Chapter 4

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Johnny's POV

I walked to Carole's house my girlfriend so we could go to the pet shop.Carole's birthday is coming up,October 10 and I want to get her a kitten.She's always drawin'em.I reached her house and she was sitting on the steps with her pencils to draw.

"Hey girl"I said to her.

"Johnny!!!"she squealed with joy.

"C'Mon,I'm taking you somewhere."I demanded in a romantic voice.

*time skip to pet shop*

Carole's POV

"Oh Johnny!I want that one!Please can we get him?Please?Well name him Johnny Jr.!Yah!Johnny Jr.!Isn't that adorable?"I begged johnny.

I wanted a white,white as snow,kitten.It was so cute and it was so small.I wanted him so bad,oh so so so so bad.I love kittens/cats!!! birthday is soon.Oh I hope Johnny gets "Johnny Jr." for me!

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