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Harry looked down at his pocket to see his phone ringing.

It read Liam.

He flicked it open. "Hello?"

"Harry?" Liam sounded distressed. "What the fuck is going on, man? We've been calling you all night! Did you find the safe!"

"Not yet." Harry sighed. "I'm still looking."

"We don't have time for this, Harry! The parents will be coming back soon." Liam sounded annoyed. "Zayn told me something about a hostage? Where is he?"

"He's taken care of." Harry looked over at Louis as he said it.

"So.. you killed him?" Liam asked.

"No." Harry hushed his tone. "I didn't kill him, alright.. I'm gonna find the money today. I should be back at the hideout by tonight."

"What are you gonna do with the son?"


Suddenly Harry heard Zayn screaming on the other line.

"Is that him!!"

Zayn grabbed the phone from Liam.

"Harry! What the fuck! Where have you been, wheres the money!" Zayn shouted.

"I don't have it yet!" Harry grew frustrated. "I'll have it by tonight."

"I swear to God, Harry if you are not back by tonight me and Liam are gonna show up there and finish the job." Zayn threatened. "And you can best believe we will not be so kind to your little boyfriend."

"Don't threaten me!" Harry said into the phone. "I'll have it.."

"I knew we should have never trusted you."

Zayn hung up the phone, leaving Harry with a dead line.

"Fuck." Harry groaned, shoving the phone into his pocket.

Suddenly Harry's other pocket started to ring.

He looked down, grabbing Louis' phone from his pocket.

"It's your mum again." Harry stomped over to him.

"I should answer it or she might get suspicious." Louis said.

Harry gave a frustrated sigh. "Okay.. but the same rules apply. No funny business."

Louis nodded, feeling Harry press the phone up to his ear.


"Hi mum. How's everything at the cabin?"

His mum sighed. "Not so great, honey.. it turns out that some of the cabins in the area have been flooded and it looks like ours is gonna be next."

Louis' heart dropped. "Well.. w-what does that mean?"

"It means we're gonna have to cut our trip a little short. We should be home by tonight."

Louis' breathing quickened. "Um.. are you sure you want to do that?"

"Yes. We can't hang out in a flooded cabin." She chuckled. "Is everything okay, sweetie? You sound upset."

Louis tried to think of something. "I'm just kinda sad that I won't get to house sit much longer.. I've been having so much fun."

Harry furrowed his brows.

"I'm sure you'll survive, sweetheart." She laughed. "Alright, hun.. I'll call you when we're getting close."

"Okay.." He cleared his throat. "I love you, mum."

"I love you!"

Harry snapped the phone shut.

"What's going on?" Harry inquired.

Louis tried to act casual. "N-Nothing."

"You better tell me." Harry's voice darkened. "I don't like secrets."

Louis' heart began to race, having no idea how he would react to finding out his parents were coming home sooner.

"Um.. I.." Louis tried to find the words.

"Spit it out!" Harry shouted in frustration.

"My parents are coming home tonight."

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