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Harry walked back up to Louis, lingering in front of him.

Louis could feel his captors presence in front of him.

"Look.." Louis began. "I know you think I'm holding information from you but I'm really not. You can do whatever you want to me but it's not gonna change the fact that I don't know where the safe is. My guess is as good as yours."

Harry wasn't sure if he should believe him.

"My friend thinks you know where it is." Harry looked down at the floor. "He thinks I should torture you to get the information out of you."

Louis desperately shook his head. "I-I don't know where it is.. I swear I'm not lying-"

Harry suddenly leaned in extremely close to Louis' face, breathing him in.

"I wish I could look into your eyes to tell if you're lying." Harry whispered. "You can always see the truth in someones eyes."

"I promise I'm not lying." Louis choked out.

"What color are they?" Harry asked, abruptly.

"W-What?" Louis stumbled.

"What color are your eyes, Louis?"

Louis chewed at his lip, feeling uncomfortable from the lack of space between them. "B-Blue."

"Blue." Harry repeated. "I'm sure they're beautiful.."

Louis' breathing increased from the heat radiating off the stranger stood in front of him.

"I-I can feel how close you are." Louis muttered.

"Is it making you uncomfortable?"

Harry slowly lifted his hand, lightly caressing his cheek before he could answer.

Louis quickly tilted his head back, causing Harry's hand to fall. "Don't."

"Excuse me?" Harry furrowed his brows.

Louis kept his head back, fighting back tears. "I'm still a person, ya know.. A person who doesn't like it when strangers touch him."

"All I did was touch your cheek." Harry grew annoyed. "Would you rather one of my men come here and rough you up? I'm sure they would give you a little something worse than a touch of the cheek."

Louis stayed quiet.

"Answer me." Harry insisted.

Louis exhaled. "No."

"I didn't think so."

Harry paused before pulling his phone out and checking the time. It read 2 a.m.

"It's 2 a.m" Harry said out loud. "I wasn't supposed to be out this late."

Louis stood awkwardly.

Harry looked around at the mess upon the floor.

"When did you say your parents are coming back?"

Louis cleared his throat. "Sunday."

Harry nodded. "We'll continue the search tomorrow. I'm tired."

"You mean.. you're gonna stay the night?" Louis said, anxiously.

"I told you I'm not leaving without that safe. If we can't find it by tomorrow then we've got a big problem on our hands." Harry explained. "But for now.. I'm tired and I want to sleep."

"O-Okay.." Louis stood nervously, waiting for him to continue.

"Which bed is the most comfortable?" Harry asked.

"Probably my parents."

"Okay.." Harry paused before grabbing Louis' shoulder. "Here's the deal. You can either sleep in the bed with me.. or I can lock you in the closet and you can sleep on the floor. It's your choice."

Louis gulped, pondering everything in his mind. "Please just let me go.. hasn't this gone on long enough? I already told you I don't know where the safe is-"

"That wasn't one of the choices." Harry shrugged. "So I'm just gonna assume you chose the closet floor."

Harry grabbed his shoulder, attempting to pull him.

"No. No, wait!" Louis shouted, trying to stop him. "I choose the bed."

Harry smiled. "Good choice."

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