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Hey. It's Sya here.

How are you guys doin'? I hope you're doin' great.

I know it's been a really long time and I miss you guys so so so f much

I have a little announcement for all my fellow readers


Oh god this is hard.


Forgive me.



I'm not going to write anymore :)



I think this is the end :)

Sorry for letting y'all down, sorry for all of my mistakes, sorry guys i'm really sorry

This is so hard for me :')

And thank you for all your support after all this time, thank youuu, thank you thank youuu

I'm gonna miss this orange world, I'm gonna miss y'all :')


So i think it's time to say good bye :)

All the love as always,

-Sya :)

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Mar 20, 2018 ⏰

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Yes, Daddy? [H.S]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang