Chapter Seventeen

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As I walked alongside Pierce on the ground floor of the Triskelion after telling him I had disposed of Agent Hill, I pondered the fact that I didn't actually have any idea what the hell I was doing.

We had decided back at the dam that it would be better if I didn't know the whole plan, in case I was found out. All I knew is I needed to delay the launch for as long as I could, and if possible, take the control room.

"We are in final launch sequence," a man over the PA system said.

"All personal to launch station," A woman added on the PA.

Across the room, the members of the World Security Council entered through the front door and we greeted them as they strode in.

"How was your flight?" Pierce asked them, his steely eyes glittering. The group ran their eyes over me.

"Lovely," Councilwoman Hawley said. "The ride from the airport less so."

"Sadly, SHIELD cant control everything," Pierce said, striding along.

"Including Captain America," Rockwell said harshly as Pierce walked over to a guard who handed him a silver case. He opened it with flourish and showcased the four metal pins inside.

"This facility is biometrically controlled, and these will give you unrestricted access," Pierce said, ignoring Rockwells comment about Captain America. Each member took a pin and stuck it to their breasts. Spinning on his heel, Pierce lead us towards an elevator. I let the WSC inside first, but when I started to get inside myself Pierce placed his hand across my chest. I felt my stomach curl.

"Not you. I want you to go up the control room and make sure the launch goes smoothly. If anyone starts any funny business," He glanced back at the members in the elevator behind him. "You have my permission to use any force necessary." He smiled widely and entered the elevator.

The last I saw of the World Security Council was Councilwoman Hawley nodding at me as the doors of the elevator shut.

As I walked up the stairs, I updated Maria through my comms.

"Pierce is sending me up to the control room. He's authorised me to use any force necessary." Around me, agents ran to and from posts, getting ready for the launch.

"Triskelion command request we clear the area for launch," the PA man said above me.

"Great. Get control of the room and try to stop the launch for as long as possible," Maria replied.

"Copy that," I muttered, and turned the corner into the control room and straight into the stern eyed look of Agent 13.

"What are you here for?" She demanded. I danced around her, wiggling my eyebrows.

"Your stunning smile and charming nature, of course," I replied, walking over to blonde haired techie that shivered as I passed by.

"Look, Toxin," she put emphasis on the word toxin. "Something weird is going on here and I want to know-"

She never got the chance to finish, because the PA system crackled, and a voice rained down from above.

"Attention, all SHIELD agents. This is Steve Rogers. You've heard a lot about me over the last few days. Some of you were even ordered to hunt me down. But I think its time you know the truth. SHIELD is not what we thought it was. Its been taken over by HYDRA. Alexander Pierce is their leader. The STRIKE team and Insight Crew are HYDRA as well. I don't know how many more, but I know they're in the building. They could be standing right next to you."

HUNTED ~ STEVE ROGERS [2]Where stories live. Discover now