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From: Smackle
Maya! Lucas is stable now. They only let his mum and sister back to see him today, we're not allowed. We've been home for hours trying to sleep off everything, but everyone's nerves are still on end. Where Are You?!

My heart rate gradually returned to its normal pace and it didn’t feel as constricted in my chest as it did before. I let out a sigh of relief, but tears continued to flow down my face. I still need to hear him say from his own mouth that he's okay. I have to apologize and make him see how sorry I am. There is no one else that I want to be with more than Lucas. I need him, and being halfway around the world away from him is definitely taking its toll on me.

My mom was still looking at me and waiting for an answer. I’m still beyond annoyed with her and Riley, but knowing that Lucas is alive is enough to calm my nerves for now.

“Mom that’s really none of your business if I did or didn't, I’m 20 years old. I don’t have to share that with you. And my feelings for him would have nothing to do with that, if that's what you were getting at. Lucas is getting better, not that either of you care.”

“Penelope we care.” I rolled my eyes at Riley. Why is she putting on an act? I know how she feels about me and Lucas.

“Maya, we do care honey. I’m glad your friend didn’t die, but you’re my first concern. You never had anxiety attacks before you went over there and started messing around with him. You’re my only child. Do you know how scary it is to get a call to work saying that you’re daughters in the hospital? I hope you never do! And sex most certainly does have and effect on feelings Maya! That changes everything! If you did I hope you were being safe! By the way that is a huge mother daughter moment that I hope you wouldn't rip away from me.” I rolled my eyes at my mom and ignored her last comment. Everything is a mother daughter moment to her. She can be so dramatic.

“He’s not my friend he’s my boyfriend, sex didn't change anything! I knew I loved him before that happened and I’m fine. They’re going to let me go after I eat.” I’m still not hungry, but maybe if I force something down they’ll let me go faster so I can call Smackle.

The look of shock on my mom's face was priceless and before she could open her mouth to say anything else about the situation, the nurse came back in behind the doctor with a tray of food.

“Eat what you can and after you do I’ll check your blood pressure again.” He leaves the room before I can protest and I take a piece of the sandwich that’s on the trey and pick at it while I text Smackle back.

To: Smackle
I’m back home... I left you a note on your door saying that I was leaving...

I ate all that I would eat of the sandwich and stared into the hallway. My mom left the room to talk to the doctor and I need to know what she’s saying to him. Riley stayed in her seat. I have nothing to say to her right now and she knows it. We sit in palpable silence until my phone alerts me that I have a message.

From: Smackle
WHAT? YOU DID WHAT MAYA? HOW COULD YOU BE SO SELFISH?! Lucas needs you now, more than before and you’re gone! I know you had to leave soon but you didn't even try to fight for another chance. You've hurt two people unnecessarily! I can’t believe you!

My chest began to close up again because I know Smackle is pissed. I've already lost Lucas. I don’t know how many more of my relationships falling to pieces I can handle. I didn't even think of what I did being as being selfish at the time but I know she’s right and the fact that Lucas is in the hospital and I can’t be there for him makes my anxiety return.

Riley looked up at me as I continued my conversation with Smackle.

“Are you really not going to talk to me?”

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