Chapter 16. Harry Styles and Melissa Darden's Wedding

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Chapter 16. Harry Styles and Melissa Darden's wedding

This is what Jenni looks like ----->

Melissa's point of view

The alarm clock was going off, so I hit the snooze button I heard the door open with it hitting the wall, and I pulled the covers over my head. I heard some very pitchy singing, and the covers were pulled off the bed.

Emma sang, "Melissa is getting married today to Harry."

I smiled and said, "That is right. I am getting married to Harry Styles today."

Harry's point of view

Niall and Louis got on my bed and started jumping until I fell off the bed. They smiled at me, and I got back on the bed and pulled the covers over my head. I was pretty sure that they knew I just wanted to sleep.

Niall yelled, "Harry, you got to get out of bed! You're getting married to Melissa today."

I smiled and said in my raspy morning voice, "I am getting married to Melissa today."

I got out of the bed and went to the bathroom. I ran some water and splash it on my face. I looked in the mirror and smiled because today is my wedding day.

I said to the mirror, "I'm getting married. This is the most exciting day of my life besides Darcy’s birth."

Melissa's point of view

I looked in the mirror while my friend, Tera was doing my hair. She was doing a twist halo, which is what we call, with some of my hair, and my other friend, Clarissa was doing very loose and big curls with the rest of my hair. They left two strands of my hair to straighten with two little flips at the ends.

Clarissa started crying when she said, "I can't believe that you are getting married to Harry Styles when he could marry anyone else."

I smiled in the mirror and said, "I know that, Clarissa, and that is just how love works. Love works in weird ways."

Jenni, my second best friend, walked in the room and laughed, "You are right about that, Melissa."

Tera and Clarissa stopped what they were doing, so I turned around and looked at Jenni. "Thank you, Jenni."

Jenni came up to me and hugged me. "You're welcome, Melissa."

Tera and Clarissa said at the same time, "Can we finish what we were doing?"

I laughed, "Sorry."

I turned around to the mirror, and Tera and Clarissa finished my hair. They and Jenni started crying and pulled me out of my stool for a group hug.

I laughed, "Guys, you making me ruin my mascara."

They wiped their tears off their face and said, "We're sorry, but you getting married to Harry Styles. Your dreams are coming true."

I smiled and hugged them. I knew in five hours, I would no longer be Melissa Darden. I would become Melissa Styles.

Anna walked into the bedroom as she asked, "Why is my dress longer than the others?"

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