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Harry led Louis inside the bedroom, closing the door behind him.

"We're here." Harry patted his shoulder. "Don't move, I'll be right back."

Louis waited nervously for Harry to return, standing awkwardly in the middle of the room.

He felt footsteps come up from behind him.

"Where did you go.." Louis inquired.

"To get some supplies." Harry answered. "I'm gonna cut the tape from your hands.. don't move."

Harry began cutting the tape with a knife, releasing Louis' hands from behind his back.

Louis began rubbing at his raw wrists.

"Don't get used to it." Harry said. "Get on the bed."

Louis held his hand out. "Where is it?"

Harry grabbed his hand. "Here.. I'll lead you."

Harry led him to the bed, helping him sit on the edge.

"Scoot all the way to the headboard."

Louis was hesitant at first.

Maybe he should have chose the closet..

He finally gave in, slowly scooting all the way to the headboard. "Here?"

"Now put your hands above you."

Louis obeyed, wrapping his hands around the headboard.

He heard the sudden unraveling of tape as his hands were tied above him.

"This isn't very comfortable." Louis stated.

Harry tore the piece off with his teeth. "Can't have you escaping in the middle of the night. I'm not finished with you yet."

Louis gulped, unsure of what that meant.

Louis heard footsteps walking to the other side before feeling the bed sink down beside him.

"This bed is pretty comfortable." Harry shook it.

Louis sighed, frustrated by his current situation.

"Why the long sigh?" Harry asked.

"Sorry if I'm not exactly thrilled about my current situation. I'm scared, frustrated, blind and extremely uncomfortable."

"At least you're being honest, now." Harry shrugged.

Louis' breathing quickened when an awful thought crept into his mind.

"If you can't find the safe tomorrow.." Louis broke the silence. "Are you going to kill me?"

Harry looked over at the boy tied up beside him, feeling a sense of remorse.

"We'll find it." Harry reassured. "It has to be here somewhere."

"All I ask is if you kill me.. don't let my mother find me. I don't want her to see that." Louis choked out, fighting back tears. "She couldn't handle it."

Harry gave a frustrated sigh. "Stop talking like that."

"How can I not? How would you feel if you were me.."

"I.." For the first time, Harry didn't know what to say.

"Exactly." Louis sniffled. "You don't understand until you've gone through what I've gone through."

Harry laid down. "Look.. I know this wasn't apart of the plan, alright? I already told you that if you do what I say, I won't hurt you."

"How can I trust you.." Louis looked in the direction of his voice. "How can I trust a voice?"

"You're just gonna have to." Harry said.

An awkward silence filled the room.

"Maybe I would trust you more if I knew something about you." Louis added.

"I can't."

"Just one stupid thing.." Louis began. "What harm could it do?"

"Um." Harry fiddled with his thumbs. "I like to play football.. even though I'm really bad at it."

Louis nodded. "I like football too. I used to play for the Doncaster Rovers."

Harry raised a brow. "No kidding?"

"Yeah.. I'm not very good though. They probably just felt sorry for me."

"Why, cause you're short?" Harry snickered under his breath.

"Oh give me a break.." Louis rolled his eyes under his blindfold. "I'm big."

"Right.." Harry begged to differ.

Harry paused before shuffling his body under the covers.

"I'm gonna go to sleep. Don't do anything stupid."

Louis tugged at his wrists. "I won't."

Louis laid there for a while, trying his best to get some sleep. It seemed like an impossible task considering his current state.

Louis gasped quietly when he felt someone suddenly cuddle up close to his waist, snoring loudly.

"Great." Louis said under his breath, feeling Harry snuggle up close to him. "Just, great.."

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