Chapter Seven

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Tasha had donned a blonde wig for the plane ride, and I must say I didnt like it as much as her red hair. There were no private jets or helicopters for this ride. Those days were behind us, and we had to settle for economy class public transport.

I can tell you, I missed those private jets like hell.

Tasha got the window seat, and she knew I wanted it. Instead, I was sat next to a sweaty old man, who kept asking me every 5 minutes if I had any peanuts I didnt want to eat.

I ended up thinking about before.


Pierce and I strode down the hallways towards the main control room, where agents were working to capture Captain America.

Yeah, like theyd catch a man like that.

Steve has managed to out run SHIELD on his own, which was a feat in itself. And if he went to Natasha for help, well, they might never catch him.

Obviously, I was hoping that was the case.

I was now Pierces right-hand woman. Of course, I hadnt proven my loyalty yet, but I knew soon Id have a chance to. For now, I had to convince him I was HYDRA.

Before we even got to the room, I could hear the sweet yet annoying voice of Agent 13.

"With all due respect sir, if SHIELD is conducting a manhunt for Captain America, we deserve to know why" .

"Because he lied to us." Pierce and I entered the room with dramatic flair. Heads turned and stared at us, including angry glares from Agent 13 aka Sharon.

Egh, Sharon.

"Captain America has information regarding the death of Director Fury, he refused to share it." Pierce looked at me, urging me to take over. I nodded, my mouth dry.

"As difficult as this is to except, Captain America is a fugitive from SHIELD. We are going to do everything we can to track him down. Anyone who isn't willing to participate, will have to answer to me." I caught the worried glances shared between agents, and the shock and determination in Agent 13's eyes. She had pinned me as the bad guy.


Pierce and Sitwell were giving orders to the other agents, while I stood watch like a hawk in front of everyone. I could pick put the HYDRA agents from the SHIELD ones now. I knew what to look for.

The small smiles, the way they didn't question anything they were told, but carried out instructions with cold eyes and calculated strokes. The small nods between them, acknowledging their place in this.

Question was.

What was mine?

I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned to see Pierce. He leaned down close to me and whispered in my ear.

"Come with me."

I followed Pierce back through the chaos to up to his office upstairs.

When we arrived, he led me through into a bigger room, where there were 4 glass cubicles, with chairs seated inside. Pierce motioned for me to stop and pressing a few buttons on a small panel the cubicles came to life. Inside each was a hologram of a member of the World Security Council.

Not that they did much for world security. They did order a nuke on New York 2 years ago. They could take a few lessons from Wakanda.

Oh wait. Wakandas security is so good they dont even know about it.

HUNTED ~ STEVE ROGERS [2]Where stories live. Discover now