Chapter Six

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When Bri walked down the aisle, I couldnt believe how beautiful she looked.

Tasha and I sat right at the back of the small church in New York, wearing casual clothes and our faces pulled low. Tasha wore her blonde wig, and I had my contacts on Civilian Mode. It wasnt a big wedding. Bri had three bridesmaids; her sisters Joey, AJ and Maaike.

Max had three best men, one wearing a suit that was too big for him and fidgeting with his hands.

It was Bri's brother Hamish, replacing Max's brother Tim, who couldnt be there.

I should know.

I saw him die.

The ceremony was short and sweet, over within an hour. There were drinks and snacks in the next room for those who wanted to stay.

I knew I couldnt stay long. But I wanted to make sure that Bri knew that I had come, like I had said I would.

There was a long line of people waiting to congratulate the bride and groom, so Tasha and I joined the back of it silently. Tasha had her eyes roaming around the room, watching for danger. I noticed a few people staring at us, with our overly casual clothes and our suspicious eyes.

I turned to Tasha and leaned in, like I was about to kiss her.

"Stop looking around. People are getting suspicious," I whispered in her ear, before straightening up again. She nodded slightly and linked her arm through mine.

"What are you doing?" I hissed, trying to get out of her grip.

"Its our cover," Tasha replied, smiling at a couple across the room who were staring intensely.

"Our cover is pretending to be a couple? Why couldnt we just be sisters or something?" I whispered angrily. Tasha smirked.

"This is more fun." She stepped forward, where the line had moved up and dragged me along with her.

I grumbled curse words under my breath as we moved up again. Tasha was always trying to make me feel uncomfortable, or at least annoy me. It was like her hobby.

Finally, we made it to the front of the line. My stomach was reeling. I was nervous as hell. It had been 2 years since Id seen Bri and Max, and I didnt know how this encounter would go.

At least I had Tasha to keep me in shape.

Bri gasped when she saw me. Not loudly, but gently, just enough for the four of us to hear.

"You came!" she exclaimed, wrapped her arms around so fast Tasha didnt have enough time to let go of my arm.

"Of course, I did," I replied, smelling her roses in her hair. Max smiled at me from behind her. Bri let go, and I hugged Max tightly.

"Congratulations. I'm so happy for you," I said truthfully. I was glad that Max and Bri got to move on with their lives after New York. In part I was jealous. I didnt really move on at all, rather, went deeper into the very system I had wanted to stay out of.

"It would have better with you in it," Bri said, tears threatening to spill down her cheeks.

"You know it wasnt possible," I said softly, somewhat sobering the mood. Bri and Max looked at each. Max had his hand around her waist protectively.

"I should introduce you to my, um, partner?" I trailed away, not knowing whether to say Tasha's real name or not. Tasha grinned and held out her hand.

"I'm Vanessa. I work with Keight," she said, shaking both their hands. They nodded knowingly. Tasha leaned in close to me, her breath tickling my neck.

"We need to go," she whispered, quiet enough so that Bri and Max couldnt hear. I swallowed nervously and looked at the pair of them.

They looked so happy. They were smiling at each other, their hands intertwined, hearts beating as one. It was something I had always wanted, back before everything changed for me, before I had to cut myself away from my normal and into something bigger than me.

It was something I knew I could never have.

"We have to go," I said, swallowing the lump in my throat, and the tears with it. Their faces dropped immediately, Bris lower lip was trembling, and I felt a pang of guilt in my chest.

I shouldnt have come. I shouldnt have given them this false hope that they would still be able to see me after this, that there was still a remnant of the family we had remaining.

But that life was long gone, and I couldnt dwell on the past when my future was uncertain.

"Of course. You probably have work to do," Bri said sadly. I hugged both quickly, conscious of time.

Then I turned and began to walk away.

"Keight?" Max called out. He hadnt spoken to me before, and I didnt expect him too. He had probably figured things out for himself.

I spun around.

"Yes?" I replied.

Tears brimmed in the corners of his blue eyes as he spoke.

"He worked with you, didnt he?" he stuttered, his voice breaking with emotion.

I nodded, tears finally dripping down my cheeks. Tasha gripped my hand tight.

"He didnt die in vain. He was a hero," I choked out. Max didnt reply, but only stood there, tears running down his face, his hands trembling.

I turned away, and I left.

The car ride to the airport was quiet.

"You ok?" Tasha asked, looking over at me as she drove.

I stared out the car window and wiped away the tears that had silently streaked my face.

"I will be."

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