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"Are you sure you can handle it, Harry?"

Harry looked up, staring at the two thieves questioning him from across the table.

"Of course I can handle it." Harry said. "I'm the best thief out of all of us. You guys know that."

"I know.." Harry's friend Zayn began. "It just seems like such a big job to do on your own."

"Yeah." The other named Liam chimed in. "Are you sure you don't want us to go in with you?"

"This is more of a one man job." Harry demanded. "All I have to do is get in, steal the safe and get out."

"You're right." Liam nodded.

"And you guys are sure that the family is out for the weekend?" Harry asked.

"Yes." Zayn reassured. "I did all my research. They are going to be staying at a cabin in Manchester all weekend."

"Are there any nannies or animals I should be concerned about?" Harry raised a brow.

"No. The house should be completely empty." Zayn said.

"Do they have any kids?"

"Um.." Zayn pondered. "They have one son, I believe."

"Well.. where's he gonna be?" Harry shook his head, waiting for an answer.

"He should be with them."

"And if isn't?" Harry paused.

"It's a risk you're going to have to take." Zayn said. "There is millions in that safe.. we'll be rich!"

"I agree." Liam nodded. "It's definitely worth the risk."

Harry looked unsure.

"Besides.. I'm sure he went with them." Liam added. "What kid doesn't go on vacation with his parents?"

"You're right." Harry agreed with them.

"When should you leave?" Zayn asked.

"Soon. A little before midnight would be best. I want to make sure everyone in earshot is asleep." Harry explained.

"Good thinking." They both nodded.

Harry made his way toward the exit, preparing to leave.

"Wait.." Zayn ran up to him. "You'll need this."

Harry watched as Zayn shoved a gun in his pocket.

"Why do I need a gun if the house is empty?"

"Just in case." Zayn shrugged.

Harry nodded. "Alright. I'll be in contact once the job is done."

"Sounds good." They agreed, watching Harry leave the hideout.

Harry gripped the steering wheel, following the GPS as it led him to the rich part of town.

Harry wasn't sure how everything was going to play out. All he could do was hope for an easy job.

Get in, get out.

This definitely wasn't Harry's first robbery. He had done it many times, becoming very good at what he does.

That's why he knew his friends would choose him for the biggest job of their criminal careers.

Harry's thoughts were interrupted when he pulled up to a large mansion, listening to the GPS say "you have arrived."

Harry looked up at the house, almost taken aback by its beauty.

"Wow.." He mumbled to himself.

He put the car in park before quietly turning it off, taking in a deep breath. "Get in.. get out."

Harry finally exited the car, quietly closing the drivers side door behind him.

He began to tip-toe slowly, making his way to the back of the house.

Harry looked above him to see a balcony that led to a bedroom upstairs. He figured it would be his best way in.

He jumped up, using his upper body to pull himself up.

Harry crawled his way up the balcony before reaching the window. He pulled out a small crowbar from his pocket, trying his best to wedge it under the window.

"Almost.." He licked his lips as he fiddled with it. "Almost.."

"Got it."

Harry propped open the window before opening it wide enough to crawl through.

He jumped down, making a loud noise as he plopped onto the floor.

Harry wasn't too bothered by the noise he just made considering the house was empty..

Or so he thought.


Harry heard a small voice call from down the stairs.

"Fuck." Harry whispered to himself before running against the wall in a panic. "Fuck.. fuck."

Harry pulled his phone out, quickly dialing Zayn's number.

"Hello?" Zayn answered.

"There's someone in the house." Harry said in a hushed tone.

"Who is it?"

"I don't know.." Harry shrugged. "I'm hiding upstairs in the parents bedroom. I heard someone talk from downstairs."

"Who did it sound like?" Zayn asked.

"I don't know. It kinda sounded like a young guy. It's probably their son." Harry explained. "What do I do?"

"You need to finish the job. There are millions of dollars at stake here, Harry." Zayn paused. "Whoever it is might know the combination to the safe. Do what you've got to do to get the job done."

"Well, what does that mean?" Harry whispered.

"I suggest you take care of whoever it is."

"I don't want to kill anyone, Zayn." Harry said.

Zayn hesitated. "Just finish the job and make sure there aren't any loose ends."

Harry sighed. "Okay.. I'll be in contact."

He hung up the phone, laying his head against the wall behind him.

Harry turned his head to the dresser beside him, noticing a scarf laid upon the top.

"As long as he doesn't see me.." Harry whispered, picking it up. "He isn't a loose end."

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