Chapter 12. The Birth of Darcy Darise Styles

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Chapter 12. The Birth of Darcy Darise Styles

This is what Clarissa and Tera looks like ------>

Melissa's point of view

I'm only a few days away to my due date, and I'm super excited and nervous about giving birth to Darcy. Everybody was so excited for me, Harry, and our daughter that they all gave me at least a gift for Darcy; like Grace Ann Franklin gave me pink booties for Darcy, Kaylin Clarison, who is the daughter of the principal, gave me cute stuffed animals, Emily Lopez gave me a beautiful quilt and it was very soft, Emma Brown gave me a pillow with a little cute saying on it, Grace Brown, who is Emma's twin sister, gave me purple onesie, Megan Thompson gave me a rocking chair, Ann Williams gave me a cute diaper bag, and Jenna Roberts gave me some baby toys. They also, as well as other people gave me wedding gifts. I thought this was very sweet of the community, my friends, and the other people, who work at or went to my school.

You guys already know that I would not be in school for a while. I was at Anna’s house, and I tried to help around the house but her parents wouldn't let me help because I was only few days away from the birth of Darcy. Most of the time, I'm sitting on my laptop doing my homework (at Holy Angels, they have this website called Moodle, which able to see what is the assignment for the day and we also have online textbook, so I wouldn't and couldn't, because of Harry telling or really nagging me about that, be carrying a lot of textbooks) and watching movies on Netflix and YouTube.


This morning, I felt a lot of sharp pain in my lower area. I thought it was just cramp, and I would just sleep it off. Then, I tried to walked it off, but it kept on getting worse, and I didn't know what was going on with me


A couple of hours later, I couldn't take not knowing what was going on with my body. I Google the explanation of what was going on with my body. A source said it was contractions, and I was excited and nervous knowing that Darcy was really coming.

I called Anna to tell her that I was having the baby. She answered, and she told that she would call her mom and her dad. I knew that would be a while, so I called 911; telling them that I was having my baby. I went on the front deck and sat there until the ambulance to come.

Harry's point of view

I hadn't heard anything about Darcy being born yet, and I was glad that we had a week off from working. I was going to go back to Minnesota. I knew that Melissa's due date was only a few days away. My heart was pounding every time my phone would because I was think that Melissa was calling me to tell that she was having Darcy.

The phone rings, and I checked the caller id. It was Melissa, and my heart started pounding again.

She said while she was catching her breath. "I'm having the baby."

I got off the sofa and to tell the guys. "I'll be there tomorrow-"

She interrupted, "The baby won't be born tonight."

I let out a breath of relief and said, "I'll probably be there around 7am."

She screamed, "Ahh! That is good."

I heard loud sirens outside. Then I heard people telling her to breathe calmly and give them her hand.

She told me she had to go to the hospital. She also told me that she will have someone text me about the birth.

The call ended. I put my phone in my pocket. I was about leave the room to pack a couple of suitcases.

Liam and Niall came in the room and asked, "What is going on with Melissa and Darcy?"

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