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Harry looked all day..

Every second was spent rummaging through everything, making the biggest mess possible in every room until it was dark outside.

Louis just stood blindfolded wherever he would go, listening helplessly as his captor destroyed his parents house right in front of him.

"There is not a fucking safe here!" Harry dropped his hands to his sides, chuckling sadistically. "I've searched every inch of this bloody house."

Louis sighed. "I'm sorry-"

"Save it. I don't want to hear it." Harry rubbed his head. "I have the worst headache-"

Suddenly a knock came from the front door.

Harry gasped, looking over at the door and then back at Louis.

He pulled out his gun, quickly running over to Louis.

"Don't make a sound." Harry whispered in his ear.

He grabbed Louis by his shirt, bringing him with him as he looked through the peep hole.

"God-dammit!" Harry shouted.

"Who is it?" Louis whispered.

"Shh.." Harry guided Louis to the couch. "Sit down and don't talk if you know what's good for you."

Harry ran back to the door, opening it.

"What the fuck are you guys doing here?" Harry asked, watching Zayn and Liam walk through the door. "I told you guys I could handle it."

"We're done waiting." Zayn said. "Where's my money?"

Harry spread his arms, showing the state of the house. "As you can see I've spent all day looking for something that doesn't exist."

Zayn snarled, angered at his lack of money. "Where's the son?"

Harry pointed his finger to the blindfolded boy on the couch.

Zayn slowly walked up to him, crouching in front him.

Louis started to tremble, sensing a new person in front of him.

"What's your name?" Zayn asked.

"His name is Louis." Harry walked up to him. "Don't bother trying to get information out of him, it's useless."

Zayn shook his head. "It's cause you're not trying hard enough."

"I-I don't know where it is.." Louis choked out. "Please, I'm telling the truth-"

"Shh.." Zayn stood up from his crouched position, looking over at Liam. "Will you be a doll and bring me that taser I told you to bring?" 

Louis' heart dropped.

"Sure.." Liam walked toward him, pulling something out of his pocket.

"Wait." Harry stomped over to Zayn. "What do you think you're doing?"

"Getting the job done." Zayn grabbed the taser from Liam. "Thank you."

Harry grabbed his arm. "I won't let you do this."

"Can't you see that this little prick is lying! He knows where that safe is, I just know it." Zayn furrowed his brows at Harry. "Are you really gonna turn down millions of dollars because you're a pussy?"

Louis started panicking, breathing heavily in fear.

"He doesn't know anything." Harry said again. "He would have told me by now!"

"And you know this because you guys are so close, now?" Zayn scoffed at him. "Grow up. People will do anything to save their money."

Zayn crouched down once again, gripping Louis' knee.

"I'm going to give you one more chance to tell me where that safe is.." Zayn grunted. "Or I'm gonna send 50,000 volts through your body."

Louis bit his lip, fighting back tears. "I don't know anything! I swear!"

"See!" Harry pointed. "I told you, he doesn't know!"


Zayn shrugged before turning on the taser in the air, causing Louis to jump in his seat from the loud sound.

"Please!" Louis cried out. "I don't know anything!"

"Stop it!" Harry shouted, walking closer to him. "Don't you dare touch him with that."

Zayn looked up at Harry. "Excuse me?"

"I said don't you fucking touch him." Harry balled his hand into a fist.

Zayn stood up. "What the fuck is wrong with you, huh? Why are you such a softie now?"

"I'm not gonna let you torture someone that doesn't know anything! It's not right!" Harry yelled.

"You're whipped aren't you? You like this guy?" Zayn scoffed at him. "I can't believe this."

"I didn't say that." Harry folded his arms.

"Oh yeah?" Zayn paused, looking down at a trembling Louis. "Then why do you care if I tase him? Why don't you just kill him and save us a whole lot of trouble, hmm? He doesn't know anything anyways, right! There's no reason for him to live, right!?"

"Because I don't want to." Harry said. "It's wrong."

"You never gave a shit about right and wrong before!" Zayn shouted in frustration. "So guess what, I'm gonna save us all a lot of trouble!"

Zayn stomped over to Louis, ripping his blindfold off.

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