Chapter 5: Changed Deck

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The morning felt almost suppressed as rain fell and thunder crashed outside my window while I sat quietly on my bed listening to the sad storm. I always loved rainy days but today was different, the air seemed heavy and my chest cried out in pain as I tried my best to breathe. It's been a couple of days now that Dice learned the truth and since then he's been distant as though realizing who my brother is changed his point of view about me. His smiles seem so forgotten and his soft words he once spoke now dust in the wind as each day passes by.

However, I still carry a strong face so brother doesn't find out, even if it means lying to him I don't want my only friend to disappear. Smiling past the lingering pain, I finally stand up from my bed and got dressed as I go finish up my usual uninteresting routine. Entering the kitchen, I head over to the medicine cabinet and prepare my dose as I grab a cup from the other cabinet and filled it with water eagerly. Gulping down the glass of water, I cough briefly into my shoulder before placing the cup into the sink and turning around to see brother leaning against the doorframe leading towards the hallways with an unsettling look.

"Angel, are you ok?" Brother asked, holding up a worried expression as I stood against the counter nervously.

"Of course brother, I just accidentally inhaled some water that's all." I responded, trying to drive the conversation away from "that" topic.

"Alright then, but I've noticed you've been doing that a lot lately and I'm just worried." Brother confessed, looking almost distant as he spoke.

"I know, just don't forget what mother and father told us." I reminded, smiling at the thought of them until I remembered that day.

"Angel, your right but what if it doesn't happen what if..."

"Brother please, I'll be fine, ok so don't worry. I still have plenty of time I'll find him soon." I interrupted, seeing brother shocked at me for doing so. Clenching my hands into fists, I forced the tears back as I faked a smile and strolled over to him.

"Angel..." brother whispered, not knowing what to say to me as I grabbed his hand.

"Now let's hurry, we still have to grab everything for the party tomorrow!" I urged, pulling him along towards the living room as the front doors opened up for us.

"...Yeah, your right let's go." Brother sighed, following my lead as we headed towards district threes shopping area. The rest of the day was filled with regret, I wanted to cry and scream into brothers arms just like when we were children but I want to see him happy till the end that's my only wish. I feel selfish every time I think about it but brother has worried enough, I know he doesn't exactly do good deeds but he deserves it. Holding back a cough, I gently set the bags of party supplies into the hole before us as we stood outside the last shop on our list.

"Alright let's get going." Brother sighed, as I finished and the hole disappeared from sight. Nodding my head sadly, I followed brother underneath his umbrella as we made our way to the casino. I couldn't help but feel as though every second became tense and suffocating as brother and I stopped by the railroads as the train zipped by.

Once we made it to the Casino, the rain shot down heavily creating an ongoing sound similar to static as brother and I stood quietly trying to find the words to either ease the tension or create a lasting impression on ourselves.

"Hm... well, I'll see you..." I stopped mid-sentence, as brothers arm wrapped around me into a tight embrace.

"Angel I know it's hard, but I want you to know that as long as we're together I will always be here for you no matter what, ok? After all, that's my job, my wish, to ease your pain until I see you smile again just like when we were children." Brother implored, tears riddling the rims of his eyes as he looked down at me. Not knowing what to say, I began to sob quietly as we stood together under the umbrella as if the day of the funeral was replayed before us.
Calming myself down, I looked back at brothers red soaked eyes and smile softly as he does the same.

"I'll do my best." I whispered, giving one more hug to brother before he walked me to the entrance and I waved him goodbye as he went to work. Taking a deep shaky breath, I made my way to the bar as Dice came into view with the same dull expression from yesterday.

"There you are, I was wondering what was taking you." Dice said, barely any emotion in his voice as I sat down and ordered some water.

"I'm sorry..." I mumbled, taking a sip of water as Dice took a seat next to me. I felt drained from the events I went under and the pain in my chest grew worse after I cried as though my condition worsened. Pulling my stuff out of my bag, I began to draw silently as my mind whirled with unneeded thoughts.

"Angel is something wrong?" Dice asked, breaking me from my train of thought as I looked back at his slightly worried expression.

"Yes, I'm simply tired. Thank you for asking." I answered, feeling a little bit better as I gave him a reassuring smile. Seeing he was still worried, I put everything back into my bag and stood up quickly as I took Dices hand gently.

"How about a game? After all, it's been awhile!" I grinned, dismissing our previous topic as Dice looked at me as though there was something he wanted to say. After a minute or two, dice sighed in defeat and stood up beside me as we made our way to an empty table. For the remaining couple of hours, we spoke to one another about the party and anything else that popped into our minds as though nothing had changed.

"Looks like it's time." Dice sighed, as he put the cards away and I stared up at the looming clock. Letting out a sigh of my own, I stood up and pushed my chair back into place as Dice did the same.

"Brother said he'd be picking me up today." I mentioned, fixing my bag as Dice stood next to me and fixed his sleeve buttons. Feeling my throat get itchy, I pulled out a handkerchief out of my bag and placed it over my mouth as I began to cough. As I coughed longer it became worse, as I felt a hand gently rest on my back and rub me slowly. After a few seconds, my coughing fit had finally finished its tantrum as I stood up straight and Dice withdrew his hand slowly from my back.

"Are you ok Angel?" Dice questioned, as an expression of concern crept its way onto his face.

"Yes, I just... Maybe I caught something outside. A cold perhaps." I lied, seeing brother coming towards us from afar as I quickly put away the handkerchief noticing some blood on it.

"Then you should take it easy, it would be a good idea not to come tomorrow too." Dice implored, also noticing brother nearing towards us.

"No it's okay, I'll be fine. Besides I need to be here tomorrow for brother's sake." I insisted, waving to brother as he smiled at me.

"Alright, if that's what you want." Dice grumbled, not convinced at the least by my words. Knowing Dice disliked my choice, I sighed quietly feeling slightly worse as brother came and stood in front of us.

"Angel are you ready?" Brother asked, sharing a quick glance with Dice before looking at me. Nodding my head, I stepped closer to brother and glanced back at Dice wearily.

"Thank you Dice, I had a wonderful time!" I beamed, seeing him relax a bit as he gave me a grin.

"Oh, Dice I finished up the preparations for tomorrow and if you need them their on my desk. I'll be dropping off a few things as well before heading back into town." Brother informed, snapping his fingers as an umbrella appeared from a cloud of smoke.

"I want everything ready before showtime, Angel agreed to sing a song too so it is best to prepare the stage." Brother included, reminding me that I promised to sing.

"Of course sir, everything will be done by then." Dice assured, returning to his emotionless state as I frowned slightly.

"Alright then let's go Angel." Brother smiled, taking my hand gently as we made our way to the entrance before looking back at Dices irritated yet depressed expression.
Once we made it to the entrance, brother popped open the umbrella and brought me close as a hole appeared a few inches away from us. Staying beneath the umbrella's protection, I jumped into the hole quickly as I arrived in our living room which burst to life at our arrival.

"You best get some sleep, tomorrow's a big day." Brother reminded, landing a soft kiss on my forehead as I looked up at him about to say the same thing.

"Alright, good night brother." I replied, kissing him on the cheek goodnight.

"Goodnight Angel." He smiled, watching as I smiled back before we went to our rooms for the night.

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