Two - Loyal

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The flight had been long and we had just landed at a private airstrip. I waited for the guards who had escorted the King to get off first.

I pulled my duffel bag, the military grade one my father had used when he had been in service to the King, over my shoulder. The King had a hand at my lower back, pushing me out before him. At the bottom more guards stood in two perfect rows. They were dressed in black military garb, stood with their legs shoulder width apart and had their arms behind them.

And they all had golden skins and black hair. I smirked at the thought of the whole country being filled with golden skinned people with black hair.

The guards that had been with us had dispersed like thin air, lining up with the others. At the end of the lines was a limo with two trucks in front of it and two behind it.

"You will be riding with me."

I nodded and followed behind the King, seeing many of the guards eyeing me with curiosity. I simply smiled at them, catching some off guard. I could swear some of them blushed.

The drive was equally long and tiresome. Thirteen hours on a plane and two in a car had me exhausted, especially right after only getting home from work. I should have said that I would fly here after sleeping. Then again, who would show me the way?

Going through papers in the car, the King seemed engrossed in his work, barely even sparing me a glance. It was to be expected. Should I become Gamma, I will have many days of doing my own paperwork.

We came up to a rather large Manor that was surrounded by training grounds on one side and a small town on the other.

At the front of the manor more guards waited with a rather large crowd. At the end stood one older, tall and shapely female. Next to her stood three young men around my age that looked like a mix of the woman and the King. Behind them was a man that resembled my father greatly. Only he seemed much less serious than my own father. Next to him stood six young men who resembled him slightly.

When the car came to an abrupt stop I was about ready to haul ass out of that limousine.

"Just wait a moment." The King asked. "So that I may explain."


"To my mate. I never clarified what sort of trip I was going on since I was unsure on whether or not I was going to invite you to come."

I groaned, hating the prospect of staying in the limousine.

"Fine. Not like I can disobey a King. Dad would skin me alive and make a rug of my skin as a gift to you."

He laughed just as the door opened for him. He got out and walked towards his awaiting mate and sons. I watched as his mate went to hug him. However, with her hands raised, she stilled. I watched as she sniffed at him for a moment before she frowned. Her hands fell to her sides, her eyes narrowing while he defensively held both hands up.

She lifted her hand to slap him, and my body reacted. I was outside the vehicle in an instant, my tail whipping out faster than I moved. My tail caught the brunt of the blow just as it struck, leaving the King unharmed and everyone around us in a panic at my sudden appearance.

"Queen or not, Werewolf law in accordance to striking at the King, section 117, closure A: whomsoever lifts a hand to his majesty the King shall be punished by slicing off said hand. To this law all must obey, even be it his mate." I retracted my tail, giving her a warning glare. "I would not want to slice your hand off on our first meeting, My Queen."

"I thought I ordered you to wait in the car while I explain, Macey."

I felt the blood drain from my face. "God damnit!" I stomped my right foot. "First day and I screw up already.  Dad is so going to flail me." I turned towards the car, and start marching towards it.

Right at the moment that I reached the car I heard a commanding, female voice.

"Stop right there, child. Explain your presence."

I turned to see the Queen trying to stare me down.

"Macey King, your Majesty. I am a hybrid, my father being a werewolf. I was invited by your mate to compete for the title of Gamma, against my cousins whom I have yet to meet. Though on my father's side I am below you, my mother's bloodline is of much higher rank, so I would appreciate it if you did not irk me."

"How much higher...?" She managed.

"That is on a need to know basis." I smiled somewhat warningly. "So, now that the formalities are over, let's get to eating. I am starving."

"Pray tell, what are you, Child?" the Queen asked.

"You are my niece?" the male who resembled my father asked as he stepped towards me.

"Last time I checked, yes."

"So then Seb and the dragon he was mated to had a kid?"


"Yes. And I am fifteen years old."

"Fifteen? But you seem in your twenties."

"Dragons mature at the age of ten and then stop aging."

"I don't believe this hogwash!" One of the men beside the Queen exclaimed.

"Shall we take this inside?"

"Is there food?" I asked with enthusiasm.

"Yes, there is food."

It was never needed to tell me twice when food was involved. I was practically sprinting towards where the smell of food was coming from, barely stopping right in front of a large pot boiling with what seemed to smell like lamb, tomatoes and various other vegetables. To my right I eyed a full roast pork with potatoes and onions boiling in its juices. A little further on I found several hundred pieces of either t-bone, ribs or steaks slathered in barbecue sauce, dripping with goodness onto the trays below them. And a little further on were large baked breads from which I could smell bacon, mushrooms, cheese and garlic. I had to admit that I was in heaven.

I took one of the large, round baked breads and cut the top open, removing it with almost surgical precision. I hallowed the bread out and poured in as much stew as I could to fill the bread half way. Cutting even slices from one of the whole pork pieces, I layered them in before cutting some of the steaks up and layering them as well. I pressed some of the bread back in and poured more stew over that before replacing the top on the bread. I had just finished when they entered.

They stared at my food a little too long for my liking. I grabbed the platter and eyed them maliciously.

"I am not sharing." I growled out. "I haven't eaten in twenty six hours. Seven minutes and thirty six and a quarter seconds. And yes I do count the precise time between meals since I usually have a meal once every hour and super shakes every ten minutes. I have been starved. So do not even ask for a crumb!"

I sat down by the large table and began to dig in, watching them closely. The one I presumed to be my uncle came closer and looked at me with curiosity.

"You seem to mostly resemble your mother. Though you have dark skin like us, you have her dark red hair and her strange yellow eyes. Even your face is a lot like hers. How I wish she had been my mate. At least I have a cute niece now."

"Dad always said you were a little know it all brat that chased anything with a skirt, willing to hump even a shifted ogress."

I took another bite, watching his face fall at my remark.

"He also mentioned your ego being the perfect size. After all, something had to be big."

"Yeah, well your dad... Your dad is an uptight prick."

"I know. Mom tells him that daily. He's also stubborn, bull headed, on time, loyal to his mate and gets everything done. How much of that can be applied to you, uncle? Looking at my cousins I can already get the answer to your loyalty."

"What the hell is wrong with you, insulting family like that?"

"Dragons never lie. Also, we have no brain to mouth filter. So get used to it. I am merely stating facts."

The King's Gamma (#Wattys2024)Where stories live. Discover now