|Chapter Ten|

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|Dante's POV|

  Throughout my life, I have never been truly scared of Zane. He never seemed like he would go completely insane, no matter how mad or upset he got.

  But suddenly, here I am, pushed up against a wall, Zane looking angrier than ever.

  "Look, you know Travis better than anyone. What was he planning on doing with me?" He asked.

  "What do you mean?" I raised an eyebrow, unsure of what Zane was even talking about.

  "Was he planning on breaking up with me or anything?"

  I paused. Did he find out or something? Or was this just a good guess?

  "I... I don't think he was." I lied, holding my hands up defensively.

  "Dante, you better not be lying to me." Zane stepped back, crossing his arms. "Trust me, I've learned a few things from Ein, I'm not afraid to try them out."

  "Fine. Travis had plans... For the future. Instead of proposing, he was planning on breaking up with you because he knew that his dad would come after him soon enough. But, that apparently happened sooner than usual." I admitted.

  "Do you know where he is?" Zane asked, picking his bag up off the floor.

  "No, I don't. He just explained to me what was happening and then left. I don't know anything else." I sighed, shaking my head. "Zane, I'm sorry..."

  "Doesn't matter." I saw Zane's eye darken, suddenly dull. He stormed out of the house, not saying another word.

  I felt bad for him and Travis. They could never be happy with each other, no matter how hard they tried.

|Zane's POV|


  I stormed down the street, heading back to my parents house.


  I fell harshly, hitting the sidewalk. Pain rushed through my veins as I raised up and hastily grabbed my bag.

i tøld yøu tø støp, yøu fucking idiøt!

  "You don't sound like the same voice as before... What happened?" I mumbled, standing up.

i'm a different vøice. i'm nøt that prick. i'm here tø help yøu this time. i'm nøt gøing tø førce yøu tø harm ør kill yøurself. i'm gønna help yøu get travis back. ønce and før all.

  "Are you sure you aren't going to stab me in the back?"

are yøu gøing tø believe me if i say yes?


then there's yøur answer.

  "What's the first step then?"

first thing's first - støp carrying that bag arøund and hide it før when yøu're actually in danger.

  I looked down at the bag, sighing.


  Once I arrived at home, Garroth and Vylad were nowhere to be seen.

yøu scared them øff. yøu shøuld apøløgize tø them next time yøu see them.

  "You're right." I nodded, trudging upstairs. I made sure to turn on the safety on the gun, locking the container before tucking it away with the bag.

gøød jøb. nøw, the next step. yøu need tø følløw garte øne night and figure øut where he meets the prick at.

  "What if they don't even meet anywhere? He could be haunting Garte's mind."

as much as that cøuld be true, i knøw better than that. as a vøice in sømeøne's head, yøu see, he's an evil vøice. he can ønly haunt sømeøne in a harming way. if he døesn't want tø harm garte and keep the deal gøing, then they will meet up.

  "That was a lot of explaining."

hey, that inførmatiøn can be useful in the future.

  "Fair enough." I shrugged. I waited for the voice to continue giving instructions, but they didn't say another word. "Um, are you still there?" I asked.

  They didn't respond, which made me concerned. I looked around, seeing that I was all alone. I raised an eyebrow, why did they just stop talking...? I decided not to question it too much and sat down on the edge of my bed, sighing. The time that Garte most likely would meet Travis' dad was in the middle of the night, or at least, that made the most sense to me.

I quietly slid off my bed and walked over to my window, brushing the curtains off to the side. The sound of thunder clapping echoed through the air, making my eyes narrow.

And to think that this war was finally over...

How stupid I was to think that.



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