Chapter 3: Painted Hand

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The morning air was crisp yet cool as I opened my eyes to the beautiful sunlight that greeted me from my deep slumber to an intriguing day.
Letting out a soft yawn, I crawled out of bed and prepared for the day's errands as I began my morning routine.

Finishing up in the restroom, I rinsed out my mouth and spat into the sink before putting away my toothbrush and cup. Exiting the restroom, I skipped into the kitchen to see brother leaning against the countertop drinking coffee once more out of his grim cup.

"Good morning brother!" I cheered, as I walked over to him and opened the medicine cupboard next to him.

"Morning Angel." He replied, as I fetched a cup and filled it up before taking my pills. "Do you want me to come with you to get your art stuff?" Brother asked, as he looked at me while I put the cup away in the sink on his right.

"No thank you brother, but don't worry I'll be fine." I commented, as I took a pear out of the basket on the island. Biting into the tender juicy pear, I glanced up to see brothers expression grow distant as he let out a deep sigh.

"If it would make you feel better then, you can have the imps keep an eye on me." I added softly, as he looked down at me and crossed his arms thoughtfully.

"If it weren't for yesterday, I'd go with you but unfortunately that drunk fool caused me to fall behind on paperwork. Which means I'll have to go to work earlier in the day than planned so I suppose it's best not to come along either way." He grumbled, as he set his cup in the sink and grabbed a fruit out of the basket too. "Just promise me you'll be fast, you know I hate not being near you in your condition." He spoke, as we finished our food and tossed out the remains.

"I promise, I'll be back before you know it!" I smiled, as I watched brother nod his head in defeat before we made our way to the casino. Arriving at the casino, I waved goodbye to my brother as we split into different directions and went our separate ways with an imp or two following behind me. Reaching the shopping area of district three, I began heading into a little store overfilled with all sorts of art supplies and equipment. Heading over to a desk in the back of the store, I pulled out a slip of paper and handed it to the cashier who was the boss of this little store.

"Ah, Miss Angel, I gesture you're here for the usual?" The man at the desk asked as he opened a door behind him and glanced back at me.

"Yes, sir." I confirmed, watching as the man disappeared into the room and came back with an ample sized suitcase that he set on the desktop with a soft grunt.

"Alright then it's already paid for so, I hope you have a nice day!" The man concluded, as I grabbed the suitcase with some effort and made my way out of the shop. Stepping outside I shut the door behind me and held out my suitcase as a hole appeared and I eased the case in slowly so that none of the contents would be damaged. Letting go of the suitcase, I closed up the hole and continued my way back to the Devils Casino.

During my little voyage, I met some people who were daily customers to the casino and exchange greeting before I went on. Exiting the shopping district, I began to think of my next grand project when I felt something grab my left shoulder and my thoughts were interrupted by a familiar face as I turned around.

"Hi-De-Ho Miss Angel, I never expected to run into you here!" King Dice greeted, as he released his hand from my shoulder and gave a quick wave.

"Hello Dice, I could say the same in fact I'm quite glad it's you!" I beamed, seeing his left hand was carrying a small bag with the supermarket's logo printed on the front.

"Is that so?" Dice questioned, his expression somewhat glad at my response as I tucked my bangs behind my ears.

"Of course, after all, we are friends right?" I inquired, worrying that he might disagree about the bond we've made.

"Indeed we are, so tell me are you heading towards the casino? And if so do you mind if I join you?" Dice questioned, as he smiled softly in a manner I've never seen before from him.

"Yes, I would love it if you would come!" I cheered, before stepping to the side so that we could walk together as he moved forward beside me. Turning towards the direction of the casino, we began our way there as we talked and joked about whatever popped into our heads.

Once we arrived at the casino, we split up for a moment as I waited for Dice to comeback from his quick errand to his office. Smiling softly, I let out a quiet giggle as I thought back at our trip here and the conversations we had together. It 's nice to laugh like this again, I guess after the letter came that day I haven't been like myself lately but Dice seems to make it almost vanish. Looking up from my deep thoughts, I stood up straight and smiled as Dice came up to me.

"It seems I have some free time, how about we play the game you earned yesterday?" Dice suggested, as he looked around the room just Incase.

"That would be nice, there's a free table over there." I gestured, pointing at a lonely table with a deck of cards sitting in the middle of the table. Seeing Dice nod his head, we made our way to the table and took a seat as Dice grabbed the cards eagerly.

"Ok, is your bet the same as yesterday?" Dice asked, as he shuffled the cards keenly before passing them out. Nodding my head, I picked up my cards and fingered through them.

"Have you chosen a new goal?" I queried, as he set down a card and I drew my own from the deck.

"Yes, I have, in fact, my new bet includes your brother." He declared, as I discarded and he drew. Looking up at him for a quick second, I smiled intently as he looked back at me and threw away his card.

"Then this shall be an interesting game!" I replied happily, as we pressed on into our game as the hours passed by to another wonderful night. Laying down a full house, I smiled victoriously as I yet again beat Dice who sat defeated.

"Looks like you win again, but I assure you I'll win next time." Dice claimed, as he put the cards back and we both stood up from our chairs.

"Same bet I presume?" I asked, looking up at Dice before noticing how late it was as I checked the big clock that hung against the distant back wall.

"Yes, of course, that is until I win." Dice chuckled, as he slipped the cards into his pocket and we began our way to the exit.

"He seems dead set on these bets, is he trying to trick me into getting my contract?" I thought, as we reached the entrance and said our goodbyes. "Of course he is, then again...... I hope I'm wrong." I continued, as I watched my brother exit the building next to the casino with a satisfied but tired expression plastered on his face.

"There you are Angel, I was about to go and get you." Brother yawned, as I trotted over to him and he placed his hand on my head. Feeling my worries wash away, I smiled softly up at brother as his tail flung around happily and his face crept into a grin.

"I'm sorry I didn't stop by at your office, I meant to but I got distracted." I apologized, as brother took his hand off my head and flicked his fingers as a hole appeared on the ground in front of us.

"Don't worry, the imps told me you bumped into Dice." Brother paused, as we jumped into the hole and entered the living room. "I don't really know what to think of that guy, so promise me when something goes wrong, you'll come get me alright?" Brother finished, as he sat on the couch with a heavy sigh and my worries crept back.

"Don't worry, I will. Now don't stay up too late, good night brother." I dismissed, as I laid a quick kiss on brothers forehead before running off to bed.

"Good night Angel!" Brother shouted softly, as I entered my room and began my preparations.
Sliding into bed, I let out a deep sigh as I laid back and stared up at my ceiling decorated with fluffy white clouds and night stars.

"Why am I so worried? Up until now, everything's been fine, maybe it's almost time?... No, I can't start thinking like that, I need to stay positive. I need too, for brother's sake." I contemplated, as tears began to trace the rims of my eyes. Wiping the tears away, I let out a shaky sigh and recalled happy memories as I slipped away to my own world.

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