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Louis rubbed his eyes for the first time in a while, turning his attention to his frazzled reflection in the mirror.

He looked at himself, shocked at his own appearance.

His eyes were bloodshot, his hair a mess, his wrists bright red.

Louis leaned down to the sink, washing his face off.

He grabbed a towel, wiping his face.

"Look at you.." He made eye contact with himself. "You're a bloody coward."

Louis sighed, turning his attention to the toilet before relieving himself.

He washed his hands, realizing his  captor was right.. There certainly were a lot of opportunities to misbehave in there.

There was a window he could try and crawl through, razor blades from the shavers, soap to throw in his eyes.

Louis' thoughts were interrupted by a banging on the door.

"Are you done in there?" The voice called.

Louis looked over at a razor laying on the counter, contemplating every possible outcome in his head.

"I said, are you done!?" 

Louis sighed to himself, realizing he didn't have the confidence to try anything.

He didn't want to anger his captor even more if he failed.

"Hello?" The knocking continued.

"Yes.. I-I'm done!" Louis shouted back.

"Okay. I'm coming in!" The voice yelled. "Make sure you're faced away from the door with your eyes closed."

"Okay.." Louis muttered, looking over at his reflection one last time.

The door creaked open, causing Louis to squeeze his eyes shut.

"Did you try anything?" Harry approached him from behind.

"No." Louis shook his head.

"No razors or pointy objects I should be concerned about?" Harry patted his pockets just to be sure.

"No, Sir." Louis blushed.

"Good." Harry lifted the blindfold, tying it over his eyes. "See.. this is the kind of stuff that earns my trust."

Louis felt him tightly tug at the ends before letting go.

"I will need to tie your hands again.." Harry shrugged. "Just in case you try to get brave."

He unraveled the tape. "Hands behind you."

"Not so tight, please.." Louis requested. "It still kinda hurts."

Harry decided to honor his request, tying them together more loosely.

"There.." Harry dropped the tape. "Now we're ready to start the day."

Louis scoffed under his breath.

Harry turned him around. "Are you hungry or thirsty?"

"Both, Sir." Louis said.

"Okay." Harry nodded. "A bit of food couldn't hurt."

Harry led his captive down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"Sit here." Harry helped him onto a nearby chair. "I'll get you something."

Louis heard a rustling sound in the pantry.

"Your parents didn't leave you much to work with, did they?"

"No." Louis shrugged. "I had to buy my own food last night."

Harry finally returned with a granola bar and glass of water.

"Here." He dropped it on the counter in front of Louis.

"As much as I would love to have the ability to eat without my hands." Louis began. "I'm not that talented yet."

"Right.." Harry opened the package up. "I forgot."

Harry took the bar out of its package, lifting it up to Louis' mouth.


Louis slowly opened his mouth, allowing him to place the food into it.

"How is it?" Harry asked, awkwardly.

"It's magical." Louis said with sarcasm. "Could I also have some water, please?"

Harry lifted the cup to his mouth, watching him drink it.

Louis smacked his lips. "Thanks."

"Yeah.." He lowered the cup, admiring Louis.

Harry couldn't help but feel a sense of enjoyment in taking care of someone..

Especially someone as good looking as Louis.

"So.. Are you single?" Harry asked, abruptly.

"Um.." Louis nodded. "Yeah. Very single."

"I'm surprised." Harry took a bite of his own. "I figured some lucky girl would have swooped you up by now."

"Yeah-" Louis looked down.

"Girl or guy." Harry interrupted. "I don't judge."

Louis paused, biting his lip. "Guy."

Harry looked up. "Huh?"

"If there was someone.. it would be a guy." Louis added.

"Oh." Harry chewed. "Me too."


Harry facepalmed, realizing he gave away some information.

"Fuck. I'm so dumb."

"Why.." Louis inquired.

"Just.. forget it." Harry stood up, shoving his chair out. "Pretend I never said anything."

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