Chapter 1. The Beginning of Love

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Chapter 1. The beginning of Love

Today is the One Direction concert, and I am excited about it. The reason why I am excited about the One Direction concert because of eleven little letters, and I will spell them out; H-A-R-R-Y S-T-Y-L-E-S! Harry Styles is the reason why I am excited about the One Direction concert. I love him and everything about him. I am really excited because I am going to be front and center. I am going to see everything of Harry Styles (even more).

Oh! Let me introduce myself. I am Melissa Darden, a junior at Academy of Holy Angels, a Catholic high school in Richfield, Minnesota (I will never understand why my mother enroll me to a Catholic high school when my family and I aren’t Catholic, but  we are Christian). My height is 5’0” (I know I should be taller, but it is just gene). My body type is curvy with big boobs (I have bigger boobs than the girls in my class) and “junk in the trunk”. My personality is strong but vulnerable, fun but serious, and unique but normal. Guys find themselves falling head over heels over me because of my beautiful smile and my unique personality. I did date in the past. I dated a guy named Nick Harrison, and he is the quarterback for our football team. I’m also seventeen years old.

Let’s get back to the story. I was in my English class, and I was staring at the clock because I was excited about the One Direction concert. The clock was telling that I only had four hours until the concert. I was getting more excited by every second that passed. Then, I felt like the clock was slowing down to torture me.

Caden Pope, Nick’s best friend, tapped me on my shoulder and asked, “Are you going to be at the football game tonight, Melissa?”

I turned around to look at him and respond, “Not after what happened at the last football game I was at.”

Let me tell what happened at the previous football game.

I was cheerleading next to the football field, and I forgot to tell that I was a cheerleader. After the football with us winning, I was going up to Nick, but he and Eris Plarison, my arch-enemy, saw me coming towards them, and they kissed each other. I became angry, and I went up them to see what the reason was for that. Nick said that he saw Grant Johnson, his former best friend, kissing me, but he didn’t see the whole thing. When Grant tried to kiss me, I pushed him off and walked out of the classroom. Grant was helping me with my Theology homework that I didn’t completely understand. Nick looked like he felt horrible about the kiss, but Eris was grinning her evil smile. I ran to my car and went in my car. I laid my head on the steering wheel and started crying. I heard two knocks on my door, and I lifted my head off the steering wheel. I saw Anna Weston, my best friend and my best (guy) friend, Grant knocking on my door. I unlocked my car, and Anna got in the passenger’s seat, and Grant got in the back seat.

Anna asked, “Why would Nick do this to you?”

I looked at Grant and said, “Why don’t you ask him?”

Grant started blushing and said, “I tried to kiss Melissa,” He turned to look at me and said, “But, Melissa, I am very sorry for what I tried to do to you.”

I smiled and said, “Thank you, Grant.”

He placed a hand on my shoulder and said, “You’re welcome, Melissa.”

Caden snapped me back to reality by him saying, “I guess that is a no.”

I nodded and said, “I am never going to another football game as a cheerleader or a football player’s girlfriend. I am definitely not because of him.” I pointed to Nick, who was sitting next to me, which now I think it was a bad idea from the beginning.

Nick moaned and asked, “How many times do I have to I’m sorry?”

I said in a sarcastic tone, “Until you are dead. You can apologize to me all you want, but I am not going to forgive you.”

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