confusion. "You know, he's a demon warlock... He's haunted me before in the same way."

"Your dad? But, why?" I asked, stepping closer.

"He figured out that we were dating. Then, he started haunting you. I..." He trailed off, tears pricking his eyes.

"Hey, it's ok... I'm ok now. I'm safe." I assured, wrapping my arms around his torso. He held me close, hiccups escaping his lips. I felt bad for him. I imagine it'd hurt to know that the person hurting the one you love is your own father.

"Zane, I don't know what I'd do if you weren't in my life. I never want you to ever leave. Ever."

He pulled away, moving my hands to his neck. He placed his hands on my hips and brought me in for a kiss.

"I love you so much Zane. I love every single thing about you. I don't know what I would do without you." He whispered, kissing me again. He trailed down my jawline and began peppering kisses along my neck, causing me to giggle. It was my tickle spot!

  I pushed him away, laughing.

  "I love you too, Travis." I replied, pulling away. "Now, come on, I'm making cupcakes and I need your help."

  He nodded, following me as I walked further into the kitchen and started getting bowls and ingredients to make them. As I went off the recipe from the top of my head, I felt hands start rubbing up and down my chest.

  I looked down and gasped when I saw white powder all over the front of my black shirt.

  "Travis, what the fuck!" I turned to him and threw a handful of flour in his hair. "There, it blends in."

  "Are you serious? Oh my Irene, this is going to take days to get out!" He whined, pawing gently at his hair with flour covered hands. He glared at me and ran his hands under some water, flicking it at me.

By the time the cupcakes were done, Travis and I were covered in flour, water, and frosting. Not really a good combination.

"I think we both need a shower." Travis chuckled, running his fingers through his hair which caused a puff of flour to cloud from it.

"Go on ahead. I'll clean up so my mom doesn't flip when she gets home."

"Oh, she doesn't care if her son gets dirty, but she cares if the kitchen does?"

"Honestly? Yes." I crossed my arms and he rolled his eyes, kissing me on the forehead before exiting the kitchen.

As I cleaned the mixture of flour, water, and frosting off the floor, I hummed Fall Out Boy to myself.

Soon, the kitchen was back to its original appearance and the pink frosted cupcakes were sitting on a plate. I went upstairs, seeing Travis sitting on my bed and scrolling through his phone with nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist.

"Travis, there's a thing called clothes." I said, leaning against the door frame.

"I know. I like wearing this though." He smirked, putting his phone down.

"I can't imagine why."




The Demon ~ Zanvis FFWhere stories live. Discover now