Chapter 4: Revealed Joker

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I could feel it, the darkness was swallowing me up and I couldn't get away. I couldn't move, it spread like a wildfire leaving nothing behind. My breathing became raspy and harsh as my body was doused in pain and tears trailed down my pale face. I began to scream with fear as the darkness neared my racing heart.

"No, I can't go yet. Brother needs me, please someone help!" I cried. As everything around me vanished away in a cloud of dust.

Bolting up, I panted heavily as I held myself tight and tried to calm myself down. I despised that dream, it mocked and scorned me for having hope of a happy long life with brother nor anyone else. Clearing my mind from remaining horrid thoughts, I jumped out of bed and stretched quickly before getting ready for another day.

Trying to forget about my little episode, I entered the kitchen to see brother was nowhere in sight as I approached the medicine cabinet and grabbed my daily dose. Pulling out a cup from the nearby cupboard, I filled it up with tap water and chucked the pill into my mouth. Chugging the glass of water down, I sighed in satisfaction as I placed the cup into the sink and ran back into the hallway. Taking a right turn, I headed down to the farthest door which was painted black and had crimson red details around the frame.

Cracking the door open, I peered into a dark room much similar to mine but in shades of black and blood red as I looked around to see brother sleeping softly in bed. Seeing this, I smiled happily and closed the door quietly before tiptoeing back into the kitchen and grabbing something to eat.

Finishing my food, I threw away the remains and ran back to my room where I entered a separate room to the left of my bedroom. Looking around the second room, I found it filled with blank canvases and beautiful paintings of various things ranging from people to objects and scenery. Next to the room's door sat the conspicuous suitcase I had recently purchased for my next piece of extraordinary art.

Picking up the suitcase I carried it to the center of the room where a blank canvas sat on a wooden stand covered in an array of colors. Setting the case down on its side, I unlatched the locks and opened it up to see countless colors of paints and new brushes at my disposal.

Grabbing my tools, I grinned happily as I began to paint in soft strokes across the once blank canvas. As hours went by, I found myself lost in the intrinsic painting while I continued on finally seeing a face through the thick mist.

"Looks like Dice." A sudden voice echoed behind me, as I jumped slightly by its sudden appearance.
Moving my hand away mere inches from the canvas, I turned my head to see my brother hovering behind me with a sort of frown as he stared down at me.

"Yes it is, he saved me so..." I trailed off, remembering the day before with that grotesque drunkard. Feeling a hand rest on my shoulder, I looked up from my train of thought to see brother smile at me with sincerity before starring back at the work in progress.

"That would be a significant event then." Brother remarked, already knowing that I painted moments in
My life that caused big changes for me and those around. Nodding my head to brothers reply, I turned back to my painting happily as brother retracted his arm and let out a deep sigh.

"Well it's almost time to leave, I'll wait for you in the living room." brother informed, as he turned around and walked to the door.

"Ok, I'll be there soon." I claimed, turning around to see brother face me and nod his head before exiting the room. Letting out a sigh of my own, I began packing up my art and heading out the room quickly. Shutting the door behind me, I trotted over to my bed and grabbed my satchel as I checked to make sure everything was there. Once that was done, I ran out of my room and met up with brother who stood by the open doors patiently before we headed out to the casino together.

As usual, me and brother parted ways as each other waved to another and entered separate buildings. Making a B-line to the bar, I took a seat at my usual stool and took out my things as music boasted cheerfully at the appearance of customers. Hours seemed to pass by as I sat worried about whether or not Dice would show. But as I began to worry, I watched as his figure squeezed out of the ever-growing crowd before me.

"It seems tonight we have a full house!" I smiled, as Dice came closer with a sort of amused smile plastered on his face.

"Yes, indeed it is, but not to busy for us to play a game." He replied, taking a seat beside me as I put my things away into my bag.

"Are you sure, I don't want you to get in trouble on my account." I disquieted, looking at him face to face as he stared back at me assuringly.

"Don't worry, I already checked around so there's no problem." Dice grinned, as he stood up and took my hand beckoning me to follow.
Submitting to his words, I stood up and walked with him to an empty table just for us. Taking a seat, I scooted in as Dice did the same before grabbing the cards on the table and shuffled them up.

Once the game began so did the fun, we ended up talking most of the time about silly little things until the very end. Staring at the cards displayed out in front of dice, I let out a soft sigh knowing I couldn't keep my luck forever and it would happen sooner or later.

"Royal flush, I win!" Dice cheered, as he collected the cards and put them back as I stood up with a grin.

"Congrats, to be honest about the deal, I don't usually like telling people who my brother is but I did promise." I said wearily, before walking over to Dice and taking his hand as he stood up next to me.

"Well... you don't have to if you don't want to." Dice responded, as he rubbed the back of his neck with his free hand.

"I don't really mind, after all, I'd rather tell you!" I encouraged, as we made our way out of the casino and right outside of brothers building. Walking up to the door, I gave a soft knock and stepped back as I exchanged glances with Dice before a strong voice echoed from inside.

"Come in." The voice urged, as the door creaked open and I strolled inside with Dice in tow already knowing what lies ahead. Entering the massive room I continued over towards a grand desk that sat in the middle of the room with a backward chair behind it and a sofa in front.

"Ah, Angel I was about to go get you." Brother smirked, as he turned the desk chair towards us and shared a quick glance with Dice.

"I see Dice won the game." Brother paused, standing up from his seat and making his way towards us. "I am the Devil and the one standing next to you Dice is my little sister Angel, but I'm sure you knew that from the very start." Brother finished, stopping face to face with Dice as he took my hand and smiled at me. Confused by brothers statement, I turned to look at Dice as he stared back with hardly any emotion.

"At first I did sir, however, I never expected someone like her to be the devils kin if you don't mind me saying." Dice replied, his form stiff and broad as I stood next to brothers left side.

"I see, many people have said that then again many of them ran after finding out. That's why as you can tell Angel has a hard time socializing being because of me." Brother sighed, taking his hand away from my hand and setting it on my head.

"Brother..." I mumbled softly, seeing him look back at me with a soft smile. Looking back up at Dice, I watched as our eyes met for an instant but left as he stared back at brother.

"Now Dice, I charish my sister more than anything that's why when I'm here or busy somewhere else, I need you to protect her as I told you before she arrived. If you don't succeed in doing so then you know the price." Brother smirked, As he glared down at Dice who simply nodded his head in agreement.

"Brother, you don't have to make him, I'll be fine on my own." I implored, feeling brothers hand ease away as he stared back at me.

"Angel, I'd rather know your in safe hands when I'm not near you besides remember the man from two days ago?" Brother asked, already knowing my answer as he turned back to Dice.

"Alright then, starting tomorrow you'll be keeping an eye on Angel." Brother clarified, as he took my hand and began walking towards the exit.

"Yes, sir." Dice assured, as I glanced back at his tall form before finding myself at home and feeling drained.

"Brother, you didn't have to do that." I said softly, leaning against him as I trailed off in his arms.

"I know."

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