Chapter Twenty Three.

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Normani's POV

Life sure has a way of throwing curves balls at you, sometimes it's not even you, it's someone close to you that gets hit with curves balls. Finding out that Y/N might have a baby definitely shocked me but at the same time I can't be upset about it because this happened before I got here. Y/N hasn't taken a DNA test yet and I already know that if the baby is Y/N's his plans are gonna change drastically. But if the baby is Y/N's that may also push Y/N to do more with his life. We'll just have to wait and see.

But on the bright side is Mrs. Y/L/N's birthday and we're all getting ready to head over to her house for the party. Y/N and Nolan have been busy getting everything set up. This morning I went and picked up Mrs. Y/L/N's gift. A woman can never have too many handbags and pumps so that's what I got her. Now we're just waiting for the party to begin.

I'm sitting at the house letting my grandma grease my scalp. Y/N just shot me a text saying he was going to pick Devante up so he could come to the party. Honestly I think the baby is Y/N's because little Devante has Y/N's eyes and his mouth. But we want DNA to let us know what's really going on.

"Who's Devante?" Grandma asked.

I sighed and turned around, "If I tell you will you keep it a secret?" I asked.

"Baby girl, I'm the keeper of secrets around here. Talk to me." Grandma said.

"Y/N may have a son and his name is Devante." I said.

Grandma chuckled, "Timmy was right. Y/N and Nolan really are some weird twins, whatever happens to one happens to the other and vice versa." She said.

"Yeah looks that way. But he's going to take a DNA test Monday morning and after that we wait." I said.

"Mmhm, and how are you feeling about all of this?" Grandma asked.

"Honestly grandma I'm cool with it. This happened before Y/N and I got together so I have no reason to be pressed about it." I said.

"Definitely not what I expected to hear from you." Grandma said.

"I guess I'm changing." I said.

Grandma kissed me on the forehead and went back to greasing my scalp. Then out of the blue I thought back to what my grandma said about being the keeper of secrets around here. "Grandma does our family have any secrets?" I asked.

"What family doesn't have secrets Normani? Some secrets are meant to be kept but others should be set free." Grandma said.

"Such as?" I asked.

"We'll talk about it later. Now go finished getting ready for the party." Grandma said.

I poured and went upstairs to finished getting dressed. So it's clear that there's some secrets in my family and my grandma knows them. Now I just need my grandma to do some exposing.


"This is a cute little party or whatever." Noelle said.

"Mmhm, the food is banging too." I said.

"That's because Aunt Vi did the cooking." Choie said.

Choie, Noelle and myself look like three old women sitting at the table gossiping about everyone. The birthday party is really nice, the not so nice part is being approached by Y/N's unattractive cousins every five minutes. Y/N's not even here to defend me, he went to pick up Dante. I hoping that Y/N's mama doesn't have a heart attack when she hears Y/N might have a kid.

The girls and I were just chopping it up when Nolan walked over with Aulani. "Mani!" Aulani said excitedly.

"Hi baby girl." I said as I picked her up.

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