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Hi friends! It has come to my attention that Awsten and Travis read this on their podcast. And I am seeing a lot of drama on twitter over this.

I wrote this fic as a JOKE, nothing about this was serious, nothing was intended plagiarism. And more importantly, I had NO idea that the original milk fic was written by a sex offender. Trust me that if I had known, I would never have even read the original fic, much less write this one. Everything about this fic was made as a joke, the whole idea is a joke, and the whole concept is a joke.

I am super sorry if I offended anyone, and I am very sorry to Awsten and Travis for having to read this mess. 

Once again, this was all a joke. A joke that never ever intended on actually getting to Aws, or anyone really. I uploaded this one night after joking with some of my friends. No malicious intent at all.

If you for some reason still want something clarified or anything, shoot me a message and I'll be happy to talk. I'm not on here often but I will reply eventually.

The Quinoa Fic - GawstenWhere stories live. Discover now