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One Week Later

"Do you want some breakfast, honey?"

Louis looked up from his cup of tea lingering on the table.

"Huh?" Louis looked up.

"I said, do you want some breakfast?" Louis' mum walked up to him.

"Um. No." Louis shook his head. "I'm not really hungry."

His mum began to rub his back, kissing his forehead.

"I hate seeing you like this." Jay whispered. "I know it's been a really tough week for you but you have to start living life again soon, honey."

"I know." Louis sighed. "It's just gonna take some time, ya know.. what I went through is something most people will never understand."

"I know, sweet heart." Jay took his cup. "Here.. I'll fix you some more tea."

Louis allowed his cup to be taken, staring blankly ahead at the wall in front of him.

Every time he blinked, he replayed everything back in his mind..

He just couldn't seem to shake those green eyes from his brain.. no matter how hard he tried.

"So.." Jay brought his cup back. "The detectives stopped by again this morning.. They told me to ask you if you had any luck remembering the man's name who took you?"

"Umm.." Louis bit his lip. "No.. unfortunately I still don't remember his name."

"That's a shame." She scoffed. "To think that there is some low life criminal still out there. He should be rotting in jail for what he did to you!"

"Yeah.." Louis nodded, whispering under his breath. "He stole my heart."

She turned her head. "What'd you say, honey?"

"Nothing.." Louis scooted his chair out. "I'm gonna get some fresh air, alright mum."

Jay looked worried. "Promise you'll be careful."

"I promise." He kissed her cheek. "I'll be at the park if you need me."

"Okay." She watched her son walk out the door with a coat on his arm.

Louis walked down the sidewalk, hiding his hands in his coat pockets from the cold wind blowing.

He made his way to a nearby park, noticing only one person sitting on a bench.

As Louis grew closer, he couldn't help but think the person on the bench looked rather familiar.

The world seemed to come to a halt when he finally got close enough to make eye contact with the person on the bench, reliving a moment he never thought he would.

Louis let out a shaky breath as he continued walking closer.

He didn't run. He wasn't scared.

Everything was.. calm.

Louis got close enough to sit down on the bench, breathing in the boy sat beside him.

A head of curly hair turned toward him, causing his heart to flutter.

"Hey." The deep voice said.

Louis gulped, turning toward the set of green eyes looking at him.

"Hey?" Louis furrowed his brows. "That's all you have to say to me is Hey?"

He shrugged. "I suppose."

"Why are you still in Doncaster?" Louis scoffed at him. "I thought you would be fleeing to Mexico by now."

"Eh.." He looked ahead. "When I got back to the hideout.. I told them what I did and they basically kicked me out of the gang. I'm pretty sure they left without me."

Louis paused, biting his lip. "Why didn't you just kill me, Harry.."

Harry sighed, meeting his gaze. "The more important question is.. why aren't I in jail?"

"I asked you first." Louis muttered.

Harry hesitated, his eyes glazed over. "You know I couldn't do it."

Louis nodded.

Harry turned toward him. "Your turn.."

Louis shook his head. "I couldn't do it either.."

They both sat there awkwardly on the park bench, staring straight ahead.

Harry broke the silence. "So.. do you want to get a cup of coffee or something?"

Louis raised a brow. "Seriously?"

Harry shrugged. "What?"

"You kidnapped me, tormented me for days and left me in the woods.." Louis scoffed. "And now you want to get coffee?"

"Hey.. don't forget about the kiss I left you." Harry wined.

"It was so long ago." Louis paused. "I barely even remember what it felt like."

Harry blushed slightly. "Do you need someone to jog your memory.."

Louis looked down, hiding his cheeks coated pink. "I suppose it couldn't hurt."

Harry smiled, leaning close to Louis' face before planting a soft kiss upon his lips.

Harry let go, meeting his gaze directly when blue met green.

"Oh." Louis bit his lip. "Now I remember.."

Harry slowly stood up from the bench, holding his hand out. "So.. how about that coffee?"

Louis chuckled under his breath before grabbing his hand. "I must be crazy or something."

"That's okay." Harry lifted him from the bench. "We'll just be crazy together."

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