Chapter 1: The King

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The night was cool yet energized, as I approached the looming Devil's Casino that boasted loud noises from its towering doors. The stench of booze and tobacco wafted my nose as I entered the building to a room full of all sorts of gambling games with just as many different kinds of people leering at them. I had no pleasure to gamble nor any intentions to watch as people won in triumph or lost everything to the devil. Taking a seat at the bar, I pulled out a sketchbook and a pencil from my satchel as I sat quietly, glancing at all the intriguing creatures.

"What can I get you, missy?" A voice sounded behind me as I turned my head to face a man with a mic for a head wearing a bartenders uniform, cleaning a glass cup.

"May I have some ice water?" I asked softly, as I noted a mic sitting between me and him on the bar top.

"Coming right up." The man said, as he took the now clean cup from his hands and filled it with ice and water. "Here you go missy, enjoy." He said nicely, as he set the cup next to me on a coaster.

"Thank you." I said happily, as I picked it up and took a quick sip before setting it back on the coaster decorated with images of cards and chips. Returning my attention to the sprawled out crowd, I began to sketch down the mic man and many more around the room. A few minutes passed by until I noticed a group of people began to crowd a certain table in excitement. Overtaken by curiosity, I struggled to see through the crowd at what they were watching only to find a group of people playing cards. However one of them seemed to catch my eye as he laid down his cards with a dastardly smirk.

"Royal Flush, looks like I win boys." A deep yet soothing voice full of mockery rang as I took in his features. He wore a purple tuxedo with matching pants and shoes plus a little bow tie on his collar, his head was a dice with the lonely dot as his nose and a mustache to go with it. His eyes were like a bright emerald that seemed to glow as he took his victims contracts with gloved hands.

Losing myself in thought, I continued to stare at him until his eyes met with mine and everything seemed silent. Realizing what was happening, I looked down quickly and began to sketch him down hoping he wouldn't come over. As a few moments passed, I found myself finishing my latest addition not realizing the approaching figure.

"Hello there, I don't think I've ever seen you here before?" A familiar voice said as a shadow was cast over me. Looking up at whoever spoke, I found myself staring back into the eyes of the dice man.

"Yes well. I only recently had a chance to come here." I said quietly, as I began to feel almost flustered as he glanced down at my work. He was much taller then I was and thought he would be, as he leered over me.

"Your work is very intriguing, almost lifelike." He said, gesturing to the image of him and many others.

"Thank you. Oh, I'm sorry, I should've asked for permission to draw you first." I apologized, feeling guilt and a sort of sadness envelop me slowly.

"No you must forgive me, it's rude not to introduce myself before speaking to a new customer." The man said, taking my hand in his and lifting it up to his face. "My name is King Dice, but my friends call me Dice." The man named King Dice, said, as he leaned in and kissed my hand. Feeling my face heat up, I smiled softly as Dice finished and looked up at me.

"My name is Angel, it is very nice to meet you," I said quietly, as he let go of my hand and stood up straight. I was surprised at how well mannered he was compared to the usual men I met that didn't seem to understand the word manner.

"Angel, would you care to play a game with me?" Dice asked, as cards spilled out of his sleeves and landed in his hands. Thinking briefly, I thought back to my brother and what he said before I left his office.

"I would love to but my brother doesn't allow me," I said sadly, watching Dices expression change ever so slightly.

"That is unfortunate indeed, how about you spectate my next game then." He said as I began to put my stuff away. Smiling softly, I nodded my head, knowing brother wouldn't mind if I watched.

"Splendid, hopefully, I can persuade you afterward to play a game." Dice said deceitfully, as I stood up from my seat and followed him to the table that I first saw him at. Taking a seat, I watched as patrons came over and introduced themselves before sitting down with Dice. The game started without a hitch, dice winning each round without much struggle. At times I'd notice one of the men at the table bluff, and on instinct, I tucked my hair behind my ear so that Dice would know. But even if I didn't tuck in my hair I could tell he knew it was a bluff as he wiped out the competition.

After a few hours of games and short conversations, I found it nearly time to leave as dice finished another game and collected some more contracts.

"Thank you for a great time, but unfortunately I must leave," I said sadly, as I stood up from my seat and faced Dice.

"I see, will you be here tomorrow?" Dice asked as he stood up from his seat. Nodding my head, I smiled up at Dice before turning around.

"I'll ask brother if I may play cards with you next time!" I said cheerfully, as I turned my head back to him before walking out of the casino. Proceeding towards the exit, I frowned slightly as a little imp came hopping towards me. Stopping at the entrance, I waited as the imp caught up with me and took a deep breath.

"Miss Angel, the boss wants me to tell you that he'll be working late tonight and to just go home without him." the imp rasped, as he tried to talk, "He'll be busy the rest of the week too." the imp added, as he finally caught his breath and stared back at my gloomy face.

"Tell brother not to work so hard, and ask him if I may play cards with Mr. King Dice," I said slightly depressed, as I stared down at the Imp.

"He already knows Miss Angel, in fact, he told me to tell you that its alright and he'll try not to work so hard." the Imp rushed, as we walked out the Casino together.

"Ok then, you may go." I dismissed, as the Imp nodded his head and ran back in the direction of the casinos second building. Letting out a deep sigh, I continued my way home as a hole appeared in front of me and I jumped right in. Drifting down slowly, I landed on my feet with ease as I looked around to find myself in a large room with luxurious furniture and exquisite paintings hanging on the crimson red walls.

Smiling softly at the familiar scenery, I continued my way to a long hall where I stopped in front of a white door trimmed in beautiful golden designs that traced the doors outer edges. Grabbing the doors shiny silver handle, I twisted the door open as I stepped into a white room that conveyed a king sized bed draped In white and silver sheets at the center of the room plus a desk and wardrobe at separate sides.

Brother loved the sleek look that the classy furniture gave to the interior of the house, and I myself loved the aura they gave off throughout the house. Heading over to my right, I stepped in front of my wardrobe happily as I reached for the handle and opened it up. It was mainly filled with light blue dresses slightly higher than the knee with white aprons sown onto them. In addition to these wonderful dresses where silver button up shirts and pants mainly worn for nightly routines like sleeping or lounging about till it was time to dream. Grabbing a pair of these clothes, I shut my wardrobe door and strolled over to the bed where I laid down my clothes and began to undress.

As I tossed my dirty clothes in a nearby basket, I looked over to a mirror that hung on the wall a few feet from my bed and stared at my reflection. My complexion was pale and thin compared to most but it was suited quite nicely to my soft eyes and snow white hair that covered up my markings. Parting my hair to one side, I stared in awe at my back seeing two wings graciously designed upon it. One of the wings was as pure as fresh snow with great long feathers to suit its strong figure, the other wing was pitch black and ragged as though they belonged to the devil unlike those on the right that was fit for an angel.

Taking my eyes off the clear reflection, I grabbed the clothes from the bed and slipped them on before crawling under the cozy covers. Letting out a deep sigh, I laid my head back on the cloud-like pillows and closed my eyes as the lights turned off and I drifted off to my own wonderland.

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