chapter 3

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The rest of my day went exceptionally well if you consider being alone all day and having to walk home because your rides girlfriend went with him instead then yeah, my day went perfect. I was walking out of school to meet with Calum as I saw him and Allison together so I didn't want to interrupt them as they seemed to be arguing.

I was now walking home alone as the freezing wind made my face cringe. I started to kick at rocks which I usually did when I got bored while walking. I would kick it as it would move forward then chase after it. I kicked the rock hard and it went flying into the ditch as I let out a sigh of frustration.

''Having trouble there Parker?'' I turned around to see Ashton standing behind me. I rolled my eyes as I quickened my pace trying to go faster and forget that Ashton was there. Surely enough for me, Ashton's legs we're way longer so my jog was his walk.

''What do you want Irwi- I mean Ashton.'' Me and Ashton used to have this nickname thing where we would call each other by our last names, but we weren't friends anymore so I didn't have the right to say it and neither did Ashton.

''I miss you Parker, it was me you and Michael against the world. Then when he..'' Ashton paused as I sent him a glare as if to say do not continue but he continued anyway. ''Yeah, you stopped hanging around with me and started to get high all the time.''

I stopped in my tracks as I turned around to face Ashton with my jaw dropped.

''Excuse me? If you don't remember, you left me when Michael passed and I got depressed as anyone would if they lost the love of their life, and sometimes that leads to things that we're stupid and thing's I regret. So don't pin this one on me Irwi- Ashton because this is NOT my fault.'' By now my finger was up to his chest and we were standing right in front of my house.

I continued to walk while Ashton followed. ''I'm thinking on ending things with Alexis.'' Ashton said quickly as I unlocked the door.

''Good for you!'' I said sarcastically. ''Friends are supposed to help with stuff like this.'' Ashton bit his lip.

''You are many things Ashton, but one thing you are not is my friend anymore.'' With that I slammed the door and scurried past my parents into my room. A few minutes after I changed into comfy clothes my mother yelled out,

''Ella, get some milk from the store, ten dollars on the table.''

I sighed as I slumped out of bed and down the stairs. It should have been something I was used to. I've been ask to run to the convenient store many times over the occurring weeks. I don't think it was the fact my mother was incapable, more of the fact this was the only excuse she had to make me receive some fresh air.

As I stepped out into the cold night in New York City, I pulled up my hood and tugged at my sleeves trying to keep as much body heat in as possible. I saw a faint figure with what I assumed was a cigarette dangling from his lips. He took down his hood as he ran a hand through his hair. I realized he look familiar. This boy looked like Luke, but it couldn't have been him because he's new around here and it's his first day. He looked over at me as he stopped in his tracks as if he was scared.

''Ella Parker?'' He gulped as he approached me. I wondered how he knew my name but he probably has been told about the dead boyfriend thing. I nodded to Luke as his eyes widened. I wanted to walk away from him but my curiosity got the best of me.

''How do you know your way around here if your new around these parts?'' I questioned raising an eyebrow. At that moment I felt something, I almost felt power full from the look in his eye. Was he scared of me, or should I be scared of him.

''Michael's ex-girlfriend?'' Luke totally ignored my question.

I sighed as I slowly nodded my head. Its like that's how everyone sees me now Michael Cliffords ex-girlfriend.

''I was good friends with Michael.'' He started to breath heavily as I just ignored him. It was funny that Michael had never mentioned anything about a Luke.

I walked into the dairy section as Luke followed. ''What do you want?'' I snapped my head back at Luke who was squinting his eyes.

''There has to be something about you...'' He mumbled to himself and pulled his lip ring between his teeth. He stood there studying me like an object as I looked at him with a stunned expression.

''Who are you?'' I asked Luke. He seemed mysterious and bad-ass but it's like I scared him, like I was something that could pull him back from whatever he was doing.

''I'm Luke Hemmings.'' He rolled his eyes as he let a soft laugh escape his lips.

''I'm Ella Parker.'' I stated hoping maybe he was looking to stalk someone else.

''Right! Parker! isn't that what Ashton used to call-'' Luke stopped mid sentence. How did he know about mine and Ashtons nicknames.

''Uh I have to go now, nice seeing you Luke.'' I smiled sarcastically while scurrying to the cash and paying for the milk.

I walked home to see my mother standing in the door way with her arms crossed. ''Be quicker next time.'' She said with a blank expression as she snatched the milk from my arms. I sighed and made my way to my room letting myself plop down onto the bed thinking of all the past events. how did Luke know me? why was he so interested in me? what is going on between Calum and Allison? These are all the questions that pondered in my brain as I slowly drifted to sleep.


''School Ella.'' My mother sighed pulling back my covers. I pulled them back up and let a sigh slip out of my mouth. ''You've missed enough school while you we're in reha-'' ''Okay mom!'' I cut her off not wanting her to bring that topic up.

I jumped down the steps causing a big thump and earning a yell from my mom. I decided on some cereal because I was trying to eat more lately as I've realized I have grown out of my jeans. I swallowed the cereal as my phone rang.

''Hello?'' I said with my mouth full of the cereal I had recently made.

''Hey Luke's picking you up today because he offered and I'm giving Allison a ride okay love you bye.'' Calum spit out.

''Calum wai-'' I was interrupted by a knock at the door.

I opened the door which revealed a tall blonde boy who I assumed was Luke with a Blink 182 shirt on with ripped black skinny jeans and shades that covered his eyes.

''Come on!'' His voice was raspy as to he had probably just woken up. I looked down at myself to see myself wearing sweats and a sweatshirt that read Guns and Roses. He grabbed my arm as he flicked me into the passenger seat leaving my front door completely opened.


''What do you want to do today?'' Luke cut me off.

''Uh school?'' I was surprised by his question.

''No, no besides that?''

I raised my eyebrow in confusion.

''Oh Ella Parker, have you ever heard of ditching?''

okay okay this is going to get good. If your confused, Luke finds Ella interesting and doesnt know what he likes about her. okay? okay.

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