Chapter 8: Ace Of Hearts

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"Brother, why did mom get sick?" I asked, wiping my eyes on my soaked sleeve as I choked on my own words.

"Because... she couldn't escape from it." He sniffled, holding back the last of his tears as his hand tightened around mine and the rain beat heavily against our umbrella.

"Escape from what?" I implored, looking up at his red soaked eyes as he continued to stare at their graves and took a deep breath.

"...... From the darkness." his words echoed, as everything faded and was swallowed up by the emptiness.

Falling to the harsh cold floor, I brought my knees in close as I wrapped my arms tightly around them and tears began to stream down my face. All of it was fading, every sweet memory to the bitter nightmares was slipping away even as I reached out to them hoping to save a part of me. However, nothing worked as each one vanished like smoke and left me with a bitter taste. Even so, I continued to struggle as I reached towards a cloud of smoke and grasped it only to find myself in a small candlelit room.

"My sweet child, did you have another nightmare?" A soft voice asked, as a hand parted my bangs and wiped my tears away. Nodding my head, I looked up to the owner of the voice with shock as I gazed into my mother's brilliant gold eyes.

"Don't worry my flower, I'll always be here to banish those nasty nightmares." She cooed, as she smiled softly and her starlight silver hair sparkled in the candlelight. Wiping away another of my tears she began to sing, her voice was light as every word danced graciously through the air. Succumbing to her lullaby, I closed my eyes briefly as her song reached out to me even when I returned to the black void. Humming the song quietly, I reached out to another veil of smoke as I was taken to a light-filled living room with a looming figure swishing his tail about.

Smiling happily, I watched as the figure came closer and held its hand out to me with a smirk of its own. Taking the creatures hand, we began to dance as swing filled the air and the devil himself my father began to laugh. Joining him, I began to laugh too as father propped me up on his feet and waddled around the room like he once did before the incident.

"How's my little Angel doing?" Father inquired, as we continued to dance around the room and a soft giggle escaped my mother's lips as she leaned against the kitchen doorway.

"I feel like I could fly just like mother!" I giggled, seeing the slight concern in my father's eyes as the music became quiet.

"Maybe one day Angel when you're big and strong till then you continue being our little ball of light." Father smiled, as the music began again and father picked me up into his arms. "Remember never to give up on even the damnedest souls!" Father chuckled, as he held me up in the air and began to twirl around making me laugh once more.

"I promise!" I smiled, as everything began to fade away and I once more returned to the darkness. Except I was no longer alone as a pure light approached my crippled form and burst into a grand starlight bird. Staring at the bird curiously, I watched as it fluttered around my head and began to sing a familiar tune.  

Realizing the song it was tweeting, I replied to it as I sung briefly and watched the bird soar a few feet away before landing softly. Noticing what the bird was trying to do, I stood up and began to walk towards it as it jumped back into the air. Following the bird, I began to pick up speed as it streaked across the smoke-filled air and continued to sing. It felt like an eternity as I continued to chase the peregrine through the darkness my legs screaming in pain and my breath raspy bursts.

Feeling myself reach my limit, I began to slow down until a white door revealed itself in the distance as I neared it's tall gold trimmed form and took in the comforting presence. Coming to a stop, I traced my hand against the smooth door as fear of unknown possibilities evaded my mind.

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