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23rd December 2017
Hanbin:Yobsaeyoe? Jennie-ah~ Na (its me)~
*hanbin called jennie right before they go to the airport*
Jennie: Araa (i know)~ wae?
Hanbin: Please take good care of my Obang okayy?
Jennie: Wah~ the day you come back, obang wouldn't even wanna go home ya know?
*hanbin has a dog named obang ever since he was a trainee*
*ends the call*
Jennie: This ungrateful bastard!

Hanbin: Yobsaeyoe hyung! Ahhhh hyung 😩!
*he calls another friend*
Jaewon: Wae wae wae?
Hanbin: Nothing I just needed to talk with you hehe~
Jaewon: Ahh i get it, you must be nervous right? Don't worry~ Everything's gonna be fine~ Just don't forget to eat your medicine on time ya? Don't get to stressed out by the performance and all~
Hanbin: You knew just what I need huh?
Jaewon: Khendae(but)... hanbin-ah~ How's things going on between you and bobby?
Hanbin: Na (me)?
Jaewon: Mhm
Hanbin: Well, we'll try to keep it low~ Wouldn't want the fans to worry right?
Jaewon: You know you can always talk to me right? Just call me if you need to talk ya?
Hanbin: Sure hyung. You'll be the first person I'll contact. See ya soon ya ? Ghenoe hyung (I'm hanging up hyung)!

'You done hanbin?', yoyo walks in hanbin's room to check on him. 'Yeah yeah, I'm coming', yoyo looked at hanbin with a mere smile, 'Everything okayy bro? You doesn't seem so fine this days', hanbin looked up at yoyo 'I'm fine hyung~ Don't worry~ Where's chanu? Lets go we'll be late', he pulled his luggage with his right hand and yoyo's hand with his left.

Airline MH307 is going to take off in 5 minutes. Passengers please be sitted.

'Thank God we reached here on time', DK and the others starting to find a sit. 'Donhyuk yoegie!', jiwon waved his hand to get dk's attention. Dk high fived Jiwon, and his attention were back at hanbin who hasn't find himself a sit yet. 'Ahh hyung, here's an empty sit', points at his left. 'Khamsahamnida dongdongie~', hanbin sits next to dk, as he knew that jiwon wont be comfortable with it but he didn't bother. Lately hanbin had been having trouble with his sleeps, as soon as he sit his eyes were so heavy that he just had to close it. 'Ahh he's sleeping again', dk sighs, 'Let him be, he must've been having trouble to sleep at nights this days~ Judging on how he sleep every chances he gets~', yeah, he even sleeps at the airport while waiting to check in our luggages. Dk speaks within his thoughts.

DK: Hyung till when are you going to be mad at him? Jiwon: Let it be, he needs to get used to not having me around

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DK: Hyung till when are you going to be mad at him?
Jiwon: Let it be, he needs to get used to not having me around. The netizens will talk crazy shits if i kept hanging out with hanbin. Also he needs to realize that he is being to harsh on us.
DK: You know, you're not speaking with your heart rn~
Jiwon: I speak with my brain. No need the heart. As long as we can get iKON back at the netizens heart, I'll do anything for it.
DK: Don't be like this hyung~ he's still your cousin~
*Jiwon sighs as he looked at hanbin, ahh this guys is flown away with his dream again~ you understand me right hanbin? I do it for the sake of our team~, Jiwon's eyes were doing all the talk*

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